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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by JunkerSeed

  1. Yeah, system of a down would probably be labeled numetal or hardcore, death metal is stuff like cannibal corpse, light years apart. Sure, it's nit-picking, but the term "death metal" is pretty specific. Coulda gotten away with "metal" I guess, tho system aint really metal.
  2. Eh, its goes for some scares, but it's not a horror movie, so it's not all that scary. Don't let that keep you from seeing it tho. That's like saying "I heard the Shawshank Redemption Wasn't scary, so I'm not gonna bother seeing it." The point of the moive isn't really to be scary, tho some parts had the audience jumping a bit. Fun, fun movie tho. oh, and unidentified source, do try to make the effort to find out if we started a thread for stuff already.... I'll try to merge this topic with the thread we have about identity
  3. Coooooool, less than jake, rancid, dropkick murphys, suicide machines, and me first and the gimme gimmes are at warped tour this year... Hell, I'd go just to see less than jake again... good times
  4. *sigh*, I'm afraid the only place you'll catch City of God in Miami is at South Beach. I've seen it there twice. It's so worth the trip it aint even funny tho. And I'd hurry, because it might be out of theaters soon, it's been out for a while now.
  5. SEE IT... now! http://www.drunkendeities.com/pantheon/ind...t=ST&f=3&t=1499 Here's the thread, and for future reference, if you ever wanna look something up, we have a search function, just be sure to set "search posts from..." to "any date" and you'll find most things ya look for.
  6. sick sick sick as a dog today. And the absence of a certain something made it worse. eh well, there's always tomorrow. :ill:
  7. I really dont care. If you mind pitch correction then just dont ever listen to techno music, because it involves nobody singing or playing straight up. I agree with jumbie in that a lot of music is better with imperfections. Some of it isn't. I've had the arguement 1000 times about bands that are good in the studio but bad live. Sure, that hurts em for me, but I'm not disowning a band because they're good songwriters but not talented guitarists and singers. Of course, I'd rather have a band that can do both, or at least compensate (ex. Trent Reznor has a shit voice, but damned if he doesn't write music that is perfectly suited for it.) but some bands just aren't so great outside of the studio. If it's a good song it's a good song. Sure, I dont beleive that EVERY artist should use pitch correction (which will NEVER happen by the way) but if a band is sitting on a great song that they wrote, but their singer just cant hit that note, I'd rather that they be able to put it out sounding good rather than shitty.
  8. being sick sucks, makes me wanna listen to virgos merlot... "Hunger pains take control Growling at the tired soul Withered body just won't meet the demands... Tiny hero fighting big battles Mind of stone breaks and rattles The only thing I need, kiss my disease And make it all better Clean me when I bleed, justify me Make words of my scattered lettters"
  9. well, it's really for like, pre-teens, 12-14 or so, not for 4 year olds or anything. And some parts, now that you remind me, were definatelynot for little kids, like the aforementioned bandit and um *spoiler, highlight to see* A black guy that is shot because he kisses a white woman*end spoiler and if you must know, *spoiler the camp is making kids dig holes to find the kissing bandit's hidden treasure. the significance of it all is a sorta long story tho. *end spoiler
  10. eh, I didn't think it was bad, I just really dont think it was all that great. Oh, and it's NOTHING like kids. It's a little itty bitty bit disturbing, but it's nowhere near THAT disturbing.
  11. Thats the famed one hit wonder Harvey Danger with "Flagpole Sitta" Speakin of one hit wonders... "Must of been mid afternoon I could tell by how far the child's shadow stretched out and He walked with a purpose In his sneakers, down the street He had, many questions Like children often do "
  12. Yeah, "boba" means dumb girl in spanish... heheh, never thought of how that whole scene would sound in spanish
  13. Cool, now that it's summer I get to watch at least a movie a day. Today I think it'll be "the big sleep." General Sternwood: How do you like your brandy, sir? Philip Marlowe: In a glass.
  14. Eh, I dont know what all the fuss is about. Critics are raving about this one and some people are boycotting it, saying it portrays asians too negatively and all this. It was ok, but it ain't that fuckin special. It's about a group of Asian kids in California that get bored with Suburbia and they're good grades and decide to take up crime. They do the downward spiraling bit and it goes on from there. Anyways, it's directed with lots of style but little originality. It's one of those movie where the frame freezes and each character is introduced by voiceover, and there's lots of fast and slow motion and camera spinning all over the place. Now the one thing this movie doesn't have that others of it's type do is decent characters. Usually movies about groups of young people descending into crime have really cool characters and good dialogue. This group was a boring bunch. And though the movie got better in the last half hour, I really didnt care what happened to them. And I don't see how this movie can be so fucking contraversial. It's amazing that just because Asians are commiting the same crimes peopel do in other flicks people find it offensive... So it's ok when asian with two uzis jumps through a window and kills two dozen people in one scene, but it's not ok when he steals a computer? Give me a fuckin break. Anyways, this movie was enjoyable enough, and maybe worth watching, but I really dont know what all the hoopla is about, I've seen it all before, done better. If these kids were white nobody would have given this movie a second thought I don't think.
