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Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Visitant

  1. Relevant? : https://www.theverge.com/2018/7/31/17637192/spotify-is-now-streaming-archie-motion-comics
  2. JFC, we JUST did a podcast episode about this kind of behavior. This is fucking unacceptable and it makes me pissed off to be part of the nerd community when shit like this goes down. (i'm looking at you Star Wars and Rick and Morty fans). We're hitting a point where a lot of these people are being pushed to the side because we have movements like MeToo going on, but we're not there fast enough. These people are the vocal minority - all things considered, but its a fucking shame to see headlines like this still.
  3. Yeah, but now X-men is undergoing reshoots. That's pretty interesting.
  4. ...and there you go. Question answered. Maybe I'll check out those Bond movies. I heard they were pretty good.
  5. I should kinda go back on my previous statement a bit, due to complete ignorance on the subject of James Bond. Let me rephrase: I have seen very few James Bond movies, what I DO know of James Bond might be through a filter - the way he's often talked about, shown in the few clips I catch here and there. What I get is - He likes to drink, womanize and sometimes do spy stuff. My initial question was about the character /if/ my conceptions about the character are correct. If that is basically what James Bond is, is it time to re-evaluate the character and make him fit more closely in with modern times. That being said, Idris would be the person to really do it, I think.
  6. I think maybe the bigger question is, do we re-evaluate the character of Bond for modern society? Or do we just accept that he's a product of his generation and keep him as is.
  7. Eh, I just got the SNES 3ds (i had a 1st gen purple i rarely played), and i love having it. Yeah most of my time is on monster hunter because I just got it - but I love still having a handheld gaming system just for that. ...i love you my vita
  8. This is all gonna depend on Venom. That goes south, I bet they will pop that turtlehead right back in and hold on until they can get a new plan
  9. It's a total copout because they don't want to give those films best picture.
  10. I haven't read the comics either, but maybe now IS a good time to address the way the Judges handle things in the context of recent events.
  11. I pretty much grew up on King. My family had one of those stupidly large King collections and i used to spend my days sometimes going through a book with a dictionary next to me as a kid just trying to read as much of him as I could. That being said, I'm super biased but I love it. On the opposite side is my GF who's not as much of a fan (due to lack of exposure, not dislike) and she's really been loving this so far as well. I was worried it would only be for the fans but it's not at all. I also like that they announced that this will be an anthology series.
  12. Eh, I didn't care about Phoenix but I was really down for a horror movie with mutants in it.
  13. It's not getting more work if you never finish any of the work you do
  14. ....on top of this, we're hearing rumors that both the finished xmen dark phoenix and new mutants movie have been shelved.
  15. Well, it looks like his appearances were cancelled at comic con - so I'd bet that Sony is trying to assess what they want to do next and won't say anything until the heat has died down from him.
  16. I think that was a strong enough statement to get people on board.
  17. So I actually back Roanoke for being what it was. It took the genre trend of the shaky camera horror and really got into the meta of it (and of reality tv). It was easy to dismiss the season for resorting to that type of filming if you didn't watch all of it and understand why he was calling out what he did in Hollywood by going that route.
  18. I don't think this is the political climate to have David Boreanaz trying to seduce a high school girl again
  19. Thing is - and mind you, I admire their effort to change technology - A lot of what they want to do requires much better infrastructure throughout the world to be successful. Console work right now because they don't "have" to be always connected or when they do, they are not as resource (internet) intensive. More and more of what they are doing sounds like it would require a lot more dedicated ISP work. I mean great for me, I have Google Fiber. But what about Timmy out in bum fuck Texas?
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