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Sr. Hondonian
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Everything posted by Visitant

  1. You are correct sir. Also, seeing that performed live was AMAZING.
  2. p.s: Mad love for the FF Adventure link. That and like Metroid 2 were two of my most played GB games.

  3. You said I can carry over from MHF2 to Unite yes? We're getting ready to fight Akantor here soon hopefully.

  4. I'm going to have to side with my arch-nemesis on this one, that aside Night Trap was a very important game in the context of American gaming history. It was one of the two games (along with Mortal Kombat) that helped form what is now our modern day ESRB. It was pretty much a set of shitty QTEs and was pretty much unplayable (at least it was when I bought my copy of ebay years later). I was pretty much here for support and a history lesson. Carry on.
  5. Look guys we need to stop fighting about this. This isn't a grey area issue. This game will be amazing and those of you who don't think so are obviously wrong. It's O.K to be wrong. I mean look at the Nazis, they were wrong but did it work out for them in the end? I don't know; I hear the German economy is pretty strong right now. All i'm saying is that once you just fucking accept how amazing this is you'll lead a much happier life and if you can't accept it then you are most likely the type of person who kicks puppies. You don't kick puppies, do you?
  6. I'm going to go with, it's still DBZ. Pack it up with the Narutards and kill it with fire.
  7. O.k, first off. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. I've followed PSO from Dreamcast, to Gamecube, to Xbox and PC. I've hit over level 100 multiple times and I even played PSO3 the card game. I don't know what to say, I just don't have the words. As long as it's not Phantasy Star Universe I will be there day 1.
  8. ...youre fucking kidding me. You're lying, you have to be. Don't you fucking pull at my heartstrings NZA, I will kill you.
  9. Bindusara on twitter. I usually just post drunkenly on there.
  10. Been talking to some of my obsessive DmC fan friends and a couple of them through out there that story wise they could be going with a pre-devil trigger/heritage background and that the manifestation of all this is what's causing him the problems with the law etc. Just idle chit chat.
  11. ...I was ok with how DMC 4 went honestly and I would not have minded more of Nero. This? I am REALLY on the fence about. I love this series but if they are just trying to make it "edgier" then part of me will die inside. p.s: I LIKE the music in the DMC games fuckers, I don't need you going and fucking with that too. I mean we already lost Silent Hill...now this?
  12. Too late sir, I have other things on the pile but I will add them to my queue that my friend is piling up for me. I just finished Wanted: Hal Jordan and am working on Revenge of the Green lanterns now. Enjoying the series a lot but damn if they don't retell Hals origin like every fucking 2 issues.
  13. Incorrect. Should I add those to my list?
  14. Read all of Kingdom Come in one sitting. Why have I not read that book soon? I might not be a huge DC guy but that book was amazing. Seriously if you have never read it look it up and give it a read. Wow, just wow.
  15. Just finished: Green Lantern Rebirth, Green Lantern: No Fear, and Green Arrow Year One. Been reading the lantern corps stuff and reading a lot of DC. (I was a Marvel child growing up and one of my good friends was a DC kid so he's schooling me on the DCU. All I read of DC growing up was some Batman like Knightfall and the death and return of Superman.) About to start reading: Kingdom Come
  16. I want this game hard just haven't had the cash to pick it up. ...you know cause that $150 tournament stick broke me and all
  17. Yeah Consenting_Adult and I have a man-date for it at the Alamo Draft house this week. (Beer and Machete? Yes sir!) I am super excited.
  18. Yes you get a cookie, yay for you finally joining.

  19. I still quote him to this day. R&S was my very first CD actually. Ah, good times. We were discussing this show recently and thinking back on it i'm really surprised with how much they got away with. (Then again so did Animanaics/Tiny Toons etc, in retrospect.) I did watch the "adult show" at some point. I guess they really just needed to get that out of their system. I however, was sorely disappointed.
  20. <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5e6eG6bXAQ?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5e6eG6bXAQ?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5e6eG6bXAQ?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
  21. I welcome a game that will fuck with my head and I have nothing but love and faith for Atlus. I've been a fan of the early Persona games since they were released and while I have not kept up with the series the way I'd like to have I am very much looking forward to this.
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