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the division of joy

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Everything posted by the division of joy

  1. I love how Me and Axels have Mike and Trevor styled the same way.
  2. Its one of the few films that is littered with errors that didn't irritate me because of said errors. It made me feel like a big smiley kid. Also, Jeff Goldblum is a god.
  3. Jurassic Park 3D Imax. First time ever watching it. It was amazing.
  4. We should set up a hondos CREW. When I say we. I mean not me.
  5. The first two aren't bad. The third one raped the shit out of my arm.
  6. Next I'll be getting involved in politics...
  7. That was very nearly a negging until I read your spoiler.
  8. Its all I could really think of off the top of my head at half 2 in the morning. It scares me that all I could think of was David Lynch.... T'fuck is wrong with me.
  9. Give in and watch Twin Peaks or Blue Velvet.
  10. The New Dr. is one of the few things that could get me excited about this show. He's awesome, I just hope he retains some of his previous glories for Dr Who.
  11. Here was me, two years ahead of the silver screen.
  12. It airs Sunday in MERICUH, so you would be able to pick it up monday morning.
  13. Oh, agreed entirely... There's almost too much good TV to keep on top of these days.
  14. My favorite, having gone through a whole bunch of them.
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