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Drunken Deities Royalty
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Everything posted by JunkerSeed

  1. Awesome! Absolutely fucking great. Funny as hell and still manages to be a real zombie movie, not just a parody. Beats the living crap out of any other new zombie movie I've seen, 28 days later can't touch it, IMO. They threw all kinds of homages in there that were great, from using music by Goblin (who scored dawn of the dead and lots of other zombie flicks) to the great line "We're coming to get you Barbara!" I can't say enough about this one. Everyone must go see it. This is really turning out to be a great year for movies.
  2. Goddammiit, yeah, my computer doesnt work again, I'm at the lab at school. SO, I'll be kind of MIA till that's fixed. ANyways, remember to wish Dinghy82 on AIM a happy birthday!!! THis is a board member gone AWOL. I think we should get her back!
  3. Awwww hell yes! I've got me a job interview on monday for the games section at blockbuster! Life is good.
  4. Hmm, wow, thats fucked up, I mean, I pretty much knew that jamacian culture wasn't exactly gay friendly, but I didn't think it was that out there. Shit I might go if I dont' have anything to do that weekend. I would love if this guy's career was ruined because he's a bigot. It would also send a fairly strong message out as to what the status quo is, and that bigotry in general isn't tolerated, and primitive folks in Jamaica need to get with the fuckin times.
  5. I live in Orlando, so I'll probably show up, again, hoping that the guest list doesnt have as many drop outs as last time.
  6. subvertise.org - heh, some of these are cool
  7. Not having a computer SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!! Having to work on my portfolio in this goddamned computer lab SUCKS!!!!!!!! but Having nothing but film classes rocks! Off to watch Bonnie & Clyde
  8. My computer is dead. Yeah, that sucks. I knew I had a virus or two and I was kind of procrastinating on backing up my 15 gigs of MP3s and now a windows root file is missing and my computer wont boot windows. I'm kinda hoping that maybe I could reinstall windows without formatting everything just so I can save my documents, but I dunno. But yeah, that's why I haven't been on the board for a bit.
  9. Hell yeah, i just saw Alien on the big screen, and man, I forgot how much of a fuckin difference it makes. I know lots of people are like "bah, I have a big screen" or "it doesn't make that much of a difference", but you go and see this on the big screen with a bit of an audience, and tell me if you've ever enjoyed the movie nearly as much. Fuckin awesome, definately reccomend shellin out the 7 bucks. Oh, and as for the AvP teaser.... badasss. I'm still skeptical cause the resident evil guy si doin it (not sayin resident evil was bad, but it certainly wasn't amazing... and AvP is an idea that could be amazing), but the teaser really made it look cool.
  10. Not quite, it's "inspired" by a guy named Ed Gein, he's also the basis for a lot of the stuff in Silence of the Lambs and Psycho. Texas chainsaw massacre isn't too close to what actually happened at all except for use of human body parts. Actually, the original director swears he never heard of the guy, and when he did hear about Ed Gein, he was sickened that he thought about that shit all by himself. I don't know how true that is. I'd check out the new one, the trailer looks cool, and if you read Ebert's negative review, it's like an advertisement for the fuckin thing, makes me really want to see it. The original is really fucked up. I reccomend it for something pretty disturbing. Real cheap tho, it goes for that "documentary" look. As far as other stuff, I'm a fan of the first Halloween. The way you just see Meyers in the background and in the shadows is pretty freaky, and it stays with ya when you're at home at night and the lights are off. I also love the way he kills this one guy and just kind of tilts his head to admire his handiwork. Good stuff. And I agree wholeheartedly with WIckerman and American Werewolf in london, cool calls 2T, I'll check out that other one for sure. Oh, and for some of the true ed gain stuff here's a pretty good arcticle. http://www.crimelibrary.com/gein/geinmain.htm Might have killed less people than ya think, but boy, he was one sick puppy.
  11. Umm, I've probably reccommended her before, but Aimee Mann is one of the best fuckin songwriters I've heard in a good long time. She was responnsible for most fo teh Magnolia soundtrack and has some amazing cds. I'd suggest "Save Me" "Deathly" and "momentum" from magnolia and "Susan" and "Red Vines" from "Bachelor no. 2", just a great cd in general.
  12. Well, there's beena thousand Jesus movies where tyhe Jews killed him, I'm assuming that people see an actual tone of anti semitism, cause that was the furthest thing from people's minds untill they actually started screening the movie. I've said it before and I'lls ay it again, I love this shit, I'll be first in line. I want to see people walk out and throw shit at the screen. I love that once somebody has as much pull as Gibson they can essentially put whatever the fuck they want onscreen and you often get really wacky results. I'm dying to see if there's method to his madness and all that.
  13. Hmm, I'll probably be up for it, if not I'll at least hang with you folks while you're up in my side of the world. It all depends on my cash flow at that point, if I can afford to buy a buncha comics.
  14. Eh, I'm not gonna compare it to his other stuff, it's a whole other genre. I will say I think it beats fist of legend as my favorite kung foo flick tho.
  15. I just saw it again tonight. I pretty much agree with Jack's. Not as shockingly amazing the second time around, but I was still fuckin blown away. The only thing that's gonna piss me off about this one is the splitting of it. I hope the second one flows well. And the DVD set had better be fuckin cheap.
