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Everything posted by crimsonfire

  1. All I kept thinking throughout that episode was "Mickey loves ya!".
  2. You shut your WHORE MOUTH about Katy Perry. She's in the level of stunning that would make you stab yourself with passion for some reason.
  3. My issue here is not whizz bang and beautiful people. Most Star Trek fans prior to Abrams whoring up the franchise were contemplative introverted folk who enjoyed the moral and ethical themes. NOT lens flare and gratuitous phaser play. It all comes down to what you liked about Trek to begin with. If you were in it for the space battles then Abrams films are for you. If like me and most Trekkies you were in it for the interesting ideas and exploration of concepts then they are not going to be your thing. Trek fandom aside I thought Into Darkness wasn't a very well written movie and that the pacing was terrible. The plot was lame and didn't make a whole lot of sense in anything claiming to be the ST universe. Nick - First Contact was enjoyable. Generations and Insurrection weren't as bad as they're made out to be. Nemesis was truly awful. Skinny Tom Hardy was about the only good thing.
  4. That Blow video was genuinely hilarious. Plus you would bang her even though she constantly looks like she needs a shower.
  5. I just noticed the Ray Donovan connection myself. I, too, thought it was made up video. Logan, son. You need to get more comfortable with your musical sexuality. If there's one thing I'll never apologise for it's what I listen to. Ain't none of anyones damn business what I think sounds good.
  6. Yeah I don't get the hate myself. Her music is different and she has a pretty unique voice. I listened to her first album a while back and loved it. Fuck all y'all, haters!
  7. I remember groaning loudly when I first heard they were remaking Robocop because intantly knew which road they were going to go down. Murphy not remembering who is is fucking INTEGRAL to the story if you ask me. This project seems to be taking a lot of flak from the off. I really hope it's great but my educated guess is it will be a stinker. Best case scenario is it's an enjoyable action movie. They just need to ring fence certain 80s and 90s sci-fi and rubber stamp the fuck out of them with "DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REMAKE". Getting real tired of Hollywoods crap.
  8. On a side note Rays lesbian desk jockey is kinda skinny but damn sexy in a strange sort of way.
  9. I'm all up to date now I think. Unless episode 10 has aired but I can't find it anywhere. What day does this air in the States? I heard something about labour day delaying TV shows but I don't know when labour day is.
  10. Ray Donovan. It's safe to say TV has outstripped film in terms of quality for me this year. So many disappointments in the cinema, so much win on the small screen.
  11. Up to episode 5 of this. Loving it so far. Reminds me of an Irish-American spin on The Sopranos. Liev Schreiber was born for that role. It's amazing how much plot they can cram into each episode without sacrificing any pace.
  12. It had entertaining scenes but otherwise it just seemed to blunder half-blinded from all the lens flare from one set-piece to another. I also hate to be such a whiney fanboy but if you're going to make a Star Trek film you don't just wipe your arse with the canon so thoroughly. The first one found a nice balance between Trekkie-pleasing and accessibility but the sequel was just a shameless vanity project.
  13. Double post is double. Star Trek: Into Darkness Does not stand up well on second viewing. Abrams is like the kid who instead of playing a board game by the rules, picks up the pieces and starts shouting "Pew pew! I totally just killed all your dudes HAHAHA" Likewise with movies. Oh let's just forget about all that movie nonsense like storytelling, proper pacing or emotional resonance and just put in MORE LENS FLARE. Also instead of some character development... OH BIG SHIP EXPLOSION!
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