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Everything posted by crimsonfire

  1. Heh. Take that Lori. Either Carl is half-ninja or Lori needs to go to fucking Specsavers.
  2. Finally caught up with TWD in TV format. Still lagging on the comics. All I can say is AHMAHGAHAHMAHGAH!
  3. The viral videos don't give away any of the story. They're just fun in-universe stuff. Third trailer up. I think I'll resist though. Want to go into this as blind as possible.
  4. Oh come on! Is no one as psyched about this as I am?
  5. I will answer your spoiler with another spoiler.
  6. Aye the 3D was forgettable and also kind of distracting. Gonna see it in 2D again. But other than that OHMYFUCKINGAWD was it cool. I got a kick when everyone's ooh-ing and ah-ing over the helicarrier and I'm all like "Totally seen it before"
  7. That's a bit of a bugbear for me. I enjoyed Incredible Hulk. I'd rate it better than Thor to be honest, which is my least favourite of all the Marvel Studios films. Still damn good though, don't get me wrong. Hmm when you put it like that it might struggle to top HP. It'll come very, very close though. Although, the HP series went careening spectacularly off the rails* in the last two or three films so The Avengers with its combination of hype and alleged quality might surpass it yet.
  8. It came out today in Ireland but tickets are booked for Saturday. I'd so go see it today seeing as i have an unlimited annual ticket if I didn't have a girlfriend who wants to be all down with the Marvel-verse. It's nuts though. Only day 1 and Facebook is ablaze with "Happy Avengers Day!" and such. The level of fervour is something else. I'm calling it now: top 10 highest grossing films of all time and biggest opening weekend to date or at least in the last ten years.
  9. Aliens is one of my favourite sci-fi franchises of all time. Aliens is in my top 5 favourite movies, period. Not to mention Ridley Scott being a movie-making deity. Let's just say I'm fucking ready. Anyone catch the virals? Having this one as a TED talk was a very nice touch, I thought.
  10. Fuck that's a lot of good press. Not a mixed feeling abound. I'm hoping this enthusiasm is tempered by some familiar cynicism before the weekend. I have a habit of hyping things up too much in my own head. Nick - I feel you. Every urge is telling me to YouTube every piece of footage available right now but I must resist. Nothing better than going into something like this with a clean slate.
  11. That was so magical. I'll furrow my brow in your direction (that's a sign that my brow respects you). Great picture too. You didn't make me look too skinny and golf club-like which is nice!
  12. Brutality in song form. I'm in perhaps my longest metal phase since I was a teenager. http://youtu.be/2k37YwxxzD8
  13. All I could say during the timelapse was "Fuuuuuuuuck wooooaaaahhh" very quietly. As someone who has tried many times to build huge, impressive structures but never even come close to something like that, it is very awe-inspiring and very frustrating...
  14. Consider that +1'd Star! Don't judge me. The only good song on an album is a good song nonetheless. Fuck it. I felt I needed to swiftly redeem myself.
  15. How is not Hondos? It is Hondos with a different skin and easier to use on a teeny screen. Fuckin' hippies...
  16. What is everyones problem with the mobile skin? It only displays it in mobile form when you look at it on a phone. Besides its a freakin' mobile skin not flag burning!
  17. I want that Lego Super Star Destroyer so bad so I can walk around the house with it shouting...
  18. That is some good shit! I was very conflicted though between sniggering at the cheesy metal poses and generally being dumbstruck by the inventiveness of the music. The world needs more a capella metal.
  19. Really liking these guys. Sound like Tool had an emotionally stunted child with God Is An Astronaut. Oh and if you've never heard of GIAA either then promptly educate your bad self: Fuck U2. This is the best Irish band ever.
  20. I was once a WH40k nerd myself. I haven't touched my models in years though. Part of me wants to blow the dust off them and finish off a shitload of them that are half-done/unpainted but adulthood kind of got in the way.
  21. I actually loved ROTPOTA to use its very long-winded acronym form. I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was.
  22. I'm all for anything that facilitates MEW standing around looking lovely.
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