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Ganny McVagflaps

Preacher's Divinity
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Everything posted by Ganny McVagflaps

  1. The Nza speake the truth, Stark's such a fucking dipso. And to keep this shiz legal, my favorite piece of video game art:
  2. You're spot on about Fred Norris. He's a fucking comedic genius. I miss the "Fred, Fred, Fred, Fred" segments. I like the drama of Stern. I like Sal and his 143. I like hearing about the Dell'abate boys and how Gary's whipped. I like the insanity of Dan the Song Parody Man. I've been with them for so long they feel like family. I just wish that Artie could come back. The show has gone way down since he left. I too tried his show with Nick DiPaolo but just couldn't get into it. Fuck, I own Beer League, Dirty Work AND The Bachelor. Too Fat to Fish is displayed proudly on my bookshelf. I couldn't get my hands on They Call Me Baba Booey so I ended up d/ling the audiobook, bawth. Good call on Billy West too. He was fucking brilliant from what I've heard on History, Best of and Master-Tape.
  3. Fuck sake, I've never been more annoyed I broke that stupid fucking jack in my computer. Having no sound is the fucking worst. FACT.
  4. I can't do O&A just because I'm such a Stern nut. I've tried and do appreciate what they do but the king is the only one for me (even if this AGT shit is driving me fucking nuts, not to mention Benjy and that Jordana broad, it was funny at first but now it's just annoying). Geek Time is great too. I don't have the Ralph hate that lots of people seem to and you have to love John Hein. I dug on Farrell for a while but got sick of him. Never liked Bubba.
  5. Christ almighty I love the fucking Go-Go's.
  6. Yeah, I'm surprised I held it in such high regard way back in those halcyon days of 2003. Now I wouldn't bother with it. The first one is still amazing though. Since it's so played out at this stage people forget just how great the "I'll be back" scene in the police station is.
  7. That's just because you've never seen Around the World in 80 Days.
  8. Nine years later it's gotta be the first Terminator flick.
  9. Shit my hat. I thought I was the dude 'cause I had some Henry Hill artwork. (not the actual one but just like it) You, sir deserve the cool points. Shit, we may as well start blowing each other.
  10. Jesus, I can hear one of the fellas I live with beating off. This is most uncomfortable.
  11. Oh fuck this shit. I really need to read that fucking book and report back.
  12. An easy introduction is him and Yo La Tengo doing 'Speeding Motorcycle'. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCOkbOmKjMk Did you check out the comic book he recently did? I couldn't find the damn thing.
  13. Oh for fuck sake. I really gotta pick that up. I steered clear of Hak's spoiler but Logan's still haunts my asspussy.
  14. Hahahahahahaha. You can so finish inside of me for that.
  15. That record is gold, damn it. Also totally forgot to Degrassi up this thread like I threatened to.
  16. You really do. I did the whole six in around a week or so. I think it may be my favorite show ever that's not called 'Maury'.
  17. I so want to fork Emma Stone. Then we can spend the rest of the night spooning.
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