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  • 2 years later...



more pre-E3 madness, though this could very well be true


Wada: Square “looking into” FF Versus XIII for 360





Holy shit, Batman! Square Enix boss Yoichi Wada has come out and said that an Xbox 360 version of Final Fantasy Versus XIII is being looked into.


Speaking at an investor meeting during the release of the company’s financials – which saw big brother Final Fantasy XIII sell over 5-and-a-half million units in its fiscal year ending March 31, 2010 – Wada said the following comment when asked if Versus was jumping ship from PS3, caught by Impress Watch:

“We’ll be looking into it internally until right before the formal announcement.”


Since its reveal at E3 2006, Final Fantasy Versus XIII has remained a PS3 exclusive, even when FFXIII jumped to Xbox 360 at E3 2008.


Director Tetsuya Nomura said last year the game’s formal reveal would most likely be coming at E3 next month, although that may potentially not happen now, according to comments made by him in February.


Whatever the circumstances, do not keep your eyes off Matrick for one second on June 14, when Microsoft’s E3 presser takes place.


We will be there, of course, to see if Wada taps his shoulder again or not.


FFXIII and FF Versus XIII are part of a three game trilogy, alongside Final Fantasy Agito XIII, known as the Fabula Nova Crystalis saga.

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yeah, if i recall, he was quite adamant about that not happening, wasn't he? still, not official but shoulda seen it coming at least since XIII went over, with the budget & all. i recall you calling this one a while back.

oh, and wiki actually had characters/plot details going. this is up there with Metal Gear Rising in my "not sure what to make of this yet" book.

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i can see that. again, i still know next to nothing about it, i just thought it looked interesting for hopes that it might look to tell a smaller/quieter story than XIII proper shot for: i.e., MGS3's scope vs that of part 4.

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Why does his sword have an engine? :birf:


Square-Enix is just trying to out do Gears of War because they out did them with the Gunsaw.


Although it kind of looks like a whippersnipper.


*puts on gruff voice*

Part time hero, part time gardener, he is all man, with girly haircut

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yeah, if i recall, he was quite adamant about that not happening, wasn't he? still, not official but shoulda seen it coming at least since XIII went over, with the budget & all. i recall you calling this one a while back.

oh, and wiki actually had characters/plot details going. this is up there with Metal Gear Rising in my "not sure what to make of this yet" book.


He went on a rant for a while when Final Fantasy XIII went to the 360.


FFXIII was a bit of a clusterfuck when it came to the budget. Money went to making the Crystal Tools, bad management, development time got bloated and who knows what else was going on.

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i gotta see that rant. Nomura's a weird, zipper-loving guy.

you're right about the messy budget, im wondering how that affects this one. figure the engine's done (god, they should consider selling it), the Kingdom hearts games are out, what's left for the studio? Did the last Dragon Quest make it out the gate yet ?

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  • 8 months later...

new trailer's out, for as long as they host it anyway. still no release date, still only for PS3 at this point.


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Official site: http://www.square-enix.co.jp/fabula/versus13/



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  • 5 months later...



Moving on to a general development update, Nomura siad that because they're trying out a lot of new challenges, the development staff is still focused on the core members. However, they're making preparations to enter full production.


Not in the "FULL PRODUCTION" phase yet?!

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  • 1 year later...


FFXIII announced

FF VERSUS XIII announced

FF AGITO XIII announced


FFXIV announced

FFXIII released


FFXIV released


FFXIII-2 announced

FF AGITO XIII renamed to FF TYPE-0

FF TYPE-0 released

FFXIII-2 released


FFXIV A REALM REBORN re-launch announced





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  • 9 months later...
LOS ANGELES, June 11, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- SQUARE ENIX, Inc., the publisher of SQUARE ENIX® interactive entertainment products in the Americas, today announced FINAL FANTASY® XV for the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One®, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft.
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