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Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Visitant

  1. A couple months back Alyson did say that if they ever did a Buffy reboot that she would like to be on board. ...although why would she want to give up that sweet Penn and Teller gig.
  2. I mean it's completely come to light the dude was targeted. Its not like this was some conspiracy theory about the right. Like, we know that they went after him because of his political beliefs.
  3. I'm what you could call an early stages fan-boy of his work. I'm not full blow "he can do no wrong" - but I see the potential he has. His movies are all really good, he's managed to understand and create interesting horror that doesn't rely on just jump scares. He was one of the ones to take risks on horror that was not in a cheap paranormal activity format. I had a talk about him with my gf, and specifically about the Scream franchise (could it ever have another movie in the series without Wes Craven - mind you the scream movies are basically her favorite movies of all time). My thought on it, was that if he keeps this record of keeping the horror genre moving forward without getting locked into his own "this is how it has to be" ways - he could probably do it....in about 10 years, when we have new rules of horror established. There's a lot of if's there I know - but he's gotta prove himself more than what he has, he's just got a good start.
  4. Does it need to be rebooted? No mean like...is the term reboot applicable here? Like to every generation a slayer is born...
  5. Comic streaming services have the same issue though. You CAN get Marvel or DCs OOOR you can get like Comixology. Like the time for new VERY SPECIFIC streaming services feel passed.
  6. I'm still watching, still enjoying it. I could try and defend it but lets be real here - it's not high quality. Also I have a huge crush on Emma Dumont and Polaris so I mean I can't really defend myself. (and yes there's an and in there - one of those crushes is from like when I was 8 )
  7. Right but like, does anyone WANT to pay for a new streaming service? Everyone seems to want to build out new streaming platforms when it feels like that was a fight that should have happened 5 years ago.
  8. I love the DC CW shows. Yeah stuff like Arrow can be hard to get through but I even enjoy the weaker entries in the series. ...that being said... Right now the DC CW shows are asking a LOT of their audience in terms of time commitment. My GF and I watch all the CW stuff together and it's starting to kinda wear on us both. It's the long 20 some odd episodes with lots of shitty filler. There's a lot of content to consume out there and by making an extended universe the way they have they are almost making it mandatory we watch all of it. Proposal (because I know DC/CW reads Hondos): If you're gonna keep making new show - nix your current line up to 13 strong episodes a season. Spread your shows through the year and give us a crossover once a year in the form of a "summer movie". That way we CAN have fun shit like... Bring around Constantine for the fall/halloween season ala American Horror Story. Just my 2c.
  9. I definitely liked it LEAST of the 3. (2, 1, 3) but I didn't hate it. Nice thing about the show being only 6 eps - I don't feel like I'm wasting my time with it.
  10. Some people are saying bloodborne. That seems the least likely of them but, you know what - id be down if it was
  11. I mean Masters of the Universe lore wise (which i'm sure 90% of people don't care about) - she's got one heck of a bad ass villain in Hordak. People seem to have mixed reactions to the animation style - but who the fuck cares if it's any good. I think this is an excellent time to re-introduce the character to the world.
  12. TBH, I know it's kinda been done with the Joker "back story", but I always liked the idea of him being a down an out magician. Hell, he could even turn to a really crappy life of crime (getting caught by SM for really stupid reasons multiple times) before he finally just...snaps. There's a way to make him dark or even sympathetic going down that road.
  13. So...now that you've all had ample time to watch S3... what did you think?
  14. I feel like this is a headline once every several months. At this point, I'll believe it when I see it.
  15. Looks better than the other look we had of him.
  16. ...yeah till they take it away from him in a month and we get some shitty prequel movie instead
  17. 5 episodes in? Honestly, I really love it.
  18. Thanks for the mini review Axels - I'd picked up the batman who laughs one shot but i'd kinda wanted to read the whole metal story since it seemed so absurd and just...fun (in a time where a lot of comics are purposely way too serious). I think i'm willing to give this a shot now.
  19. Y'all check out that Dustforce soundtrack though? It's perfect chill music.
  20. October 26th can't get here fast enough.
  21. Scarlett Johansson will be playing the black puerto rican gay male lead
  22. Yeah I always really liked Morbius as a kid, and I don't really want to see this character screwed up so I'll stand by my hope that any plans they are making about future spider verse movies really come down to how well Venom does.
  23. Not to make this a Terminator thread, but they just need to nuke the franchise from orbit and start fresh.
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