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Quake Movie Coming Out?

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At least the hollywood industry is making some progress here... After mortal kombat and resident evil, mabye this first person shooter will be cool. Just think of the possibilities in the action dept. Anyway, I found out about this from our good ol admin yahve. hopefully he'll post a little more info for us all.

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Why god why???.... But... but it literally has no plot! It'll come out as a really hokey sci-fi movie! Why dont they just title it "GIVE US MONEY!"


Don't get me wrong, it's possible to make a good quake movie, it's possible to make a good movie about anything, but it's not bloody likely. They'll think that the license is gonna carry it and they're gonna save money by giving it to a hack director and maybe hire a semi big name star. Quake could be made into an atmospheric horror/action movie, maybe something along the lines of aliens, or maybe with just one person, and they could play up the isolation or something. But instead, I see them spinning the camera around as fast as they can while industrial music plays in the background. Could be a great chance for a director to shine, with great lighting and fog and stuff and some real scares, but I dont see it turning out that way. Quake is being made into a movie simply because the game made lots of money, so the movie is just there to cash in, I don't think they have any intention of making a good movie. But i hope I'm surprised, I'd like to see some more details, a good action/horror movie would be refreshing.

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You know, Bruce Campell and Sam Raimi and all the makers of Evil dead and army of darkness hate duke nukem. They don't appreciate it as an homage at all, they just think it's a rip-off and that 3d realms cashed in on all of their jokes, which I think is kinda true. I wouldn't be surprised if they ran into legal trouble with lots of the jokes if they tried to make a movie.

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Quake is being made into a movie simply because the game made lots of money, so the movie is just there to cash in, I don't think they have any intention of making a good movie.

But what about Super Mario Bros? Err...what about Double Dragon? Ughh...well...


Seriously though, Final Fantasy was good, and it's proof a video game can be made into a good movie. I think, if done in a LOTR type fashion, Zelda would be a great epic flick? Any thoughts on that?

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Everyone bashes Final Fantasy. "Whats with all the plot?" "Where's the chocobos?" I dunno, i mean if ya didnt like it, fair enough, but that was the single best video game movie ive ever seen, although that's not a hard mountain to climb. Along them lines, i enjoyed Resident Evil & would see it again.

Zelda? Dunno. I dont think it'd work, strikes me as somewhere between Willow & Lord of the Rings. But i could be proven wrong. Personally, id rather just see another cartoon of it, mayb s'more comics. :link: I miss those old Nintendo Power ones.

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Yeah, those were great. I liked the Star Fox ones better, though.


As for Final Fantasy - I'm not comparin' it to any of the games. Tell you the truth, I haven't played any. So I don't give a damn that there weren't any chocobos (though, actually, there were...on Aki's pajamas at the beginning of the movie). I just think the plot coulda been worked out better. I was caught between being a great sci-fi movie or a spiritual movie - never really found a good balance. But hey, I own the dvd just because it looks so fuckin' awesome.

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Ok, now I can't remember exactly where they are, anymore. But I know I saw 'em in the movie. Twice, actually. Once, they were on Aki's pajamas, and the second time there was a chocobo sticker on some guy's briefcase. I'll hafta watch it again, though, to find where exactly they are...

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Personally, id rather just see another cartoon of it, mayb s'more comics. :link:  I miss those old Nintendo Power ones.

Remember Nester and Captain N? Aww yeah! And what was the expression Link would always use around the Princess towards the end of each show? Can't remember. It was somethign like "Ahhh, Princess!" Grrrr. Can't remember! :D


and I loved FF. It was awesome. I have no idea why it did so poorly with critics and audiences. Makes no sense to me.

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The sayin was "well, excuuuuuuuuse me, princess!" as i recall, annoyin as hell, ripped offa some movie or another but fuck i loved that cartoon anyway.


