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Cause you can't spell harassment without ASS!


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So here's the story: Mexican sports reporter goes to New York to interview Jets' quarterback Mark Sanchez (which has Mexican ancestry) during practice and is harassed by the rest of the team. Reports indicate that the level of harassment was words, whistles and cat calls. Also, players were throwing footballs in her general direction so that they could get near her. The reporter in question is Ines Sainz and she says the action of the players is nothing new. While she doesn't like what they said or did, she doesn't have that much of a problem with it either. She said that she came there to do a job and that's it. The people blowing this outta proportion is the media.


Now, I've heard somewhere that a couple years ago she went to go interview Tom Brady in a wedding dress and asked him to marry her as a joke, cause he's hot. Is that not the same thing? Also, I'm asking this: (this is what she was wearing to the Sanchez interview)


Is that professional if you are a reporter? Ok, what's wrong with this situation everyone? Let's discuss...




what's wrong? women like that who use their bodies and sex to exploit dumb men a.k.a. athletes and ofcourse, why not dress up like a sloar while doing your job; that's why they hired her in the first place, not because she is a rocket scientist. I do not think its harassment, in my opinion, as you prob already know you get what is coming. If she doesn't want the attention then don't ask for it. There are more ways to be attractive.


Ok, I can tell you that 3/4 of my wardrobe looks like and I'm not trying to pick up anyone. A combination of a nice body and casual clothes that show off your figure does not mean you're "asking for it".


What the guys did is hitting on her. Its only harassment if she has a problem with it, which she doesn't. Most women with a body like that know that men's IQs drop a few points around them and are tolerant of it.




@F.L.I.P - What the hell is a sloar?


Ok, I can tell you that 3/4 of my wardrobe looks like and I'm not trying to pick up anyone. A combination of a nice body and casual clothes that show off your figure does not mean you're "asking for it".


What the guys did is hitting on her. Its only harassment if she has a problem with it, which she doesn't. Most women with a body like that know that men's IQs drop a few points around them and are tolerant of it.




@F.L.I.P - What the hell is a sloar?


I hear that point of view, but he was asking if it was professional to dress like that while doing your job. I encourage people to love their bodies but when you are dressing like that just for attention its a lil pathetic, and ofcourse she doesn't have a problem with what the guys did whether it be good or bad attention because she wanted it ;-)


ooh and sloar = slut + hoar a term coined by the Kardashian sisters ! (go figure)


See, that's not slutty. That's casual. So her jeans are tough and her ass is nice. Doesn't make her slutty.



agreed. casual but still not professional despite arguable sluttyness


How many male journalists at a training camp wear suits? It's mostly polos. You can see in the photo with the mic showing she is wearing a blouse over a tank. Casual but not unprofessional for sports reporting


<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DrRE1LDY_U?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DrRE1LDY_U?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DrRE1LDY_U?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>


Only with hers and not Jim Carreys ass.


Heh. Baytor said it best. Those are ass jeans. She knows she attracts attention, because it's happened before. Now it's about CONTINUING to get that attention. She KNOWS what she's got and flaunting it. I don't think it's professional.


More pics for Jay.



I have to admit... that ass is more spectacular than Spider-Man.


  • 1 month later...

You are so worried about a sports reporters professionalism? First of all, if I have to watch sports, there had better be some kind of hotness to keep my attention, and I don't see any cheerleaders. Second, if she doesn't mind the attention she's getting, why do you? I wpuld understand the scorn if she were complaining about it, or dressing really scandalous (sorry, tight jeans and a collered shirt is nothing. You should take a peek at my wardrobe). I don't get what all the hate is about. I can see a chick complaining out of jealousy, but a guy? Drool, and move on.


It's a distraction is all I was trying to say. Can men behave? No, but she knew what she was doing. She's flaunting her 'assets' and there's no need in that line of work. It's unprofessional.


She's paid to do a job. Cover sports. Not disrupt teams and the media itself. She should quit and be a model... I'm sure that's the plan.


all that might be true (amy's got a point though, she's not in a bikini or anything)...but the dudes are also, pros, trying to give a pass with "boys will be boys" doesn't fly any better.


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