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Game Magazines


Video Game mags  

9 members have voted

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My feelings:


Gamepro - almost relevant cause it came out pretty early (got a free copy with Mario 3, i think) but outside of tips & tricks, this mag was worthless. I just liked the Adventures of Gamepro comic they ran back then.


EGM - was the big shit for a while, then they got too big and made 2 mags, both mediocre. I liked their import stuff once in a while, their annual awards were fun, the Sheng Long april fool's was classic too. Quarterman was a damn liar with all his rumors, and Trickman Terry offers free video games if they print your tips you send in, so i sent in one for Mario All-Stars, right? They printed it, verbatim, without my name and i didnt get shit. Fucking EGM.


Game Player's was my personal favorite, this guy Chirs Slate had good reviews, and for a while, the book went fucking crazy, like in the mid 90's. the mailbag alone was worth it for the insanity. plus, they pointed out good sleeper hits to me, like Suikoden.


Nintendo Power - cant argue with a mag whose first issue had a pull-out map of where to find all the heart containers in the 2nd quest of Zelda. They were great for tips (thier guides were amzing for NES, the few they did) back in the day, but its hard to swallow reviews from the same company that makes the games. "We love our shit! 11/10!"

But man, the Mario and Zelda SNES comics were classic.


Gamefan - I dug them, not for reviews, but previews - glossy pages of japanese games id never play would make me drool, and their comics were funny too. Ill never forgive them for:

1) convincing me to buy Tail of the Sun for PS1: "innovative! revolutionary!" its a fucking caveman sim, and its as gay as that sounds.

2) they cashed a check for like $25 for a subscription they never sent me, and ignored my hatemail.


PSM - in the Playstation 1's heyday, i thought this was the best mag on the market: solid reviews (if it got high scores and i bought it, itd be good), bonus shit like stickers, and good coverage of the games i was into then (Symphony of the Night, FF VIII, Metal Gear Soild etc). Now i read it and it just looks thrown together.


VG&CE was crap (i didnt have time for mags that coudlnt decide if they were for consoles or PC), Sega Visions was a free Genesis one from Sega but it was sad cause i lived on Haitain drive and found out they were mailing my magazines to some poor bastard in Haiti.

I forget the other ones, so that speaks for them. Oh! Bishop will remember, there was this one that took itself very serously, interviewed designers and talked like it was the adult gaming mag, al professional-like, they had interesting shit once in a while.

I fucking adored fanzines tho (small, indy mags that guys'd put out with honest reviews, found out about all kinds of classic 16-bit ones the big mags woudlnt review that way).


Anyway....do you still think these mags are relevant? I didnt a few years ago, when IGN, Gamespot, the GIA and quality game sites were free with everything from trailers to reviews, but i cant name you one game site offhand that i check on a frequent basis anymore, even Tokyopia isnt updated much. Magazines gotta have some really special shit for me to shell out $5+ for them nowadays....what about you?

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I think that magazines are a mixed bag. Sometimes, they have pull out maps, reviews, demo etc, and ya just have to spring for it...


On the other hand, with being online , you have a better deal and don't necessarily have to spring for the mag.


Sources that I think give great gaming coverage...






Game Informer

Electronic Gaming Monthly

Official Xbox Magazine


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Game Informer's good? i thought people just got it for the Gamestop discount.

And that X-Box mag looks good, i havent read it but the demo disc looks like its worth it for that alone. Oh, i forgot, i used to pay a bit for Playstation Undgrground - it had intereviews, demos, video demos, and even memory card downloads, shit was cool, but it came out quarterly and wasnt cheap.

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  • 1 month later...

The one cowboy was talking about was Next Generation, far and away my favorite mag ever. They had amazing interviews and great freature stories, their reviews on the other hand sucked. They had journalistic integrity in a time when every other mag was amateurish. They get my vote.


Some other great ones were the late years of Game Players, VG&CE which I thought was well put together, and Elecronic Games, which aslo had great feature stories.


Now I read game informer, even though their integrity is shit, and EGM, the stories are sometimes interesting. Those of you who were gamefan fanatics check out PLAY, I think that it is utter crap, but it does have the best screenshots, and it basically gamefan reborn. Same editor and everything.

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Next Generation! that's the one. I didnt even remember their reviews, so yeah, that speaks for that. Great, great interviews though, they took shit really seriously while Game Players had sections on inside jokes of dead lizard warriors and cheese.


VG&CE - really? Again, anytime you had PCs and consoles under the same wing, id feel i was reading Gamepro - kinda all over the place, and mediocre revews.