As for FF, nah i was surprised, it was dangerous. Cost Square, wha, over $160 million, and here in the states where animation means "for kids", but aimed at an older market? Sure, maybe Titan A.E. pulled it off, cant say for sure, but maybe that was the (more) famous/easily recognizable voice acting, i dunno. Just didnt have its niche; sure, the recent trend of disney/pixar/dreamworks stuff has been more inclusive of us older kids, but like it or not, its geared at the kids, whereas FF, despite the toys, clearly wasnt, i thought. 'S a tough market i think, animation for adults in U.S. theatres.

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but maybe that was the (more) famous/easily recognizable voice acting, i dunno.

FF had just as famous voice acting as TAE. Baldwin, Rhames, Busemi (sp?) vs Damon, Barrymore, Pullman, Lane, Gerafalo, Liguazamo (sp?). About the same star power, and about the saem about of hype and promotion over the voice actors in each one too.


Aww, that's right. Well, excuuuuuse me, princess. Sweet. Annoying, but brings back fond memories nonetheless.

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Guest Yahve

As the resident Quake fan, I really do want ot see this movie get finished. In my heart, my best hopes are that it lie on par with Starship Troopers. In my wildest dreams it'll match another Aliens. but fuck if it ends up like Tremors Ill still go watch it. :D


quake was meant to be 1 part suspense, 2 parts dark techno 5 parts GORE. story, who the fuck needs a story, thus its ideal for currently hollywood attention span :D

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Still off the subject, but on the Final Fantasy vs. Titan AE note...I think they're both evenly matched. Both were animated sci-fis, with about the same star power in its voices. And both did so poorly at the box office that both animation studios were forced to close down. So, yeah, about even...

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But I wonder if Final Fantasy bein somethin of a franchise name (after VII) helped it any, or hindered it...?

Still think Titan A.E. has more recognizable names overall (remember, many people dont seem to know Buscemi by name, for instance) but it dont matter since A.E. apparently didnt do that well either. I thought it did, but never looked it up...if its studio too was forced to close, then hell, that just sadly proves m'point...American markets dont quite seem ready for theatre-released mature animation. ??? Maybe one day soon.

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I had to see the trailer for that one three times or so before i was convinced it wasnt some kinda joke. Thought it was Teddy Ruxpin the first time, but that's just as bad i guess. Although, trailers like that are fun, 'casue im quite certain its a time capsule from the 80's...check out the way those bears rock on a guitar for no reason at all. Dinghy knows what im talkin bout...that's the kinda shit the 80's were all about.

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Well i think Resident Evil is a pretty good movie, to be honest it was pretty shocking in places, (then again so was some of the dialogue) but overall i liked it.


I wouldn;t pan it!


On Duke Nukem & Army's of Darkness, i believe there was another film which Duke Nukem is kinda based on, the Lead "actor" was Rowdy Roddy Piper from the WWF (WWE whatever the fuck) and it had a similar plot to the game, apart from this guy could see the aliens through his sunglasses, otherwise they were invisible, don't know the name of the film, but according to my source it has all them lines in it too! ???


On Quake. it would make a cool action flick, but i think Doom would be a better one, or Wolfenstein! They'd make good Video Game to Movie transfers! in my opinion at least.


also MGS2 although is like a film, i think it'd make a good film in its own right!


thats enough for now!

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final fantasy had a plot with gea like what most of the final fantasy games go into. Because the plot was less understood, i believe it lost the average moviegoer. Other animated films like titan ae and dreamworks animated stuff usually have this i feel good and fuzzy all over feel when you walk out of the theater. It pisses me off that things have to work this way. What happened to tragedy? everyone knows john woo's HK flicks are better. Now they got fuzzy endings!@


Back to quake. like the comic book-movie transitions, they are getting better. now we can quite possibly see the change in video game movies- one can only hope. once we break the barrier, we will see better actors, directors, and scripts. again, it's gotta start somewhere and i think that quake is a great place to make an awesome action film.

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