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Hondo's Bar

Blargh - The Random Thread


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Personally, my dream as a musician is to have my own band, who performs numerous cool-sounding songs with insightful lyrics.

Then, one day, we'll make it big for a minute and get the song we hate performing to have 2 of its chorus lines stripped & looped during one of those fancy, manipulative trailers for a mediocre movie.  You know, the ones they play every other commercial break, sometimes twice.

People will get so sick of the song, having not actually heard the whole thing, and associate it with the shit movie.  We'll be the next Nickelback, one of those groups everyone hates without actually having heard anythin of us, much less know our name.

Which is cool, 'cause it was just a trailer song; they never feature those on the actual soundtracks, anyway.

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You go to school. You are, of course, naked. You go about your day as normal. You wake up. Now I ask you this, which is worse? The fact that you're stupid enough to go to school naked, or that no one even noticed?


Sigh, no one shall answer me, for this thread is random....

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I don't know if this is quite the place, but I had to tell somebody. I'm quite depressed.


I've been doing work on the side as a circus organiser - I'm responsible for sorting out our various acts and putting together the show. But yesterday my main attraction, Dum Dum the human cannonball, had a tragic accident and died.


Sure, we could hire another human cannonball act, but we've invested a lot into Dum Dum. You see, he's a midget and we had a small cannon especially cast for him - another guy just wouldn't fit.


Yes, we'll not see an artist of his caliber again.

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I love that "just saw a great movie" high.  And nobody around you is complaining about being dragged there anymore everybody is just kinda smiling and walking.  I think there are still two or three people I know that haven't seen minority report yet... they must be "persuaded" as well...



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No matter how high tech and stream line and gel-squishy and built for buttock conformity it is, after 100 miles, that bicycle seat hurts the ass something awful. For a week you're walking like you just got out of jail and your cellmate was a 300 pound trick by the name of nancy.

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