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Blargh - The Random Thread


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"Hey man wanna see a movie?"


"Which one?"


"Umm, either '13 conversations about one thing' or 'Pantaleon y las visitadoras' which we couldnt see the other day.'"


"umm, how about 'undercover brother'?"


This is precisely why I see lots of movies alone...

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I hate you guys

    - Eric Cartman


You guys

Are my best friends

Through thick and thin

We'll always be together

We're 4 of a kind

Having fun all day

Pallin' around and laughing away

Cause best friends

best friends are we

I love you guys.

    - Evil Eric Cartman from the Evil Parallel Universe


I will do the German Dance for you

It's fun and Gay and Hard to do

I hope you will enjoy my dance

It is real fun and realy gaaaay

     - Eric Cartman

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Skippy, what's the name of that group playing on stage?


The name of the group.


The group on stage.


The group playing on stage.


You're starting to sound like an owl, Skippy.

Who is on stage!

That's what I'm asking you: Who is on stage?

That's what I said.

You said who?

I sure did.

So tell me their name.


The name of the group.


The group on stage!


The name of the band on stage!


You're doing that owl thing again, Skippy.

I am not, Aunt Slappy! I'm telling you: Who's on stage.

So tell me.


The name of the group.


The group on stage.


That's what >I'myou

And I'm telling you the answer!

Wait... Skippy, let's start over.  Is there a band on stage?


Does that band have a name?


Do you know the name of that band?


Then tell me the name of the band on stage.


The name of the band.


The band on stage!


The band playing on stage!!!


That's what >I

I'm telling you!

Who is on stage?


Who is?


Oh, so the name of the band is Yes.

No, Aunt Slappy.  Yes is not even at this concert.

Then who is on stage?


Who is?


That's what I just said: Yes is on stage.

No, Yes is not here.  Who is on stage.

What are you asking >me

I'm not!

Wait... Let's try this again.  Do you see the band on stage?

No, I don't see The Band!  That's a different group entirely.

On stage, Skippy.  Look!  See the band?

No, I don't.

Get rid of those John Lennon glasses and look!  There! There's the band!

No, that's not The Band!  The Band is performing later on.  Who's on stage!

You tell me.


The name of the group on stage.


The name of the group!


The group on stage!


The band!!!

No, The Band's performing later!  Right now, we're listening to Who!

That's what >I


PS If anyone has a wav or mp3 file, or knows where to get one, of this dialogue, I have been looking for it so long (going on 6 years now) I'd be willing to pay for it (or before heterosexual sexual favors) at this point for it.

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my mp3 playlist at the moment




slunk (live)

Where boys fear to tread (live)

rock on, heavy metal machine (live)

'89 demos - my dahlia

'89 demos - daughter


dont you want me baby

Luna (1991 demo)

12 depresso (instrumental)


drum solo (live)

silverfuck (live)

weeping willowly

In the arms of sleep


Jennifer ever (demo)

Let me give the world to you

Jupiter's Lament

Once in a while

Lily (my one and only)


Landslide (live)

blissed and gone (live)

silverfuck (live london)


Psychadelic 1988 (demo)

Dross (live)


Farewell and goodnight


bored is as bored does,


"Gone long gone, blink and I'll be gone gone gone

Leave this world of wrong, wrong wrong

leave it far behind...."

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Movies that are not currently being reviewed by our "movie" section:


Father, Mirror, Father

The flower that drank the moon


and on and on....and you call yourself a film critic, Mr JunkerSeed! For shame! :dissappointed:

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I'm being asked the most random goddamned questions the minute I get home...


 [rant]You know, if you have a college degree, hell if you're a generally intelligent person, and even if you're not sometimes, you will still most likely end up with a job that earns you enough money to support yourself.  The degree you choose doesn't matter much unless your only objective is to make hundreds of thousands of dollars.  Study something you really fuckin like, not something you're somewhat interested in that will make you money.  People act like if you dont study business or "computers" you're gonna end up a bum on the street.  Fuck that.  I consider myself lucky that I know what I like, and know what I want to study.  A competant college graduate is not going to left unemployed for long, regardless of what they have a degree in, so what harm is there in becoming knowledgable at something you love?  Eh, enough out of me [/rant]


"What do you mean why am I doing this? I'm robbing a bank because they got money here. That's why I'm robbing it."

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A competant college graduate is not going to left unemployed for long, regardless of what they have a degree in, so what harm is there in becoming knowledgable at something you love?

Amen to that! I was going to do Law but then realised I'm not devious or vicious enough, and don't really want to do a degree that by all accounts is bloody boring as hell.


So here I am doing English and Philosophy, wahey!

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Guest Yahve

Being alive is an interesting state.  I benefit from interacting through my own will.  I'm a machine, a biological machine with an expected expiration date.  Much like that ancient myth where the cyclopses were cursed with knowledge of the day of their deaths, knowing our existance is finite can be quite unsettling.  Unless we come to terms with what we want to get out of life, we will end up chasing the dreams of others in hopes and removing that guilt, that doubt that we missing something out of life.  


Prepare to die in 100 years, be ready not to regret your death by tomorrow.  Every day is that magical day that must be milked for all its worth.  Regret is a terrible thing for we aren't time travelers.  Be prepared to accept the consequences of your actions, risk big, win big.... or lose big.  



I wanna run through the halls of my high school

I wanna scream at the

Top of my lungs

I just found out there's no such thing as the real world

Just a lie you've got to rise above



So the good boys and girls take the so called right track

Faded white hats

Grabbing credits

Maybe transfers

They read all the books but they can't find the answers

And all of our parents

They're getting older

I wonder if they've wished for anything better

While in their memories

Tiny tragedies

Excerpt of John Mayer's No Such Thing

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Know what I hate that's completely unrelated to anything here and hence not a reply, which would violated the rule of the random thread which i'm not because this is random? When someone wants to reply so they just use a troll to reply so we don't know who they are, bastard!

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No no no,


What I hate is being a clueless newbie, playing with the search facility, coming to this thread and replying without reading the initial premise ie to not reply.


And what's worse, I've now gone and replied AGAIN, further degenerating the thread into order and breaking the fragile chaos that was it's entire existence. Nonetheless, I thought it apt to point out that I'm not a troll, just an idiot.


Sorry, I'll go sit in the corner and leave you to it.

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The first rule of Blargh's randomness is you do not talk about Blargh's randomness!


Though, if some random figure - not a troll - who doesnt know the rules randomly comes on the board & randomly posts on a random thread, but it's connecting, isnt that in itself random?


Oh yeah: People, if you call here & your number is "blocked" im not answering, period.  And Team Wireless, fuck you! :D

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