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Troma High alumna
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Everything posted by Donatella

  1. Yeah I don’t know what to expect there! I guess I’m hoping he makes it completely his own. No one can recreate Robin Williams’s Genie nor should they try.
  2. EW put out a "First Look." Thoughts?
  3. Couldn't wait! Read a brief synopsis online and I'm hyped! People are saying the description has a Strangers vibe, but I trust Jordan to do something unexpected with it. Also with Lupita and Winston, we're getting two Black Panther alums in it! That's awesome!
  4. We don't deserve Terry Crews. What a gem of a man!
  5. Holy shit this was so good. I loved every minute. The animation was stunning. Stellar voice acting. So funny and moving. That post-credit scene was hilarious. This just became my favorite Spidey movie!
  6. Same. I love fun! This wasn’t that.
  7. Please do! I want to see everyone’s pins!!
  8. A couple years ago I started collecting lapel/enamel pins and buttons. I foolishly put them on the outside flap of a messenger bag without buying more secure backings and lost a few, so I was disheartened. But I recently started up again, and found bags that have clear plastic windows that let you display pins from inside the bag, so you can't lose them (called ITA bags). So I'm back in the game! These are my most recent purchases. I will have to catalog my entire collection soon. I have some really neat ones! Also, if anyone ever sees any online that you think I'd like, please please please tag me in them!! My favorite pin-maker, Patti Lapel, has an awesome Blockbuster VHS series that speaks to me because she picks awesome titles and I used to work there so there's lots of cool memories here. My Lydia Deetz quote. The Wednesday one is also taken from a Mean Girls quote ("On Wednesdays we wear pink"). The Chipwich was thrown in as a free gift by the seller but I got lucky because I LOVE them! The shaving cream can from Jurassic Park, complete with dino DNA inside! I'm excited to have an excuse to photograph my collection and keep it all in one place! I'll get on that after Nick and I move.
  9. HO-LY SHIT. This can't be real. I refuse to believe this person has friends. The "certified spiritual healer" bit killed me. Also WTF is a soda hat. Like the hats with cans on the side and a plastic tube going to your mouth? That's classy AF. Edited because I JUST noticed the dress code requirements are separated by weight. Oh, I hope this isn't real. That woman doesn't deserve love. Reddit, you're a cesspool, but sometimes you deliver the goods:
  10. Are those episode titles? What are we looking at here? Man, I do love their theme music though. I love when a show's theme so perfectly captures its vibe. This is probably my favorite since the X-Files.
  11. Apps for organization are awesome. Discogs has been great for cataloguing our vinyl and making sure we stop buying repeats! It’s pretty cool to see everything in print too. I’d be all over this if I had more than 3 Pops!
  12. This gon' be me watching Brie for two hours:
  13. phewwwww I can't see this image without thinking about the edited one Brie Larson posted and it kills me.
  14. Nick and I had a rough day and I needed something mindless and fun so I suggested we finally watch this. It was EXACTLY what I needed! Just dumb fun. Panch’s review is spot on (‘cept I hated the first Pacific Rim so this blew it outta the water for me). Man the third act of this was just a BLAST. It had no right to be as good as it was!
  15. Well that is just heartbreaking. I also hope that the cast and crew on these productions are able to find other work. I worked in TV for years when I was just out of film school and I haaaated suddenly not knowing where my next check was coming from.
  16. I was gonna send you this story yesterday! I'm so glad we actually watched the original this October. I am 100% down for a remake because this one actually warrants it. It had some genuinely terrifying moments, really decent jump scares, etc. but it was absolutely a victim of its time. I don't know DaCosta's work at all, her IMDB doesn't have much on it, but I'm interested to see her take! It would be interesting to have more of a female writer/director presence in horror.
  17. ‘Spongebob Squarepants’ Creator Stephen Hillenburg Dies At 57 More here.
  18. Well that’s pretty damn cool! I really like Ryan Reynolds.
  19. I only made it halfway through this video but I really appreciate the use of horse pooping as a transition. Also, I've gotten none of this from listening to you play. I think I've become an expert at tuning out gaming noises even when I'm a few feet from the TV.
  20. In today's "But why?" news, General Mills wants to launch a cinematic universe with their line of cereal monsters. You guys know those cereals that only come out in October, Count Chocula, Frankenberry and Boo Berry? I've only had Count Chocula and it's amazing! But do we need movies or shows about these guys? Seems kinda ridiculous. Here's a bonus shot from the night @The NZA tried Count Chocula for the first time a couple years ago (with some JiffyPop and YooHoo no less). It's so damn good and also a shame we're actively boycotting General Mills, which is hard to do since they own EVERYTHING. But it's the Count I miss the most!!
  21. Had no idea what I was looking at there but was like "Is that Fred Savage?" Haha. Yes. Yes it is. They're releasing a PG-13 version of this movie for the holidays. I'm good with just this trailer:
  22. About to start episode 7 and I can't understand why I'm still doing this. It's one of those weird things where I'm not really enjoying it, it's just sort of on, but it has juuuuust enough funny or interesting parts to keep me from preventing Netflix to jump to the next episode. Honestly, if Netflix gave me more than 5 seconds to decide, I might've stopped watching but another one just starts and I'm like, "Okay, I guess we're doing this." It's not bad...I guess. It's just not...great? I dunno. It's really cheesy and some of the stories were downright ridiculous (the court shit was stupid). Ambrose is definitely the most interesting character and needs more screen time. Also still in it for Salem, who is woefully underused. Such a gorgeous, helpful demon kitty.
  23. Didn’t make it all the way through this one. It was painfully boring. And so stupid. I was grateful for the shitty reviews because I wasn’t expecting much so I wasn’t let down.
  24. One of my greatest shames in life is how much I love Arby’s.
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