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Troma High alumna
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Everything posted by Donatella

  1. Tonight was Panch's amaaaazing superhero-themed baby shower where costumes were encouraged! So @The NZA and I dressed up as Netflix's Jessica Jones, and Daredevil (season 1, before he gets his costume made). Check it out! Thanks for this one, @Newtype! We had such a fun night. It was by far the best shower I've ever been to! Now, to prepare our couple's cosplay for Supercon!
  2. Rami looks good for the part! The hair/clothing/etc is on point. At first I thought they went overboard with the teeth but then I googled a couple videos of Freddie and was like "ok maybe not." I have always loved his wonky chompers! From online comments, it seems much of the internet is upset Sacha Baron Cohen wasn't chosen for the role. Honestly, I think either one could've pulled it off. This doesn't look terrible. Also that mashup of their songs in the trailer is dope.
  3. Very sad. Does anyone remember when she had a very public meltdown in the mid-90s and then began speaking openly about her bipolar disorder? Much like Carrie Fisher, I always admired Margot's openness and honesty about her mental health issues. I bet she helped many people. There's an old People article about it here.
  4. Exactly that! It was essentially a bilingual movie. Even the “gringa” main character understood and tried to speak Spanish to her Hispanic friends. It was really cool to see!
  5. Well that's much better than the really early test screening reactions! I'm looking forward to this one next week! Pre-sale tickets are already up, @The NZA. We should get on this.
  6. Multiple Outlets Are Reportedly Battling to Save Brooklyn Nine-Nine Hope may not be lost. I need to get back to watching this show. I saw the first season and absolutely loved it. I only lasted 2 episodes with Last Man, though. Couldn't get into it at all.
  7. So the original version of this movie, with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell is one of my mom's all-time favorite comedies. She's seen it a hundred times. So when they announced this gender-swapped remake (why they felt it was necessary, we'll never know), I knew I had to take her to see it. So, this movie is actually more enjoyable than I would've imagined. Has some genuinely funny moments and isn't boring, but is not a great movie by any stretch of the imagination. I'd probably give it like a C+. It has a strange choice for a male lead, given he's supposed to be this hot rich playboy but is played by a guy pushing 60 alongside the much younger Anna Faris. Oh, Hollywood... Apparently, Eugenio Derbez is a big deal Mexican actor. A few years ago Variety called him the most influential Hispanic male in the entertainment industry. But I'd never heard of him till this, and I do watch a lot of Mexican cinema (Inarritu, Cuaron, Del Toro, etc)! For what it's worth, I think Derbez did a good job. He was pretty endearing, all things considered. What I absolutely LOVED about this movie was that the rich character comes from a wealthy Mexican family. I am SO annoyed by movies where we see Hispanic friends/family alone together and they're speaking broken English. I always shout at the screen, "Why aren't they speaking Spanish to each other?!" I know it's because American audiences don't respond well to subtitles, but this movie didn't give a fuck about that. Whenever the Mexican family or groups of Hispanics were together, they spoke Spanish or Spanglish and it was subtitled. It felt much more authentic, and was great representation for our people! Wish it'd been in a better movie, but I'll take it!!
  8. Hey. I’ve been stopping in the last couple days to log out on my various devices. Checking this site was such a habit, I didn’t want to keep doing it based on muscle memory. But I saw there was activity on this thread and wanted to respond. No, I wasn’t looking for too much. At no point did I say I wanted deep conversations. I just wanted...conversations. All I ever really posted about was entertainment. But I RARELY got responses to ANYTHING I posted. I’d join conversations and see people respond to the people commenting before and after me, but not me. I’ve just always felt like an outsider. People seemed to have lots to say, just none of it to me. I do appreciate the other responses on this thread. Thanks, guys. I realize I’m highly sensitive and I truly wasn’t looking for apologies but it did mean a lot seeing that. I feel bad saying I won’t ever be back because I believe you when you say you want to make this place better. I’m sure I’ll check in here and there or read over NZAs shoulder. I just needed a little distance from it for a while.
  9. It was my birthday yesterday and I didn't get a single birthday wish from any Hondonian, here or anywhere really. I tried to pretend it didn't hurt my feelings (I know people can be distracted, etc.), but honestly, it really did hurt. I have really tried to fit in here, I've tried to befriend Hondonians even off the site, I've supported their endeavors, even hosted them in my home. But I've never really felt like I fit in here. And yesterday felt like the nail in the coffin for me. I mean, I've seen you guys revive birthday threads for people who haven't posted in months (like bishop) or YEARS (like amynicole). I think I've literally logged into this bitch every day for the last three years and I don't even have a birthday thread. That's fine, I know not everyone does, but they at least get a shoutbox mention or something. I don't think I've gotten a single well wish in all the time I've been here. I feel so fucking stupid and petty for bringing it up, but damn. It really did sting. The purpose of this post isn't looking for validations, or apologies, or anyone telling me to stay around. I guess it's just to say that I wanted really badly to feel a sense of community here and make some friends. But I think it's time for me to move on.
