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Blargh - The Random Thread


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You know what pisses me off? No, besides that.

When older cartoons end - and they know theyre gonna end before the last episode or so, i figure - and they dont end the series itself.

In the old Zelda cartoon, why doesnt Link get the triforce of Power from Gannon & bone Zelda? What's the harm, the curtain's comin down anyway! Maybe the GI Joe's could actually fuckin kill somethin just once, maybe He-Man coulda beheaded Skeletor...i know it cant be too graphic, but even if ya do inevitably wanna recycle story for a new series down the road like were doin, why not just pretend it didnt end or sidestep it with crappy writing? This shit aint Sheakspeare as it is, and some kinda resolution to this episodic nonsense where nothin definitive ever happens wouldve been damn cool.

PS I bet ya when the final Simpsons finally comes around, they all die or somethin. At least Groening'd have balls.

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Speech schmeech!  Ha!  Fuck this class and the horse it rode in on!   :D


Fuck my sleep cycle, I can't get to sleep early, might as well not sleep at all at this goddamn point, jeez, not even a playlist full of radiohead and counting crows isn't even getting me sleepy, that should be physically impossible!   Bah! :baa:

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Hahah...bitch, you can talk to my machine. Appease me, and i might pick up.  When im good & ready.

Fuck you, Alexander Grahm Bell.  

If youre within spittin distance, dont @#$%in call me, i hate the goodamn phone! Soon as i find a name responsible for cell phones, you'd best believe he's makin the cut for 100 bullets.

"See, Marge? That's the problem with relationships these days: too much communication."  Fuck, he's a like a prophet & shit.  

You want my attention? Send out smoke signals, put up a batlight in the sky, telepathically connect to me, try somethin original.  

If all else fails, come visit.  Tip: We have a gate, but our security gaurd is fond of bourbon.

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Summer Sucks when no one else is going to classes. Reverting into my old ways of being a bad student. I wasn't even worried about my grade that much when I handed in my piece of shit exam. My biggest fear was that my professor (NElson) would be disappointed with my material. But it's ok cus I aced my quizzes that I forgot I had AND i got to disect an evil rodent!!!

 Ah well  Now I know better. I will say goodbye to my 5 minute naps. I will give them a ceremonial send off with one last sweet slumber. :heart:  :D  :D

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"So, the nick, you remember that chick Daisy from around the way?"

"Yeah, big girl, onna easy side.  I think Pancho fucked her back in the day."

"Yeah, right, she was a ho.  Well, she was down by the creek (where folks in cutler ridge go to scam/fuck) goin down on this guy Chris, and he drops a load on her face.  She ended up with an eye infection and had to explain that shit to her Jehovah witness parents. She dont come around no more."

"That..that's funny."

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Guest Yahve



ah there just isn't a frase in english that can hold a flame to this old spanish classic.


catre - that stretcher for the dead, something like a coffin

hijueputa - short slurred version of hijo de puta or son of a bitch.

vida - life.


The ultimate way of saying life's a bitch and getting a lot of anger out.  Odd thing is im not angry at all.  I'm quite happy.  :approve:

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Have you ever spent all morning analyzing your waking time to far to predict if you're gonna have a good day?  


"Hmm, look, I found a quarter in these pants, maybe that's a sign I'll have a good day.  Aw shit, I dropped the quarter, maybe that's a bad sign..."




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Why must all food that is easily available and taste so good be so bad for you? Eating healthy is more than just the sacrifice of delicious food. It's more costly, more time consuming, less convenient ON TOP of the whole not tasting like cookies and cream flavored ice cream! What the hell is that about? And for what, do live longer in this world in which you spend tons more money and time to eats less appetizing food less conveniently? What's worst, the short live in heaven or the long life in hell? Arghh!

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Isn't daffy just soo cool?


you know he nevver gets any merchandising dedicated to just him. the only time you find im on anything is when he's in the company of bugs and others. I'd really like to find just a daffy t-shirt or just a daffy cap anything throw anything at me I'll eat it up.

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