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Figure Prints Contest


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Here's the deal: I want a figurine of my 70 Undead Warlock pretty bad.


To get one, I have to win the Lottery on The Figure Prints Website


Wanna help? Make an account there and PM me the account name(s) and password(s) you make.


Now for the rules:


If my own accounts win the lotto, no prize will be given.


You must check the e-mail account(s) you signed up with on March 14th, and let me know if your account won. You may also need to provide me with the link that gets me in to the part of the website that allows me to make my statue.


If there's a tie, the winner will be selected random-like similar to the system in Werewolf.


The winner gets a prize. (No, I'm not gonna be a cheapskate)


Good Luck!

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Here's the deal: I want a figurine of my 70 Undead Warlock pretty bad.


To get one, I have to win the Lottery on The Figure Prints Website


Wanna help? Make an account there and PM me the account name(s) and password(s) you make.


Now for the rules:


If my own accounts win the lotto, no prize will be given.


You must check the e-mail account(s) you signed up with on March 14th, and let me know if your account won. You may also need to provide me with the link that gets me in to the part of the website that allows me to make my statue.


If there's a tie, the winner will be selected random-like similar to the system in Werewolf.


The winner gets a prize. (No, I'm not gonna be a cheapskate)


Good Luck!


Ha you are shameless my friend :misty: I'm tempted to go stuff the ballot box just so I can hold it inches from your face and laugh maliciously. But this is problematic as I don't play World of Warcraft so wouldn't work.

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Or... you could go the legitimate route, enter when you're able, and wait your turn just like the rest of us. Not many people can afford the 150 bucks it costs to have one made so not that many people will enter. Winning the lottery just means you get to design one before anyone else, you still have to pay for it. :misty:

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Or... you could go the legitimate route, enter when you're able, and wait your turn just like the rest of us. Not many people can afford the 150 bucks it costs to have one made so not that many people will enter. Winning the lottery just means you get to design one before anyone else, you still have to pay for it. :misty:


Just to spite him we should all make accounts and scrounge up 50 bucks together then make a human dressed in all pink clothing and name him "Snatch Gobblecoque" and then send it to him with a note that says "HA HA!"


Dream smashing is a hobby of mine.

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Just to spite him we should all make accounts and scrounge up 50 bucks together then make a human dressed in all pink clothing and name him "Snatch Gobblecoque" and then send it to him with a note that says "HA HA!"


Dream smashing is a hobby of mine.


Well, the platform your FigurePrint stands on has your character name on it automatically. But I'm sure I could find a server that would let me use the name "Gobblecoque".



-rubs hands together with malevolent grin- Nyahahaha...

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Heh thanks alot.. fuckers. :misty:


:misty: Let's see you work for 2 years on a character and have some random fuck make one to spite you. Ha ha funny. But if yer REALLY willing to spend the $150 on a prectical joke, my hat's off to you.

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You know... I'm sorry, but I can't have sympathy for you, Benny. I understand you spent a lot of time putting your character together, so did the rest of us. Trust me, I have a few characters I'd give my left tit to see as a custom figurine sitting on my desk. So why not make things fair? That's why this lottery system is in place - To make sure everyone gets a fair shot. I want one of my toon, DJ wants one of his toon, it's a new concept and everyone wants in on it. You've already put yourself ahead of the masses by accepting that if you win, you pay money to get the figurine, and entering your name. So you didn't win this month, big deal. Try it again. Who knows, you may get some epic new weapon or piece of armor before your time is ready and you'll be thankful that you waited. Ballot stuffing isn't the answer for anything, not in-game, not in real life. It's petty. It's this "I want it NOW" mentality that's fucked up the economy of the whole game, no thanks to the gold farming industry and people who are willing to lie, steal, and cheat their way to the top instead of working for it honestly.

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Honey, if you don't win it, I will somehow find a way and buy it for you...mmmmmkay? No need to enlist the masses...


Ah but see, that's the thing. He can't even win it. What he's trying to win is the opportunity to buy it. Hey Benny, if you want one so bad and so immediately you could always buy one of those WoW-themed laptops. They come with it. :misty:

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Ah but see, that's the thing. He can't even win it. What he's trying to win is the opportunity to buy it. Hey Benny, if you want one so bad and so immediately you could always buy one of those WoW-themed laptops. They come with it. :misty:


Hey... I'd drop 5k on that... if it was a mac. ;) :misty:

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Thanks Aarty, love.


And eh this has become the "shit on Ben because he's trying to stuff the ballot box in his favor" thread so eff it. Nothing's stopping you guys from doing the same if you wanted, but whatevs.


180 days /played on my lock btw, and he's not getting anything anytime soon since I'm not in a raiding guild... and won't be.


Matter of fact the character in Question, Anathemus


Along with my Pally, Greyskul


will be making the move to the Hondo's server, Duskwood once I'm back in the game. I'll be there to help quest/gather/instance/enchant/and if we ever got the numbers (and other certain criteria were met) raiding.

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will be making the move to the Hondo's server, Duskwood once I'm back in the game. I'll be there to help quest/gather/instance/enchant/and if we ever got the numbers (and other certain criteria were met) raiding.

Excellent... What kind of criteria?

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Excellent... What kind of criteria?


Er... just make sure everyone pays attention and listens, which from all I know about everyone, yall seem like you'd do fine. Just past experience in guild where people didn't listen, didn't pay attention, wanted to do things their own individual way, other stupid BS... well let's just say those will seriously mess up not only a raid, but a guild. Granted, learning new content, you always have repair bills, and you should not be afraid of that. But there's making progress, and then there's senseless repair bills.


Anywho, I'll be in it to help the guild. Probably mostly on my pally to heal it up because it's not easy to find healers, to keep the raid alive. Not to brag or anything, but I 2-healered Nightbane in Kara on him with mostly greens.

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oh my christ, so much drama in human-filled RPG's. this is why i stuck with softcore diablo/phantasy star online. :eh:

god bless my robotic NPC's in all else.


Trust me, I have a few characters I'd give my left tit to see as a custom figurine sitting on my desk.


Ma'am, would you kindly step into my office? :love:

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Er... just make sure everyone pays attention and listens, which from all I know about everyone, yall seem like you'd do fine. Just past experience in guild where people didn't listen, didn't pay attention, wanted to do things their own individual way, other stupid BS... well let's just say those will seriously mess up not only a raid, but a guild. Granted, learning new content, you always have repair bills, and you should not be afraid of that. But there's making progress, and then there's senseless repair bills.


Anywho, I'll be in it to help the guild. Probably mostly on my pally to heal it up because it's not easy to find healers, to keep the raid alive. Not to brag or anything, but I 2-healered Nightbane in Kara on him with mostly greens.

*Looks up from the tv, a mildly distracted look on his face*


I'm sorry, what?

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Well like I said everyone here seems to be good raiding material, so I'd definitely raid with you guys if we had the numbers.


I just have memories of stupid stuff happening in former guilds - example - this girl that always got drunk... had a few too many when we were attempting Vaelestraz the Corrupt in Nef's Lair.. accidentally pressed forward, pulled him, wiped the raid. GG. Accidents happen, but stuff like that on a consistent basis.. yeah.


As far as experience - I've raided with some pretty good guilds. Before the expansion I've gone as far as the Twin Emperors in AQ, and I was the Warlock Tank on them. Post-Expansion, I've cleared Kara on both my Pally and Lock, cleared Gruul's Lair, and attempted Magtheradon, SSC and The Eye. I've also downed Doom Lord Kazzak and Doomwalker.


Looking forward to the future of the Hondo's Guild. ^_^

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