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The Fight Club


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  • 11 months later...

FIGHT CLUB is about one man's "fight" to uncover his own sexuality


Jack (Norton) is not sure whether or not he's a heterosexual or a homosexual, and he must go through this entire journey, this "fight" if you will, to uncover his true tendencies.


Why do I say that? Many reasons.


1) The film begins with Jack having a gun in his mouth (obvious phallic symbol symbolizing...well, you know!)


2) The film skips over to the next scene which features a meeting aptly titled "REMAINING MEN TOGETHER" which features men who no longer have testicules (a physical feature which clearly sets men apart from women), and one man with actual women's breasts. (i.e. this is where Jack tries to remain a heterosexual..."remaining men together")


3) Eventually, Jack has to call someone for help when his life turns upside down and he tries Marla first (heterosexuality). He quickly decides against it and then goes for Tyler (homosexuality). He makes up this imaginary guy who just happens to be one of the best looking guys around! (not a coincidence)


4) The two men set up an exclusive "club for men". Check.


5) In a conversation scene in the bathroom between the two men, Tyler says to Jack, "I don't know if another woman is the solution for us" (i.e. maybe homosexuality is the option for us).


6) Being in his "homosexual" state, Jack soon gets jealous of Tyler's attention to another man, Angel Face, and ends up destroying his good looks.


Jack also doesn't like it when Tyler "does it" with Marla because Tyler is going to the other side (heterosexuality).


6) The final scene features Jack telling us that all of the destruction and guns have to do with a girl named "Marla". I never got the connection between "project mayhem" and Marla, but if the entire psychological charade was for Jack to uncover his true sexuality, then yes indeed, the destruction and mayhem was definitely about a girl named "Marla", and Jack's quest to discover if he really loved her.


In the end, he realizes that he does love her and tells her so.


7) The final line in the film has Jack telling Marla "you met me at a very strange time in my life" (i.e. you met me at a time where I was questioning my own sexuality).


1) At the airport baggage terminal, Jack gets stopped for having a dildo in his luggage, although he denies "ownership".


2)Freud often spoke of the genital phase of development where "the parent of the opposite sex is conclusively abandoned in favour of a more suitable love object able to reciprocate reproductively useful passion". If we really wanted to overanalyze this, Jack rejects the mother figure, Marla, for Tyler (father) who he can better relate and consequently bond with.


3)Freud's concept of "castration anxiety" is often cited as the basis for sadomasochistic tendencies. Jack spends time with "testicle-less" men, confronting his own fears of castration, thus driving him to an S&M directed lifestyle, the beatings of Fight Club. Also , men (or children) intrinsically fear women because of this anixety (they think women will cut off their...), thus finding comfort amongst each other, hence homosexuality.



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  • 3 weeks later...

So... This thread's about a gay version of FC? Which Arc & Isa love? Or is Don pointing out a movie that's kinda become a cornerstone of our generation & put in the wrong thread but 2T has deigned worthy of a homo-tangent? 'Tever, have yet to read the book, heard this is one've Palahniuk's weakest. Movie's one've the best in the whole medium though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh man too funny! You should start a new thread in the Mystery Hondos 3000 forum called something like "Fantasy Trailers" or "Mock Trailers", and this should be the first on the list. Or heck I might start it for you! I seen several others (especially a hilarious spoof of Back to the Future and Brokeback Mountain) that could also go on there.

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Oh man too funny! You should start a new thread in the Mystery Hondos 3000 forum called something like "Fantasy Trailers" or "Mock Trailers", and this should be the first on the list. Or heck I might start it for you! I seen several others (especially a hilarious spoof of Back to the Future and Brokeback Mountain) that could also go on there.


That's an awesome idea! Do... do we have one already? I can't remember. I guess not! I have a few others that I could throw there myself.

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