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Da Cap'n 2099

Drunken Deputies
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Everything posted by Da Cap'n 2099

  1. Yeah, this is unnecessary (and I HATED The Last Jedi). Just live with it and hope the future films do better. That's all.
  2. They shoulda been done this a while ago to be honest.
  3. So, this was a lot of fun (as I predicted)! Pretty straight forward story (basic, barely there). Some cringe dialogue (but nothing crazy, they played the movie straight). Maybe a pinch of heart. But those monster scenes? A+! While the action and most story elements were really farfetched, who goes into a monster/kaiju movie for fucking realism? Fuck it! Go nuts! Blows Godzilla (97) out of the water (of course). And believe it or not, I think it was less boring than the first Pacific Rim (haven't seen the second one yet). I probably like PR better, but this shit gets right to the point and doesn't let up. It's a turn your brain off and just enjoy the destruction kinda flick.
  4. Is this a comic, because I will buy this.
  5. He's the new Bendis. Which only means he will suck soon.
  6. I don't know what this is, but I like it.
  7. So, we're 6 seasons in ('season' is a loose term) and it was just revealed that Paladin Lance (above) is Cuban! And it all makes perfect sense now. Haha! No one else is still watching this.
  8. Will never see Tag because Hannibal Buress. He knows why.
  9. And while I don't think it's better than Runaways yet, I do see more mature themes. It feels like a nice balance between Hulu's Runaways and the Netflix shows (leaning more towards Hulu). And, again, I didn't think I was gonna like it and kept my expectations low. Maybe it's because it's on Freeform. I've never watched their programming and, I guess, assumed it'd be girly.
  10. I don't think it's boring at all. And I agree with Bindy. It's slower, but character heavy. At least for the two mains. What I'm trying to say is they're taking major liberties with their origins because they're obscure. It doesn't feel like a comic adaption, but kinda also does. It's interesting. I thought I wasn't gonna like, but I am so far.
  11. My buddy Will (Chewtastrophe on here) is an avid gamer. I'm sure we haven't seen the last of him.
  12. These are two pretty obscure characters in the Marvel lexicon. The fact that this show even exists is fucking insane. Marvel is scraping the bottom of the barrel for stories and, meanwhile, DC can't get Superman right.
  13. And where are all the fleur-de-lis? When I lived in New Orleans every. Surface. Of. Every. Thing. Had a fleur on it. Cars, homes, businesses, billboards, people.
  14. First season of Dexter was very Miami, but that's it. Immediately you could see the change by the palm trees. Fat and bushy? Miami. Tall and skinny? Cali. Also, when one of the characters refers to Brickell as "Brick-El." It's pronounced "Brickol," brah. Oh, and it got really eye-rollingly bad when every gang member was a Mexican Cholo. Those don't exist in Miami! But the worst and most egregious error was once when Dex and Miguel where at the beach... there was mountains in the background. Mountains. Ugh.
  15. So, about one hour and 10 mins into the series they've made two references to Boston: "Townie Bitch" and Larry Bird. They film in New Orleans, but, I'm assuming, the setting is Boston. EDIT: A quick Wiki search and comic Ty (Cloak) is originally from Boston (I should've and probably knew that) so there ya go. Also, the show is pretty damn engaging so far. Haha! EDIT #2: Ok, they are in New Orleans. Haha! The writer must be from Boston tho.
  16. While JoJo is popular, I think it skirts the line between that and cultish. My Hero Academia will soon be below DBZ in star power and will be light years better in story.
  17. It blows my mind that no one is talking about this show on here. This is the best ongoing anime out right now and could, very possibly, surpass shit like Naruto and One Piece in iconic-ness or whatever (I don't see anything taking DBZ yet).
  18. Not even grindy. Just unforgivingly hard AS FUCK. Had to take a break from it for a bit because of that. But, yeah, it picks up where the book leaves off-ish.
  19. The Quiet Place and this were the two horror films I was most looking forward to this year. Glad to hear it's getting great reviews. Watching soon.
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