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Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Visitant

  1. I'm down for getting any of them tbh. I don't think we NEED to have a million of them, but it's nice to get access to some games/consoles I may not have played before.
  2. I don't really know why that's such a huge headline tbh. Maybe Kevin Feige taking the reins but we should have pretty much assumed this is how it was going to go down.
  3. It's honestly been a few years since I've gone single issue shopping. I really don't treat myself to much in attempt to work more on my credit/finances. I think we're gonna make it a weekly thing at the office.
  4. Sony fought to get their PG-13 rating and they got it. While I might see it in theaters - I'm honestly waiting for the R rated cut the director recently promised.
  5. It's a cute money grab that I will probably drop on.
  6. But more importantly - fuck FF8
  7. Anyone else feel like the series could have been done with the last season finale? I know it was the showrunners goodbye to the show or whatever - but it could have wrapped up right there and saved us this mess.
  8. I've been screaming this for so long. Just fucking flashpoint it, keep the good shit - start over.
  9. There's a bit that's really hard to explain. Why the acting the way he did, what was the deal with the guy in the prison. I think a lot of this is going to be left fairly unanswered.
  10. Yeah these last few episodes have been insane. Ep 7 alone was like, you should win all the awards. ..only one ep left!
  11. Yeah, I mean this is a lot more comprehensive. The toys that made us one is kinda a boiled down version. Much like the Lego EP of Toys vs the documentary. If you're a fan, this is a much better deep dive into how the whole thing went down and went bust.
  12. 90s Bindy is all about that Capt Marvel in the NIN shirt, let me tell you.
  13. Actually wrapping up watching this as I'm posting (it's on Netflix). Overall, a very well done documentary. I could have used a full series about this - I know there's things they never really got to get into (like the lovecraft influence on Eternia) because of time. It covers the movie (and reminds me about the parts I did love about that mess of a film) and some of the newer stuff too. If you're a fan, check it out.
  14. Oh i see where the problem is. you're using edge
  15. Just download the discord app and have an always connected hollabox.
  16. I only played part of the first game, and read most of one of the books - still, im pretty excited to see this come to the big screen since they are taking so much care with it. It could be their game of thrones TBH
  17. Better be some treasure goblins in there.
  18. You had me at Christina Hendricks. (also have you seen Good Girls with her in it?)
  19. Are we not going to talk about him getting fire claws?
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