  10. Yeah I’d never heard the Terror either...
  11. Ehhhh...I'm not as upset about this as I thought I might be. I don't mind moving on and can't fault the guy for not wanting to rehash the one character he's most famous for.
  12. So sad. Earlier this month I read that he was placed on an involuntary psychiatric hold because he had tried to harm himself. Sucks that he wasn't able to find the help he needed in time.
  13. I miss Night Court. I posted the theme on IG and now it’s stuck in my head. I ain’t mad at it.
  14. Waiting on NZA to see Rampage, but I did catch this one today: So I thought the premise of parents trying to stop their teen daughters from having sex on prom night was silly and potentially offensive to women, but I wanted to see where they went with it. I thought they had a chance to teach an important lesson and was curious to see if they would. This movie was pretty hilarious. I had a lot of fun with it. My expectations were super low, which I'm sure helped. It's a raunchy teen sex comedy that uses some gross-out humor, of which I'm not a huge fan but didn't mind too much here. I wouldn't recommend paying to see it in theaters (I saw it for free!), but if it's ever on Netflix or something, give it a shot! So about that premise...we had teen sex movies decades ago with films like Fast Times and Porky's, and we saw a resurgence of it in the 90s with American Pie. These movies were often very problematic for women. So when I saw the trailer for this, I groaned a little at the idea of parents trying to "protect" their daughters' virginities as though it was this sacred thing, a hideous double standard that really annoys me. I wanted to see if they'd made some important commentary here. And they actually did! Ugh, I want to say so much but it would be spoilery. I will just say that it's a good film for parents AND teenagers to see and learn a bit about the importance of girls having agency over their own bodies. There is also an LGBTQ storyline that is handled beautifully. This movie was surprisingly refreshing.
  15. Looking forward to Rampage! I’m happy to hear such a positive review! I’ve also heard great things about A Quiet Place. Might save that one for October this year. That’s when I do my very best horror watching.
  16. @The NZA we need to get back to this!! We watched most of season one (did we even finish it? ugh, it's been too long!). I do remember that we were loving it, but we just fell off it for some inexplicable reason. I'd love to get back into it and catch up! Breaking Bad remains my favorite TV show of all time, so hearing that some people think this is better is pretty exciting. Even if it's as good, I'll take it!
  17. Looking forward to season 2! I got Netflix back for Jessica Jones and decided to just keep it. So if anyone has any other Netflix recommendations, please send them my way!
  18. WHAT!! I want the Freddy and Elvira ones!!
  19. I love every single thing about this.
  20. Amazon can be pricey depending on the album but is more often than not still the cheapest online option I've found. I'd be interested in hearing some other options myself. Do you have thrift shops near you? NZA and I have found some real gems at thrifts, flea markets, Goodwill, etc! Takes some digging, but that's half the fun!
  21. I can definitely see that. I just don't know how not to be frustrated that we need a film like this (I'd like to rush gay acceptance along a few decades but that's unreasonable). But I am happy it exists and that it might help our LGTBQ youth. When I think about it, we have had many coming out stories in movies and on TV but more often than not it's a subplot of a bigger story. If we haaaave to have a stand alone story, this one is pretty damn good.
  22. I had a little bit of a bone to pick with this movie before even seeing it. In the trailer, Simon claims to be an ordinary teenage boy with "one huge ass secret." Then he states, "Nobody knows I'm gay." It's 2018, do we really need another coming out story? Do gay teens really need to see characters feeling terrified, ostracized, and having what should be a normal and accepted part of their lives (coming out) be this obstacle that needs to be overcome? I've seen critics call this movie "groundbreaking" and "trailblazing," but it should not be either of these things at this point!! I felt Call Me By Your Name was trailblazing because it was a love story about two gay men where there sexuality was just accepted by everyone they loved without question or conflict. So we were able to just focus on their connection. THAT is where we need to be right now. Homosexuality should be normalized because it's fucking normal. THAT BEING SAID... When I got over my personal feelings about the subject matter, Love, Simon was actually a really beautiful story. It's a teen romcom that is legitimately funny, heartwarming and very entertaining. I was bummed when it ended because I knew this was one I'd wanna see again real soon. With my MoviePass I'm still seeing movies for free for a couple months, so I may catch this one again before it leaves theaters!
  23. OUTBACK’S NEW RIB-LOADED BLOOMIN’ ONION HAS AROUND 3,500 CALORIES Ribs...on top of cheese fries...on top of a bloomin' onion. I love all these things separately but I think this monstrosity, even if shared, would likely kill me from the inside.
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