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Now that I think about it though, for a long time GameFan was my favorite, especially during the 16 bit days. Man oh man I remember spending proabably hours reading and rereading the previews for games like Lunar 2 and Phantasy Star IV. As I grew older though, I realized just how bad theri reviews were. They would drop like 20 points offof a game for the stupidest reasons. I remember one time when Street FIghter Alpha first came out they gave the saturn a lesser review because the shadows were a different color than the PS one. The funny thing was, was the different color for the super move shadows was actually trying to make them look superior over the arcade version, but the oiriginal colors were still available.


That and blasting Lunar 2 because of the script, which caused a lot of bad blood between them and WD.


VC&CE was one of the few mags back in the day that had feature stories that weren't previews, so I gave them props for that.

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  • 1 month later...

Man, i did, like forever.

its got this claymation Mario 2 onna front as i recall, and the most useful pull out ever: the entire overworld map to Zelda 1's second quest, showing all the rupee locations, dungeons, and most importanly, heart containers.

i had boxes of NP, gamepro, diehard gamefan, EGM, PSM and the like, a storm and boxes onna garage's floor saw an end to that many years ago, sadly.

i think i salvaged the old-ass EGMs with the annual awards, i used to dig those, even tho i woudlnt often agree.

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  • 1 month later...

FUCK!!! This is another tough choice. For me, its between PSM and GAMEFAN. I still got a box of both too...and Nintendo Power (Silver MegamanX issue was the shyt!).

imagesxj5.jpg images1yv9.jpg

But yeah, PSM with thier artists connection with guys like Adam Hughes, Joe Mad, and J. Scott Campbell...and the FUCKING STICKERS...fuck it...PSM wins my vote.

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i never saw that silver issue, looks cool tho. Nintendo Power was the shit in the day.


PSM was top notch, too. Stickers, free guides, good reviews back then too - only one i subscribed too in college, still have stickers on my PS1 lid and memory cards. Hats off to them for gettin me to play al otta quality games i might notve tried if they didnt push em as much.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 3 years later...

i didn't even remember Next Gen, that's cold.


EU had some interesting magazines going (scene looked better overall too - after NP's final issue in a few weeks, who's left? Game Informer, possibly EGM but im not even sure about them), my new favorite has been Retro Gamer, but it's $10 an issue over here. might still sub when i have more $ - Edge had a great interview with Platinum this month too, they're another one i'd prolly support more if it wasnt for the import markup.

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I had a video game magazine problem back in the day. I read damn near about everything i could get my hands on. I would cut pictures out of magazines and tape them to my binders like some kind of twisted art project. EGM was my fave in terms of content but I never shied away from the other ones. I still have a lot of the old Nintendo Powers, like Castlevania 2. (fuck i have a box of wizard mags ive considered tossing from when it first came out)


I don't buy AS many these days, and when I do it's usually Retro Gamer and its sister publication.

Edited by Bindusara
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I had a video game magazine problem back in the day. I read damn near about everything i could get my hands on. I would cut pictures out of magazines and tape them to my binders like some kind of twisted art project.


ahaha...and then there were two~

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EGM used to be my go to magazine. They had some good shit in there. I was a fan of Gamepro as well. I think the only game mag I still get (I barely read it anymore) is game informer just cause it comes with my Gamestop card.


I also used to get this one called Tips and Tricks. It was major shit. Poorly written and cheesy as hell, but I bought it for the 20 pages of cheat codes they put in the back of the book.

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When I was small, my gaming mags were few and far between. I had a couple of Gamepros that I read over and over and a few Nintendo Powers.

I got on the ground floor with imaginatively named Videogames Magazine, which spun off into Tips & Tricks. That shit was brilliant before stuff like Gamefaqs.

I would buy EGM and Official Dreamcast Magazine from time to time around the turn of the century. I think the only mag I've bought regularly in the last decade or so was OXM, and I haven't gotten one of those in well over a year.

Of course, I get Game Informer every month. It's fine. I wouldn't BUY it, but it doesn't fill me with rage or anything.

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oh man axels...of course you were a gamepro fan


yeah id see tips & tricks pretty consistently around...late 90s maybe? definitely 2000's, but like you said it was kinda garbage and by then id have websites for cheat codes (i used cheatcodecentral until gamefaqs got their shit going). that was one of the few id never really pick up.


i also didn't really do the "official (x) magazine" much unless there was a demo disc, i mean the Playstation one coudln't hang with PSM for years there.


*edit SHIT loggins now i want my official Dreamcast mags back (sega visions too!), that was the exception to my rule there. id still buy that one at publix even when all the copies had their demo disc jacked...man we searched through a few places before finding that one with the first UFC demo on it, shit was brutal

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