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Everything posted by crimsonfire

  1. Damn, that one slipped under the radar in the blockbuster season. Was it any good?
  2. I really can't hate the guy as much as I want to. He's everything I hate about Irish celebrities but then again we hate all our celebrities once they leave.
  3. But... but... the kicking and the... punching and stuff. Storyline? Subtitles? You really need to learn what side your bread is buttered on, son. The fatherfucking claims are sound, heathen! So are myself and JZA the only ones who enjoyed Prometheus?
  4. Fucking Oldboy! How could I forget that? Jesus, this is why I hate these kind of questions.
  5. Let's just soften the blow for the poor guy when he get's back.
  6. See I really wanted to be all deep and drop a Kubrick or Lynch in my top films but if we're going with pure watchability then those kind of movies are once-every-six-month jobs at most. Plus I can't stand that fucking hack Lynch. Kubrick rubs me the wrong way sometimes too but he's made a couple of excellent flicks that make up for his erstwhile wankiness.
  7. Hard to call. If best is just a flick you can watch weekly and not get sick of I'd have to say it's a three way tie between Independence Day, Shawshank Redemption and The Raid. Don't normally like to put recent movies on any 'best of' lists but it was a good 'un.
  8. (He's talking about The Raid for those that don't know) Indonesian. It features their native martial art which makes Thai boxing look like a tickling contest. There's a bajillion torrents. It was made in the leaky bucket that is the Asian film industry. It was made two years ago but was so good it got picked up on the festival circuit for western distribution. I'm writing you one Raid prescription for your chronic deficiency of seeing people getting smacked around. See Dr. DoJ for your medication.
  9. Fuck, people! Logans coming up with solid gold here. The bar is raising alls the time.
  10. The library was breathtaking. Never even realised I had stuff like that in my own damn city heh. Only when someone comes to visit do you learn to appreciate your own country.
  11. Plenty of them. Any movie where someone uses a door frame as a weapon is worth its salt.
  12. I've recently started rewatching The Wire. Yes, that's right rewatching. I'm picking up on so much stuff I had completely forgotten about. It's still so fresh a second time around. There's just no show that comes close to The Wire for me.
  13. Biggest pile of horseshit I ever did see. JTs hot mother needed to be in it a lot more. I thought that movie kicked ass. I'm sure it flopped purely because of the title. Your average horrid consumer scans down the list of movies on that night, they see a persons name for a title and think it's gonna be "all talkin' n' shit" because people name movies do give off that vibe. Had it been 'John Carter of Mars' like the comic then it mightn't have done so badly. And like Ross said: SEE. THIS. FUCKING. MOVIE.
  14. I'll admit I only copped it when I read your post.
  15. Hmm never even thought of Iron Patriot. Though it's entirely possible that's an elaborate photoshop.
  16. Here's one I threw together very quickly to get a feel for it. You can make them here. I call it Smart But Lazy Guy http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3pikps/ http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3pikna/ Can't embed them for some reason.
  17. We should be smart about this and maybe come up with something that is genuinely funny/clever/retarded enough to be memorable. Some of our in-house memes are a little too obscure for the wider public. Think of things along the lines of Sarcastic Wonka or Socially Awkward Penguin. The best and funniest ones can be applied to so many different little nuances of pop or internet culture and make you go "Oh yeah! Ha!" and nod sagely or some shit. C'mon guys. The following conversation could be had by YOU: Them: "So how was your summer? Do anything good?" You: "I invented a MEME motherfucker!" (a triumphant backhander to the head is optional but makes it cooler)
  18. First off go to knowyourmeme.com right now if you aren't familiar with it. It gives you a comprehensive wikipedia-style entry on pretty much any meme you've ever seen or heard (and many many you haven't). It also cites a source of origin for the meme if it's known. It's usually 4chan though, of course. I propose that we dump all our meme ideas in here and pimp the fuck out of them on other fora, social networks, postcards, pidgeons, WAP sites, telegrams, fax, anything it takes. Don't pretend like you've never thought it would be cool for our plucky, little board to make an impact somewhere, no matter how trivial the medium. I fully expect this thread to drop off the edge of the world and die from inattention/inaction mainly cos it's a dumb idea but it could be fun and we might yet surprise ourselves. Plus now that college is done for the year I'm reeeaaaally fucking bored.
  19. Weird I was just watching Extremis on Netflix today. Damn good story. Of course it's Ellis, the man could wipe his arse and there'd be a great story on the toilet paper. I was hoping for a change like this. Shane Black seems to have some solid action credentials but also this old school vibe that would hopefully move away from all this no-scene-without-a-moment-of-levity crap that seems to plague movies these days. I kinda thought Favreau was having just a little too much fun in IM2. It's time for a bit of Dark Stark.
  20. I'd be down for something like this. Bit late to the party but whatever. Do I still need to be invited?
  21. Well she fits the race and gender of Michonne but I'm not seeing a huge resemblance.
  22. Helps to always have a vanilla minecraft.exe launcher in a separate folder away from the saves and worlds etc so you don't fuck up your creations too.
  23. Aw man, 2T gets some serious props for his efforts today. They were like really fucking hot. It takes serious manballs (heh geddit?) to just approach that caliber of girl. I met the man behind the legend and he lived up to it. A rare thing in life.
  24. Sweet Jesus. It's a wonder you didn't write off film as an entertainment medium there and then.
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