  16. I'm off to see Kill Bill agaiin today, and again next weekend. Hmm, you know, I didn't think much of this splitting it into two movies thing untill I think about how much it's gonna cost to see both parts this many times...... fuck Miramax.
  17. Holy fucking shit. This is the best movie I've seen in theaters for a looooooooonbg fuckin time. Jaw dropping is exactly how I'd describe it. I don't think a smile left my face for the entire last hour. Whatever random journalists are asking if Tarantiono is just a flash in the pan one hit wonder can just shut the fuck up. This is just fuckin Style! (yes, with a capital S) The perfect throwbacks to old exploitation kung foo flicks, the music, the story structure, just the funnest goddamned movie you'll see. I could watch Tarantino's camera just follow characters around for two hours for christ's sake. And the fights? DAAAAMN. This is what happens when you let Yuen wo ping choreograph fights without inserting CG all over the place and have a true fuckin master filming it all. These are some of the best fights I've ever seen too. All framed within a badass story and shot perfectly. Oh yeah, and like IC said, the gore was nuts. Makes you wonder why there's never any blood in all those other kung foo movies with sword s in em... You hit a guy with a sword, he makes a mess. In this movie, he makes a REAL fuckin mess. I just can't express how cool it all was. You've got a genius director who is a HUGE fan of kung foo flicks writing and shooting badass fight scenes for the best fight choreographer ever to create. This is the perfect popcorn action movie. I WANT THE SECOND ONE NOW.
  18. Did you guys see the same Daredevil movie I did? Is the R rated cut going to change the terrible distracting soundtrack? Is it gonna improve the choreography of the fights? Is it gonna improve the bad dialogue and such? I mean, I didn't think daredevil was terrible, just mediocre. And not because of it's watered down content. I mean, the sex scene would just have some god awful evanescance song playing in the background and so on... As far as comparisons to X-men go, I thought the first X-men showed buttloads of potential, it had some great ideas, a great cast, and had a lot of exposition to do. None of my problems with the first X-men dealt with the filmmakers' overall approach to the material. DD on the other hand, I thought was mediocre because they took no chances, went completely with style over substance and produced a predictable little music video. I guess a longer cut could solve some of those problems, but I dont see how anyone can say this one could ever be edited into being all that great. Now, maybe, if they give this guy all sorts of creative controll in the sequel, it will be an entirely diffrent movie from the first one in every way shape and form, but I really dont see all of the potential you guys are talking about. As far as Punisher goes, I dunno, maybe if it's an R I'll start getting my hopes up, but that one damned picture they put up haunts me. Thomas jane is just bein all pouty like he needs a hug. It could just be a bad photo tho. All other news on it is good. And they could do whatever the hell they want with Ghost Rider. It could be a G for all I care, it doesn't have to be faithfull to any kind of source material as far as I'm concerned. They should do whatever the fuck they want with it. I just hope they don't end up making "Spawn 2: suck harder"
  19. Bah! Damn you, my fuckin amp is on the fritz at the moment so i'm acoustic for now. Dying to plug that thing in again tho.
  20. Does anyone still care about this thread? I guess I'll try and open it up again. This thread is for guitarist, complete beginners, experts, whatever. You can ask quiestions, post tabs, let us know how you're doing, give out some pointers, whatever. Everybody remotely interested in this stringed thingamajic is welcome. As for me, I've been teachin myself for a year now I think. I'm finally playing a few barre chords clearly, I'm confortable with most normal open position chord changes, I've got decent coordination and speed. Anyways, I feel like I kinda almost know how to play this thing now. Right about now I'm trying out songs from Ozma and Third eye blind. Both bands have great melodies that are easy as pie to play. I guess if I could reccommend any of these songs to play it'd be "How's it gonna be?" by third eye blind to get those fancy barre chords down and Domino effect and the tetris theme "Koireskewhatever" by ozma for fun picking stuff. Oh, and a cool one for simple chord changes is "Time of your life" by green day. Anyways, I just thought I'd open this topic up again, if anybody plays or wants to start playin, it'd be cool to hear from ya.
  21. This guitar stuff is goin well. Knockin out these intimidating "Barre Chord" things one song at a time. Can't play along with anything for shit tho, I needs me a metronome.
  22. Random thoughts Ya know, the movie making end of this shit might not be so bad after all... Got a class I have to make two short things for and a club I wrote a stupid ass ten page script for and I'm enjoyin it all. The "Cinema studies" major I've got might just turn into a "Film Pending." Though in this fuckin place (about 200 film pending students, about 30 get in per year) that means I'll end up a cinema studies major, but it's worth a fookin try. So, worst case scenario is that i major in what I'm majoring in already, which I love so far, but maybe I could film this shitty script (or a better one) and submit it as my portfolio and see what happens?
  23. Alright, whoever designed the Mercury Gran Marquis needs to be fired like a motherfucker. I know I'm supposed to wear my seatbelt, but I dont need this peice of garbage machine incessantly beeping at me when i take it off while I'm fucking STATIONARY in the parking lot. And I still can't work the bright headlights without hitting my winshield wipers. Oh, and it's fuckin HUGE.
  24. Ahem. I hereby declare that all reviews I post from now on will be polls! I'll review like normal but I'll leave up a poll goes from like "Great" to "good" to "ok", to "bad" to "shit." So, eventually you'll be able to check what the board in general thought about something thru the stats. Should be a cool little improvement. Almost wish i could go back and make some old reviews polls.
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