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Troma High alumna
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Everything posted by Donatella

  1. I have faith! They were already able to finish a season without it turning into dogshit so they’re already pulling it off better than AHS.
  2. This looks so crazy! Nick and I just watched the trailer and agreed, we would've been all over this park back in the day!
  3. I was looking forward to this but now I just want it to come and go so this conversation ends (not on Hondos, but in general!).
  4. This feels like an updated, crazier version of Clue and I’m in. Might even be willing to pay theater prices to check it out!
  5. Blaze and Cherry bout to fuck shit UP!!
  6. Seconded! You’re awesome and we’re just glad you’re back!
  7. What if we already have ad-free Hulu? Hmm. I also have no interest in ESPN. But I’d like to avoid paying separately for Hulu and Disney if we can swing it!
  8. I, for one, really miss the nayhooooo.
  9. I’m so on the fence about seeing this one. I’ve been exasperated with Tarantino for a while now and was so bummed that he was taking on a Manson movie. Helter Skelter was one of my first true crime novels and I am fascinated by that whole story. But I didn’t think he would/could do it right. Now you’ve got me leaning toward just catching it streaming someday.
  10. Huge thanks to @Newtype for finding this at Target for me!! I just love this set. I love the detail and their outfits. After all these years, NZAs nagging has worn me down and I’m taking figures out of their boxes!
  11. I watched half the trailer and that was enough. It looks great but super emotional and I can’t handle it yet! I still haven’t been able to watch the documentary!
  12. Florence Pugh! Homegirl killed it in Midsommar and I’m glad she’s doing big things!
  13. I think it was a very smart decision to do this as an animated series. You can do so much more in that format and it could work so well for these stories!
  14. This is the one I’m least excited for. In the Avengers films, their story always bored me and I’d check out when they were on screen. I’ll probably give this an episode just out of curiosity. I want to see if they can somehow make this pairing interesting!
  15. Perfect casting. He’s so talented, this could be really great!
  16. But even still, I was fascinated by the cult/pagan/ritual aspect for sure. And it was so well shot and visually interesting. The main actress was fantastic. Just wanted more!
  17. ^Agreed 100%. This wasn’t bad, it was just underwhelming compared to the hype. That one scene though.....that was probably the most disturbing thing I’ve ever seen on screen. Nick covered my eyes and ears for me and was like “No no no no, don’t look, don’t look, don’t look.” I caught enough to be scarred for life. It lost so much intensity after that.
  18. Well that was lucky! I did like that as an ending.
  19. We saw it tonight. Quick question for you guys who’ve seen it! We had a big storm and the movie cut out right at the very end and never came back. We wanted to know if what we saw was the actual end.
  20. Jessica Jones season 3 has been out for a bit but it's been hard to find time to watch with NZA's intense work schedule! We are only two episodes in. I love the noir feel they're going for with the dramatic voiceovers and all that. But ep 2 is Trish-centered and she honestly can't carry an episode. It felt sooo long cuz I just wanted it to end. Still looking forward to the rest of the season, though. Just hoping we don't spend too much time on Hellcat.
  21. The director of Midsommar had a chat with Jordan Peele for Fangoria, and Peele’s comments have me even more hyped for this. He said a lot more but I didn’t want to know too much so I didn’t read the entire thing, just in case there were mild spoilers. But given that Peele’s made two of my favorite recent horror flicks, I trust his taste!
  22. I'm still so new to Black Mirror, but I love that it's a show you don't have to watch in order. I've only seen a couple episodes and loved both. But I think I'm ready to jump around to some of the best episodes! If you guys have recommendations, I'd love to hear them! (I've seen the one with Daniel Kaluuya that's like a fucked up American Idol, and the one where your contact lens thingies record your entire life. Man, that last one is one I still think about often!)
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