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So I was watching King of the Hill a few weeks ago, which I don't watch regular but I enjoy when I do, and it got me thinking about Office Space and why Mike Judge never followed it up with another feature film. So I checked it out and discovered the story of Idiocracy. It goes something like this.


Mike Judge gets the go-ahead from Fox to direct his screenplay, Idiocracy. Luke Wilson stars. It gets made and the studio is not happy with it. Between it's anti-corporate message and making fun of stupid people, Fox decided they do not want to distribute this movie. They run no commercials, trailers, send out no press kits and send out barely any posters. It got released in 125 theaters for only a few weeks. It did this to fulfill a minimal contractual obligation to distribute it.


So, seeing as I liked Office Space so much, and the pitch was funny and unique, I decided to buy it




Joe Bauer, an Army librarian, is judged to be absolutely average in every regard, has no relatives, has no future, so he's chosen to be one of the two test subjects in a top-secret hibernation program. He and hooker Rita were to awaken in one year, but things go wrong and they wake up instead in 2505. By this time, stupid people have outbred intelligent people; the world is (barely) run by morons--and Joe and Rita are the smartest people in America.


So, this movie was pretty good, but sadly, which such a cool idea, its ambitions vastly exceed its reach. It could have used alot of tweaking to make it feel like a fully-formed story instead of a mismashed project. Suspension of disbelief is difficult if you think to hard about how the world couldn't function (even as poorly as it did function) without some kind of smart people. The more you can not think about how it doesn't make sense there is still some semblance of infrastructure, technology, and macro-order, the more you'll enjoy the jokes. There's also the looming uneasiness that comes from feeling that you're having social Darwinism preached to you.


All in all, a movie worth checking out. 7 out of 10.

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i thought it was really funny, particularly

the buildings being tied together to keep them from falling, the secretary of education, and the time masheen with the dinosaurs.



kertins and i laughed and laughed. i think you just can't take the movie too seriously, like you said about suspending your disbelief.

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  • 2 months later...

Y'know, I'm only up to the part when Supes takes the plane down onto the baseball diamond and so far I'm liking it. Maybe I should turn it off so not to turn myself off any further Bryan Singer superendeavors.


I watched Idiocracy last night finally. It wasn't the best movie, but it had a short enough running time and enough hit (though a whole lotta miss) gags to keep me entertained.

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  • 8 months later...

I liked it. I get what you're aying about it not being what it COULD have been Jax, but overall, it was entertaining, and held a lot of truth. I love that the idea of Big Brother was replaced with Carl's Jr. That was fucking hilarious. And UPGRAYDD! That shit was priceless.

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