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Hondo's Bar


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Everything posted by crimsonfire

  1. I couldn't fap to a single one of those. I feel somewhat cheated.
  2. I preferred the costumes in the previous Dredd. The new ones looked like some shit out of Modern Warfare.
  3. I assume this is the go-to thread for journalling ones fitness goals/regime. At the moment I'm surprising myself with how I've been sticking to high-intensity, bodyweight stuff. Looked up a whole load of exercises I hadn't even thought of. Merely by adjusting your body position in some cases you can hit a whole different muscle group. I'm going for a 5km obstacle course in March. Did it in November gone and it near killed me so I'm determined to be better prepared for it next time. There's a lot of roping up muddy inclines, net climbs, leopard crawls, wading through chest high water and all sorts of other horrible things. You feel like a fucking superhero after it though. There's an advanced 10k one which is basically just two circuits of the same course so I'm gonna shoot for that if I feel up to it closer to the day.
  4. Because Tom Hardys characters are generally badasses: http://youtu.be/RbiGC7Ga_Ag http://youtu.be/IrzvY0JNT0U And I have some manlove for RDJ: http://youtu.be/BGCMfprPJoA
  5. I saw their Star Trek movie reviews years ago. They were half an hour long and had incredible levels of insight and detail which I really liked. The hook was the reviewer pretends to be a creepy old man. Is that still the case? I can only imagine the Prometheus one is negative. Maddox set the bar with this for the most meticulous dismantling of a movie I've seen in a blog.
  6. I hate the way it gives you less points for certain things than you'd expect. I swear I was close to bursting a blood vessel somewhere trying a one-arm pushup. I am becoming a bit of a points whore but I guess that's how it motivates us by making us think we're in a real life RPG. I'm totally gonna try a quest!
  7. I'm fortunate enough to have a park nearby with pull-up bars and the like but it's hard to get myself motivated when its just me on my lonesome. Also, it's winter and it's cold. So very cold.
  8. Bindy sitting on things reminds me of Dancing Chandler.
  9. All I'm doing is finding new and interesting ways to avoid leaving the house to get in shape. I'm sort of the Martha Stewart of home workouts now. Did you know a reusable canvas shopping bag filled with books can double as weights. NZA of all people should know that paying for shit is for squares!
  10. How do I get in on this? I'm looking at a website but it isn't immediately clear how I find you guys. I've searched for Hondos Bar but to no avail.
  11. I liked the 2009 one as a movie in its own right. I loved it a lot. Even as a Trek movie I can still tolerate the whizzbang, lazy technobabble and beautiful people because they were very careful to explain that it is a different timeline to the original Trek universe. You could almost imagine them winking at the camera as if to say "We just said a whole load of timeline related shit so you hardcore Trekkies can officially stop seething and enjoy yourselves". It's a different kind of Star Trek which is cool. I do mourn the loss of patience and the sensory numbness of the public the entertainment industry needs to work with these days though. If it doesn't have at least 12,000 effects shots showing half of a city turn upside down and catch fire then it's "boring". Fuck humanity.
  12. This year I would like to see Participant banners for those that didn't win shit because we all know it's not about winning but taking part that counts.
  13. Yeah I don't get why this movie is even necessary. The story was nicely wrapped up in Clerks 2. I can imagine it'll be Dante and Randall face the one thing worse that adulthood... parenthood! *insert gay jokes*
  14. It doesn't fit for some reason. If it was Khan I assumed they'd make a bigger deal of it for the hardcore Trekkie street cred. Something along the lines of a giant neon sign flashing "This is Khan!". Khan was arguably the finest villain in Trekdom. His battle of wits with Kirk was marvellous. They could risk cheapening him as Generic Bioengineered Badass #4673.
  15. Not that my voyeur arse has anything to do with it but I quite enjoyed the ghetto ceremony last year. The G+ hangout was a golden idea. I for one would like to see that again.
  16. It's Kirks old friend Gary Mitchell not Khan. I forgot how but in the original series he slowly gains omnipotent powers and loses touch with humanity until he becomes a more angsty Dr Manhattan type character. To summarise: Not Khan.
  17. Soon to be Louie Season 3 as soon as I get some food into me.
  18. Seconded. A lot better than I was expecting it to be. There was no 2D showing but the 3D looked good so it was worth the spazzy feeling eyes I always get in 3D movies. As for the Resident Evil movies I just lap that shit up. I enjoy shit movies when they make no claim to be anything else.
  19. I suppose if they'd said definitively beforehand whether or not it was a bona fide Alien prequel we wouldn't have gone in with certain expectations. I was looking for direct references, concrete origins and such but apart from the obvious in-universe namedropping and the ropey looking "proto-xenomorph" all we got was wishy washy theosophy from that stupid hack fuck Damien Lindelof.
  20. I did the apologist thing for Prometheus for many months but I've finally come to terms with what a disappointment it actually was. The fanboy center of my brain just wouldn't budge on the issue. That said, those horrible cunts have turned catastrophe into opportunity in marvelously sneaky fashion by dangling the tasty morsel that is the "Not As Shit Version" before us and softly whispering "You know you want it, you little whore." I will be buying it on blu-ray with some amount of self-loathing.
  21. Issue 100 wasn't as groundshaking as I expected but I think we officially have a worse bad guy than the governor.
  22. You have just introduced a new dimension of revulsion. Damn you.
  23. I love continually pissing on the artistic integrity of this thread: http://youtu.be/PxIOu9Ws2jU
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