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Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Visitant

  1. Any of you play Mechwarrior 2 back in the day? If not give this a listen; Mech firefights to this song are AWESOME. Someones top 5 MW2 songs:
  2. RvB Real Life vs the Internet, in which piracy is touched upon.:
  3. I would also like to take this time to thank ICP. This video really opened my eyes to a lot of miracles and explained a lot of things about this world that I needed to know like: Why our public education system is failing and why we as the human race need to put rules in place for sterilizing certain individuals BEFORE they have the chance to produce offspring. Thanks guys!
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Larson Part 1 of 11 of the series on how it happened and him winning. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN0LvFZMKq8
  5. I loved that gameshow so hard. I'm amused someone finally cracked the pattern and basically bankrupted the show even if I miss it now.
  6. The Phantom Frequency, a goth/industrial radio program out of North Carolina.
  7. O.k, i'll toss a few in:Not many people liked this series but the intro was awesome and so very 80s. I know Tekkaman Blade was on here but I was raised on Teknoman and I love the intro no matter how bad it is. It always got me psyched for an episode when I was younger: El Hazard OVAs (I watch these like once a year on VHS) My Co-worker Moss recommends this: Boogie Pop Phantom and its swanky porno mix:
  8. Hey, just wanted to drop you a line because we have a lot of retro game stores in Houston and I can keep an eye out for those games for you if you'd like.

  9. NZA- Jason sends this with all his love:
  10. Yeah we have all the suikoden series, I don't think we have copies tho. Again: http://club.ign.com/b/list/custom?&lid...e&mode=vown is a big list of what we have.
  11. Yeah between us I think we have like 3-5 master systems. There's also a closet not pictured that has rockband/GH equipment setup to pull out for parties.
  12. My friend and I share a video game collection. In the event of their deaths the full collection is reverts to me. They are two of my oldest and closest friends from High School (and brothers to me) and we game together on the weekends whenever we can. The collection lives at Jason's house and my contributions (not pictured) are my import Saturn games and Space Invaders arcade cabinet. John (his twin brother) is a manager at gamestop so we have a lot of random promo items. Full listing is here: http://club.ign.com/b/list/custom?&lid...e&mode=vown Old Nintendo Powers, strat guides and VG mags. Cock goes where?!
  13. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate FF7, I happily logged 99+ hours into that game but to sell me on a remake there's a few key elements that need to be addressed starting with the plot making some sense. Even SE has admitted that there's some huge holes in the story but most of us loved it so much we filled in the gaps ourselves. Score one for young imagination. I do love Vagrant Story and Parasite Eve myself. (I've wanted the blood sin tatted on my back forever) It's possible but since right now you can just move your PS3 copy to your PSP they might not bother. Final verdict on this is that I bet you it WILL happen it's just a matter of when. SE loves money so it's only a matter of time really.
  14. Do we really "NEED" remakes at this point? I LOVE Final Fantasy 6 just like I do 4 (I play a Dragoon in FFXI because of it) but it's really starting to get old. I have yet to play through 4 on the DS, even though I do plan to, but I find myself wondering: How much is too much when it comes to final fantasy remakes. You can't go a week without square announcing a final fantasy remake, or new game of some kind. My final thought on the final fantasy 7 issue: FF7 was made for it's time and it's engine; things that are funny and cute and whimsical in that game may not transfer over well to a fully realized modern version. At some point dressing Cloud up like a girl and getting him to act like hes gonna fuck a fat guy is gonna stop being cute and start being creepy and someone out there will have some memory of their fat hairy uncle touching them when they were little and end up suing SE and it will be a huge legal mess. In short, it's a bad idea. [edit: http://bannable-offenses.blogspot.com/2009...ly-fantasy.html ] Enjoy.
  15. To quote myself from earlier: "I guess they are the minority really so really it's not a huge deal to Nintendo. It's all bling bling either way to them." I know it won't matter in the long run and I'm not gonna buy one just because my friends can't play. I just feel bad for them was really all I meant by it. Either way the system sounds awesome.
  16. FPS's depending on the game are usually fine, platformers also touch and go. Some they can play some they can't. I'd need to have a sitdown with my friends sometime and figure it all out. I know one of my friends can't see any 3d movies and they all come out blurry to her.
  17. I'm torn on this issue; on one hand I love the idea of 3D without glasses. I wear glasses, I look silly in them and I look even sillier with glasses over my glasses. This idea is freaking amazing to me and i'm down. On the other hand I have some close friends who through accidents or birth defects can't see 3D movies/games and a lot of them a huge nerds and they love the gaming but if a game relies too heavily on depth perception they can't play it. I guess they are the minority really so really it's not a huge deal to Nintendo. It's all bling bling either way to them.
  18. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/...Portal-2-Update There's a lot more information on the link above, I just covered the basics here. Are you as excited for more Portal as I am? This was a triumph!
  19. I find the shows title to accurately portrays what happened to the original plot of the show. I stopped about 2 seasons back personally. (Yep, I know i'm setting myself up to be lynched by the Lost zealots. But seriously, it felt like nothing was ever getting accomplished.)
  20. You made it sir, well done.

  21. Most of the series I love but this one specifically. Also on my list of bad movies I love: I keep it classy, and age myself:
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