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Mr. Hakujin

Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Mr. Hakujin

  1. *sigh* It's gonna be looooong trudge to December for fanboys/girls.
  2. I'm excited but also a little nervous by this. I feel like this film is a decade too late, so if they're going to do a sequel it better be a rock fucking solid story. I just hope Brad Bird isn't suffering from Andrew Stanton Syndrome--going back to make a sequel of his most successful PIXAR film after he directed a big budget, live-action flop. Granted, Tomorrowland wasn't as big of a flop as John Carter even though, IMHO, the latter was a superior film to the former. (That could be a hole thread on its own though.) Anyway, I just hope the story and the intent by the filmmakers are solid because on its own The Incredibles is damn near genre perfection, and we don't need a sequel that can't live up to that standard.
  3. I watched the video clip of #1, Stanich's and it did look like a damn tasty burger. As for fast food joints, for a while there it was the Whopper pretty much up until I got outta college. However, currently I'm partial to the Sonic double bacon burger (only one slice of cheese between the patties) as my go-to fast food burger of choice. If there was one in my fucking region of the country, it'd be In-N-Out though. All that being said, none of that competes w/ pretty much any burger I've had off a grill at home. Season the patties however you like, but salt-n-peppa is usually good enough for me. Grill it up medium, toast the buns, slap on a light bit of mustard and mayo, dress with crisp lettuce, onion, and a tomato slice. Fucking heaven.
  4. That was an awesome lil' clip of the Vanity Fair shoot, but where all da Carrie Fisher interview clips at? :( I'm sure everyone has seen the VF pics by now, but here's a link to the actual article.
  5. Yuuuuup! I rewatched LOGAN last night, only my second viewing since seeing it in the theater. Firstly, I liked it much more on the second viewing. Secondly, it confirmed my belief Patrick Stewart owns the Best Supporting Actor Oscar. It's his. Period. Thirdly, I got a much better appreciation for the performances by Jackman and the actress who played Laura/X-23. I'm in agreement with Hugh Jackman's quote above, and I definitely am up for this actress picking up the mantle of Wolverine and having a film explore Eden and the mutant community there. If Fox is smart they'll pick up the film franchise from where LOGAN left off and carry on forward from there.
  6. Mad Sweeney is another great character. Just like Orlando Jones, the actor seemed familiar but I didn't know what until I googled him...he's fucking Pornstache from OitNB! Apparently leprechauns hate mustaches.
  7. Indeed. I think the Saga method is essentially the "best of both worlds," in that the traditional, hard-core monthly readers still get a book every month for six months straight (even though there was a gap on this last arc due to a printing issue, I think) then a hiatus for Fiona Staples to get a start on the next arc and, presumably, do other work. And like you wrote, the trades or collected volumes usually come out during this hiatus. And fans get the consistency of the same creative team for the entire story. I would argue it's way easier to jump onto TWD than it is to get on board with many of these Marvel books. With all of the relaunches, re-boots (soft and hard), and crossovers it's hard for a new reader to know how to catch up with a Marvel character. Plus TWD has a built in advantage with the TV show. Even though the show just got through with season seven, with Netflix and DVD it's still getting new viewers, and possible new readers, every year. Hell, every month. According to that article, TWD & Saga are still pulling down top numbers on their monthly issues.
