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Everything posted by crimsonfire

  1. I never even realised this was a thing. I always assumed people had their social groups outside the board and were most likely to talk amongst themselves. No surprises there. I would always beeline straight towards the Irish chapters posts. All two and a half of us who're still here (I count as half). I remember discussing this with Haku a while back on Skype actually. I keep in touch with Hondonians through Facebook mainly and post on the board when the mood takes me once every few months. Usually when I see a movie or a TV show etc and wonder what Hondos is saying about it. It's gone beyond the board for me. It's pretty much part of my identity at this point. I'm just that kind of person. I've always preferred to have a few very good friends than lots of casual friends. I have had some of the best (and worst) times with Hondonians offline. There's that Hondonian connection that's hard to describe. We all just seem to get each other. There are certain topics I just won't go near and others I post on obsessively but I don't think i've ever felt excluded. Just sticking to what I know. It pains me to think that some people would feel left out here because it's one of the most welcoming communities I've ever had the privilege of being part of.
  2. Apparently Marvel have the rights to Blade now. As well as Punisher and a few others. Not sure how they could fit into the family friendly MCU though.
  3. I'm currently powering my way through Season 1 was we speak due to you guys. I wrote it off when it first aired as I thought the first episode was the same spoon-feeding, prime-time garbage that I expected it to be and that I actively try to avoid. Seven episodes in and it's grown on me a little and that's mostly because I'm in love with Simmons and Coulson says funny things sometimes. It's still painfully formulaic and dull. Generic Tough Guy With Demons annoys the piss out of me. Skyes hotness sometimes distracts me from the fact that she's annoying as fuck too but... so hot. You guys had better be right about the second half of season one.
  4. Eamon Hate is not something we see all that much but when do... ho boy. *Waits patiently*
  5. Hmm interesting. We only differed on which Cap we preferred.
  6. Discovery Channel is doing the same thing. Every second show is either people bidding on abandoned storage lots or an incredibly staged reality show about some obscure, vaguely dangerous job. My housemate was watching Moonshiners one day and I actually laughed in disbelief that people would watch this crap.
  7. I've been rewatching a lot of MCU stuff recently and was curious how everyone here would rank them. No half-assed top 5's "in no particular order". Rank that shit! 1. Avengers Assemble - Obviously. 2. Guardians of the Galaxy - Obviously... again. 3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier - The best standalone Marvel so far. (Haku, if you start with that "it's not a standalone, it's a team-up movie" shit I WILL cut you) 4. Iron Man 1 - 2 & 3 were fun at the time but I've found myself disliking them more and more with subequent viewings. 5. The Incredible Hulk - The middle child. Oft forgotten and under appreciated. Oh and Ed Norton > Mark Ruffalo. Deal with it.
  8. Ant Man looks fun. Paul Rudd is in it for fucks sake! I hope they don't turn him into a wife-beater though. PAUL RUDD IS SPECIAL AND WOULDN'T HURT A FLY. Thor 1 was fun but forgettable and Thor 2 was pretty good. Despite wanting to murder Kat Dennings character for being spectacularly irritating. On a side note: after repeat viewings I've also come to terms with the fact that Iron Man 2 & 3 were kind of shit. EDIT: I said 1 & 2 by mistake. 1 was fucking great.
  9. Yeah, I liked Gone Girl a lot. Had that trademark Fincher darkness that I enjoy but it did sort of fizzle out towards the end.
  10. I find the lack of a Louis CK thread here disturbing. Some videos from that fat, ginger cunt who has ruined comedy for me by being so funny and insightful that the feeling goes full circle into existential despair. http://youtu.be/4u2ZsoYWwJA http://youtu.be/qg48ZZ2wYfM
  11. One of my favourite films no matter how many times I see it. Before that it was... Surprisingly good sci-fi actioner. The whole Groundhog Day shtick is done quite well.
  12. Interesting. I quite liked Red State even though it got terrible reviews. I would like to see him make more non-Askewniverse films.
  13. I need your Minecraft/Mojang username to add you to the whitelist. It's an in-built feature of the game so you should see my server pop up in your game menu.
  14. Captain America 2 Still one of the best of the standalone Marvel films. Avengers and GotG count as teams.
  15. I signed up for Minecraft Realms. Pre-made server for 8 euro a month. I'm paying for it but have nobody to play with. Anyone interested?
  16. Fucknuggets. You mean all my posts for the last year are gone? Both of them?! Nah seriously, that is some fucked up shit from the hosting company. Rest assured that a company selling server space that "loses backups" will not stay in business very long. Fear not. I see like the end of Fight Club. Tear it all down and rebuild. It's liberating.
  17. ASC, check out a few more songs on Youtube. Whoever wrote their music really knows their metal. There was one song that was basically Meshuggah with three Japanese children instead of a bald angry Swede.
  18. Damn you Axels! I can't get enough of this stuff now. http://youtu.be/g2c3MM3zf0Y It's the contrast between the vocals and the music catches you off guard. It's pretty insane how technical the music is. I would fully expect to hear that quality on legitimate metal record.
  19. Well it's different at least. It shouldn't work but somehow it just... does. The actual metal parts of these songs are fucking badass though.
  20. Well it can't be said the thread title wasn't descriptive. Hedgehog got rowdy at his birthday.
  21. You gotta problem with 'Hamsterdam', son? Keep on walkin'. I'll save it for The Wire thread though...
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