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Everything posted by crimsonfire

  1. Yeah Movie 43 went almost completely undetected over here. I think it pretty much went straight to DVD. I thought it was good for a few gross out laughs and it was nice to see so many A-listers doing stuff you'd never in a million years expect them to do. Overall though it's easy to see why it tanked.
  2. I will find at least one Hondonian who thought it sucked donkey balls. Which it did.
  3. Olympus Has Fallen Dumb as all fuck but man was it enjoyable. Reminded me of the of brainless action flicks of the 80s and 90s. Gerard Butler had some solid gold lines in this as well...
  4. Mmmmhmmmm. She fits the role perfectly though. Katniss was a strong character but was also flawed and vulnerable. Jennifer Lawrence captures that perfectly. Apparently she auditioned for the role of Bella in Twilight. Wonder if she would have made those movies slightly less shit. Slightly.
  5. That episode was over way too soon. It did a good job of ratcheting up the tension. I like how
  6. I burned through the books in about a week. Couldn't get enough of them. So I wasn't surprised when the first movie didn't live up to my expectations. It was still enjoyable enough though. They just had to go and put Jennifer Lawrence in the lead role though. She's so achingly beautiful it kind of draws your attention away from the story. I am looking forward to this all the same.
  7. In fairness that was the last twenty minutes of the very last episode when it truly took a nosedive. I could also have done without
  8. Yeah I spotted those at the time! Thought I was the only one haha. Indeed, if there's one good reason to watch this show its Laura Prepon in all her sapphic glory. Also you get to see her titties briefly.
  9. I find these hilarious. He struck gold earning YouTube dollars out of making a mess in his kitchen. I agree with Logan. It's the fury with which he slaps the food that makes it funny.
  10. So in less than three weeks I have caught up with GoT and Breaking Bad. That's 8 years of nonconcurrent television in about 18 days.... bitch. Bang, betroth, bludgeon. Skyler, Jesse, Walt. Amazing show. It's competing with Battlestar Galactica in my estimation. Which is a big thing for me to say. Every episode takes its time and just grips your attention totally even if something pretty mundane is happening onscreen. I'm surprised the memes haven't made reference to Aaron Paul's appearance in the Korn video 'Thoughtless'. It's basically Jesse in high school for 4 minutes.
  11. I enjoyed both of those movies. Lotta Emmerich hatin' goin' on round here and I can't say I like it.
  12. Finally got around to watching this and I burned through all three seasons in about a week. All I can say is the hype was justified. A good plot that takes its time and builds characters brick by brick.
  13. You don't have to tell me that. So I finished season 1 of this today and I must say it just gets better and better as it goes on. It does indeed get pretty dark towards the end. If you have Netflix you better get on that.
  14. I have a theory that Foremans mother was smoking hot when she was younger. I just haven't been able to dig up any pictures of her from her youth. Not that I'd waste too much time on that kind of thing or anything... maybe.
  15. The Kelly Osbourne one from the first page blew my mind. She's actually hot now. Like proper hot and not "I suppose I would" kind of hot.
  16. Funnily enough I didn't find Mila Kunis all that hot until after That 70s Show. I was always a sucker for a husky voiced redhead. The blonde sister had weird bug eyes that creeped the shit out of me.
  17. Baytor - couldn't agree more on the Pegg/Frost dynamic. I said from the off that having Nick Frost as the Straight Man was just odd. Sure enough it didn't work for me. Frost has lovable fool down to a fine art whereas Pegg just made it cringey and lame. I also watched Gladiator for like the 15th time the other day. Let's all talk about that film now. [voice from the back of the room]Hey yeah Shane let's talk about that one and not The Worlds End anymore. Great idea, champ![\voice from the back of the room]
  18. We can all take credit! Laura Prepon credit for all! She is unspeakably gorgeous in this show though. I often find myself gazing longingly at her and missing what's actually going on plot wise.
  19. I feel touched that people put so much stock in my opinion but I have said that other people may well enjoy the damn film and not to let my opinion get in your way. Jeez-us
  20. My cousin kissed her. No fucking joke. He works in a hotel bar in the city and she was staying there. They got talking and he ended up getting drunk with her and her agent. Because I share some chromosomes with him I take some credit for that.
  21. Laura Prepon with black hair and glasses nearly made me lose my shit.
  22. So after I enjoyed House of Cards so much I must say Netflix are impressing me with the quality of their original shows. This one is another winner. I binged on the first three episodes and I'm going to spend the afternoon bingeing some more. This struck me as Sex and the City trying to be Oz initially but it is not so. It's a perfect balance between comedy and drama and the back stories of the inmates are genuinely affecting. It's also nice to see Captain Janeway back on TV heh. The original programming Netflix puts out these days is more than worth the 7 euro a month. It's a goddamn bargain.
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