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fuck you, its a sport


i honestly havent played much since i was a kid (had to re-learn what pieces do what recently, if that tells you anything) but at some point, the game when from being one of those dumb taboos as a kid to its rightful place of awesomness, when it clicked for me that the RZA, John Wayne, etc basically all the guys i thought were cool as shit were huge chess buffs. a lot of these guys'd say things about how you knew a bit've a man's character from how he played, and i also recall that clicking when watching Xavier & Magneto play according to their philosophies at the end of X1 - as i recall, Xavier was trying to save every piece on the board, whilst Mags used his pawns aggressively and was clearly ready to sacrifice any piece for a victory.


Having just started up again, im 1-1 against Kertins, who's no slouch herself, but ive a lot to learn about strategy - RZA's recent book had a number of gambits he considered cheap, but efficient; ill look them up and list them here later. Anyone else a player?

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We grew up playing chess, infact I think my dad taught Rachael, too. Ray and I stayed inside everyday during recess and played chess (I was alergic to something on the playground, idk, not that that makes me any less of a nerd). We got pretty good at it, but were not near as good as my brother. He played in and won tournaments against adults starting in fifth grade. Once my brother started beating me in chess I switched to cribbage. I still always win at that.

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what's a cribbage? and that's awesome ames! did you have any particular strategies? i know playing's the best way to learn, but id really like to get some better ideas; right now, im playing too much like i box - defensively, waiting for openings, etc. i need to move more aggressively and make those openings happen.

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  • 2 months later...
fuck you, its a sport

I got credit for playing chess during P.E. in high school. Trufax.


And I'm a so-so player. I've never bothered learning any real strategy as I'm: 1. too lazy and 2. have a piss-poor memory. We need to get a lil' Hondo's online chess club going. Those w/ iPhone's can use a free app called Chess with Friends (lite) to play online. I'm "Mr. Hakujin" (space and caps match) on there. There's also yahoo games and www.redhotpawn.com that I've used in the past...it's been a while since I played a real game though.

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It's been forevs since I've played Chess. And Amy, if I remember right, you taught me :sad:


I played hard against my dad. He would let me win sometimes, and we both knew it, but the day I beat him with skill is a day I'll never forget <3


I want to start playing again!

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I've never been really good but I do love to play. If you set up an online tourney, I'll definitely join up. Maybe yahoo games provides something like that I don't know. I much prefer to play in person though, online board gaming kinda weirds me out.

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I've never been really good but I do love to play. If you set up an online tourney, I'll definitely join up. Maybe yahoo games provides something like that I don't know. I much prefer to play in person though, online board gaming kinda weirds me out.


I feel that way about online strip poker. I always feel like the other person is cheating.

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This belongs HERE.


Chess is a recognized sport of the International Olympic Committee, and is led by the FIDE.


haku - ill check out redhotpawn, would that be easier than yahoo? im down to learn/practice if any of you are up late.

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the International Olympic Committee > some close-minded dude you found on google.


stop trollin'.


haku & yahven (for the new page): lemme know which site you guys end up on, whatever's easier.

hmm...i'm not sure if you can create a tourney on those sites i mentioned. i've only played individual games. nick, you've got an iPhone. DL the Chess with Friends app and find me on there. same name as on hondo's.

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aw, man...i never use the wifi on this thing. like, ever. ill look up the app, though, could be fun.

im not talking tourneys; i was just talking individual games, myself.

i never use the wifi on mine either. in fact, ireland will likely be the most use out of it i'll get as i'm likely not bringing a laptop over there. get on there and set up a game. it's dead easy. no time limits either. jump on it!

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^^yep. i play the free version though. it pops up an ad after your move, but it doesn't really bug me. no ads is the only advantage to the pay version. no need to schedule a game. just find me on there and "create a game." no time limits. you can literally take weeks to play a game. it'll also send you push notices when it's your turn to play so you don't have to go back and check. you can play up to 20 games at once. you can also "pass-n-play" with someone in person. it's a sweet app.


same company makes a scrabble game i'm addicted to called words with friends. i'm in love w/ both the apps. ash has made mention of her dislike, as whenever i've a free minute i'm like a tweener w/ my eyes glued to the phone playing my turns on all the games i've got going.

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  • 1 month later...

so ive been slowly working on my chess game - still playing too defensively, could use improvement...then i come across quantum chess WTF




Wismath wrote the game based on ideas from computer science professor Selim Akl at Queens. Akl wanted to make the process of predicting chess moves using computers more difficult. In order to achieve this, he decided to have the pieces mimic the way particles like electrons and atoms behave according to the laws of quantum mechanics.


Any given piece (aside from the king) has multiple quantum states. A pawn might also be a queen; a knight a bishop, and so on. The player doesn't know how the piece is going to move until he or she touches it, which forces it to settle into one state.


you can try it out here, apparently, i just cant load it from work.

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I started playing chess on the old school gameboy back when I was 12. After that, my grandfather showed me general strategy and that helped a lot.


I played a lot in my late teens and early twenties. During that period I had terrible anxiety and insomnia so I would smoke grass all night and play chess online. At that point in my life, chess was more about making unorthodox moves to create interesting traps.


I haven't played in about a year now.

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