  15. wow, that sounds really cool, it was out in a few theaters here for a while, but they were far as hell, and lots of other movies were out at the time so I couldnt see it, I'll catch it on DVD for sure tho
  16. Took my sister to see this one yesterday and I've gotta say, it was pretty damned good. A live action kids movie with none of the recent commercial trademarks of the genre. The cast is filled with unknowns, except for the adults, who include Jon Voight and Sigourney Weaver. The sound track is great, the songs they pick actually suit the film, and it actually has a cool score when it kicks in. The plot is funny, mature, and original. Beleive me, I watch a kids flick every saturday with my sis, and this one was such a breath of fresh air its not even funny. Holes is about the fate of Stanley Yelnats. One day he is accused of a crime he didn't commit and sent to a camp for juvenile delinquents. In this camp each kid is to dig one hole a day, 5 foot wide, 5 foot deep. The logic is, you take a bad boy, make him dig holes every day, it turns him into a good boy. Of course, the real reason they are digging is the mystery and all that. At camp he meets the colorful group of boys that haze him. The kids at camp give great performances, they came off as very real. He also meets Mr. Sir, and the Warden. The Warden is played well enough by Sigourney weaver, she has good presence. Jon Voight is great as Mr. Sir., the tough ass supervisor of the kids. Damned funny performance. The story flashes back to tales about a family curse and the story of a tormented bandit who kissed her victims when she killed them. The plot is fun, and it has lots of substance to it, the characters are great, and overall the movie was cool. There were some problems tho. It was very obviously a book adaptation. The movie didn't flow well at all, transitions are jerky, and it seemed liek to had to fill in the blanks for some stuff. The movie is comprehensible, but a bit chopped up. Also, the relationship between all the kids in the camp was jumpy too. It went from everyone being an ass, hazing stanley, to them being his pal too quickly. I think it could have been 15 minutes or so longer, maybe fleshed things out more. So, I enjoyed this one. I think I may even read the book. Now I see that the screenwriter was also the original novelist. It's good that he was involved, keeping the story intact and all, but it's obvious he's never written a screenplay before. He probably could have used some help making it flow better. So, it was very good, but it had potential to be even better I think, if they'd made it smoother. On to read the book I guess.
  17. Bah, after like a month's worth of DLing this one while I've been online the version I got is shit ass quality, I guess I'll be waitin on your version. Lookin forward to seein it though, sounds like something I'd like a lot.
  18. Hmm, I swear, once I'm finally good at the guitar I'm gonna have the weirdest personal style on earth. All I've been practicing with lately is my little sister's N64 video game music. I can jam out on half of the songs from Pokemon snap, and the Desert level music from donkey kong 64 is starting to sound nice too.
  19. and I'll send all my lovin' to you.... "all my lovin" by the beatles this one should be easy In your broken down kitchen at the top of the stairs Can I mix in with your affairs Share a smoke make a joke Grasp and reach for a leg of hope Words to memorize words hypnotize Words make my mouth exercise Words all fail the magic prize Nothing I can say when I'm in your thighs Best song on earth really
  20. props to bungie! Damned fine company, also developed the great "Myth" RTS series, oni, and a great old school FPS called "Marathon. Gates just bought em, he didnt program the game or anythin...
  21. goddamn I'm exhausted, and I've barely eaten any solids today, been surviving on fuckin soda... taco bell steak bowl can remedy that.... goddammit I hate chives! WHo the hell discovered the chive? Useless fucking things taste like paper.... oh, by the way, download "Yoshimi battles the pink robots pt. 1" by the flaming lips
  22. I have no idea how IMAX machines work, or how long it takes to change a reel. All I know is that so far, you just cant make an IMAX movie over two hours long. I think it's fuckin dumb and I think that as cool as IMAX is, they shoulda maybe refined it more cause it seems REALLY poorly designed. I'm sure that if they would have spent an extra year or so developing the technology, they could have had something that allows for a longer length and even multiple aspect ratios maybe. But anyways, no, no way would I want the Wachowski bros to limit themselves to IMAX regulations, they learned how to make movies (and pretty fuckin well from the looks of it), and it's unfair that they learn a whole new format for the wow factor. It'd be nice if they let people know they aint seeing the whole movie tho. In all of the news announcements of the matrix and IMAX I haven't heard anyone say anything about the cuts they're gonna have to make.
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