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Troma High alumna
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Everything posted by Donatella

  1. Is this any way this might actually be good? I can’t picture it. I’m hoping for a delightful mess.
  2. Also, yes, I’m aware I take my snacks too seriously. @The NZA learned this the hard way.
  3. Noooo! Teddy Grahams are delicious but they’re not the same at all. They only come in honey or cinnamon. Dunkaroos used to have cinnamon cookies but their vanilla ones are what we’re used to and Teddy Grahams don’t make vanilla cookies, unfortunately. Also, store bought frosting doesn’t taste the same at all, but you can find Dunkaroo frosting recipes online that are closer to the real thing! Also, don’t be fooled by the Walmart Dunk N Crunch version! I was really excited to see this but the cookies are oddly soft and taste nothing like the original. And everything was way too sweet!
  4. They were up until very recently. I feel like I have some of the last ones in existence in our cupboard now. They’ve expired and I’m just holding onto them for posterity! There is a cookie place here that makes “Dunk-a-hoots” which are a clear throwback to Dunkaroos: I haven’t tried them but I can do some reconnaissance and if they’re anything like the original, maybe we can have some when you guys are in town!
  5. What! Badgering works! But man, you really can smell and taste these things just looking at them. They were one of those foods I never really liked but would get random odd cravings for. I might have to give these another shot when they’re back in stores! What else can we bring back from the dead?
  6. Yes! I was so hyped for an H.H. Holmes movie and it seems to have just gone away. Nothing on either of their IMDBs. Ugh!
  7. I’m so over Tarantino. I’ve never been less excited about a movie based on a true crime event I’m obsessed with (Helter Skelter was the first true crime novel I ever read). I don’t know, I feel like Tarantino is the LAST person I’d want touching anything dealing with Charles Manson. Man, I used to be such a huge fan of his. It’s hard to pinpoint where it all went wrong for me. But I just can’t with him anymore.
  8. So much writing in this thread! I wish I cared about anything as much as you guys care about this franchise.
  9. Daria was my shit. I loved the hell out of that show when I was younger. I even dressed up like her for Halloween once. But I tried to revisit it as an adult and I couldn’t get back into it. When I was an angsty teen, Daria was my hero. But as an adult who was trying to be more positive and see *some* good in the world, I found her needlessly pessimistic and annoying. I wonder if this new Daria will be satirical but not just be a fucking bummer all the time. I’ll probably check out an episode or two to see how they write her now. Also, no Jane Lane??
  10. What else has he got going on? The 300K an episode he could stand to get might be hard to turn down!
  11. No argument from me there! Those are my jam!
  12. @The NZA was reading an Iron Man comic from the late 80s and he saw this ad and showed it to me so we could solve the word jumbles: Took me a minute to realize it was an ad for striped Chips Ahoy! Do these still exist? I don’t like regular Chips Ahoy that much but something about these makes them seem more exciting. Did anyone have these back in the day?
  13. Was this an unrelated observation or do you think we should excuse boring writing because the characters are obscure and we’re lucky to be seeing them at all? I’m still hoping it improves because there’s so much that could be done with this if the writing gets better!
  14. Slow I can handle as long it’s interesting! This was just straight up boring and I didn’t feel it added much to their storylines or character development (Tyrone, maybe, but we didn’t need damn near an hour of that stuff). It ended somewhere much more interesting so I’ll give it one more episode to draw me back in.
  15. We are halfway into episode 2 and I’m bored as hell. The first episode was promising but this just isn’t going anywhere. I don’t know what I want to happen, but something interesting better happen soon or I’m out.
  16. Oh, I wasn't trying to make a difference or send a message to Netflix. If the outrage after that interview (or the harassment claims against Tambor) doesn't convince them to make changes, I'm sure one person avoiding a show definitely won't. I just don't want it viewed on a subscription I pay for.
  17. I can see that happening, and while it has to suck as a fan, I honestly hope more fans feel the same way. These people shouldn't get a pass because they're on a beloved show. I told Nick I'd prefer he didn't watch the new episodes on the Netflix I pay for because I refuse to support it. So he'll likely watch it somewhere else. But I am glad to hear Maebe was a highlight for you, @Mr. Hakujin. Alia Shawkat is amazing and was the only cast member to defend Jessica Walter (if even with one sentence) in that horrible interview. She's just awesome. I hope she moves on to better things!!
  18. Hahaha!! Oh, that’s good.
  19. Someome made this the day of the cancellation and it has people clamoring for that spinoff. I’d watch Jackie. Or Jackie & Darlene. Roseanne was never the interesting part of that show.
  20. She made a racist remark. It’s difficult to compare that to rape. Both are horrendous. I can not believe any network would still play the Cosby show. That’s disgusting.
  21. Literally crying ?
  22. I will bathe in their tears. Fuck them. Fuck her. Fuck this stupid show. I’m glad to see it cancelled. I hope no one tries to revive it.
  23. Oh yeah, I forgot to post those! My friend took a few pictures at PCCC and he sent me a link for Flickr, but I can't download the hi-res versions because they're protected. So these are screen grabs. Quality isn't as great, but you get the idea! He was using a weird prism thing on his camera to get some of the effects. I think @The NZA looks so good in the first one! I love that shot!!
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