  8. I read the book about a decade ago and remember some parts of it. I definitely do not have the fandom for it that FDB & her hubby do though. I remember liking it, and like Baytor wrote, it's a long book and has lots of side characters and stories that make it great for TV. Personally, I'd say if you are really enjoying the TV show then don't spoil the show by reading the book. That advice goes against conventional logic when it comes to adaptations of novels; however, we've been getting such great televised adaptations of novels these past seven years or so that it's better in some cases to hold off on reading the book(s). This seems like one of the latter to me. Show spoilers: Show spoilers: Book Spoilers
  9. This is a great series so far. The opening credits might be the best since GoT. Ian McShane is killing it. Orlando Jones was also fucking phenomenal in his scene as Mr. Nancy. I can't wait to see more of his character, and I'm also very curious to see what Crispin Glover does when he shows up as Mr. World. It's only an 8 episode season, so I'm guessing they're not even gonna get through the entire book, FDB. Notice not one mention of the subplot with the missing kids from the book. Also, I read the show runners opted the rights to Anansi Boys, so I'm wondering if they will put that in S2 or does this mean a spin-off? Actually, let me google this... Yep, Gaiman says S1 is roughly 1/3 of the novel and they've got "at least" three seasons planned. Book Spoilers
  10. I never said anything about parkour. Jackie Chan's stunts incorporate parkour, but that dude is an athlete and acrobat. If you're telling me that, in their prime, Sam Raimi and Chan couldn't have come up with some spectacular close combat bits with Spidey then I don't even.
  11. Yup. Saga & TWD are the only single issue books I still read.
  12. Yeah, not watching that trailer, but that poster is great! It's reminiscent of the first Iron Man poster, which I'm sure is no mistake. And the more I see this current Spidey costume the more I dig it.
  13. Whatchu talkin' bout, Willis? This last season was damn good. I've completely dropped off on the CW. I struggled to stay with Flash S3, but stopped around episode five or six and never went back. AoS is not the best show on TV, but it always delivers in the end. Hopefully Inhumans is able to deliver and those promo pics aren't doing the final product justice.
  14. The fact an early 90s Sam Raimi never directed an early 90s Jackie Chan in a Spider-Man film is one of the great tragedies of cinema.
  15. Yeah, it's been said many, many times before--Star Wars isn't science fiction, it's science fantasy. I hope these new films don't continue to head in the direction of sci-fi. The trailer for TLJ hints that's not the case with Episode VIII, but only time will tell. Nah, I can't say I "get it" for the exact reasons I mentioned prior and the sentiment you echoed in your last sentence. Disney knows how to do a proper DVD/BR release right the first time, but they just choose to fuck w/ SW fans for that extra money grab. It's fucking shameful.
  16. Also, I just saw a video that claimed Ridley Scott said in an interview that the next film is called Alien: Awakening and actually takes place between Prometheus and Covenant. WTF, Ridley Scott!?!?
  17. Binged MASTER OF NONE S2 in one night recently. Damn good bit of TV and it surpasses S1 in style and story. (Acting is still hit or miss though.)
  18. Agreed. It was just aaight. Not necessary to see in the theater, and I feel like the least interesting thing in the film was the titular Alien...
  19. Like Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal holds a significant place in the nostalgia section of my frontal cortex. So I'm very excited to see how this series turns out. Seriously, my 10-yr-old self would likely pass out from excitement due to this news.
  20. Hopefully, yaass.That was the first thing that I thought of when I saw that end scene. Paging Agent Brand.
  21. ^That's one of those things you didn't realize needed to happen until it happened. I can only hope there will be more.
  22. Oh damn, really? I want to say that was episode nine, right? I thought they had a full 16 or so, but I guess NBC only ordered 12. That sucks.
  23. All the cancellations and renewals for the networks' 2017-18 line-ups. Sorry to see Powerless, Emerald City, and especially Son of Zorn. Emerald City was uneven at best but a guilty pleasure. There was a bit of a cliffhanger left there at the end and I would've liked to seen that resolved. Son of Zorn was completely underrated in my opinion. Hilarious show. New Girl is "on the bubble," but my guess is it's money that's keeping them from closing. At least I hope that's it because I could use at least one more season of that show. Dr. Ken is also canceled. It wasn't my cup o' tea, much more aimed at that TGIF audience of tweeners and parents, but I like Ken Jeong and he was only one of two Asian-American leads on a network show. It's all on your shoulders again, Fresh Off the Boat. :/
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