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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. It's just another type of Gymnastics. If they have an event where you dance around a mat with a ribbon, pole-dancing should easily qualify... they should really change that name to something other than 'pole dancing'
  2. I'm blaming Trump for poor movie performances... people are unsettled, they're not indulging, they're waiting for the other shoe to drop, that Trump will do something to tank the economy or start a war. They don't feel safe going out for an escapist experience when they can hide at home and get the same content a little later. People are pensive, divided, and feel threatened almost subconsciously. So fuck that guy. The film industry has also changed, all a studios eggs are in fewer and fewer baskets leading to the push for broader access to more and different demographics with foreign market considerations/pandering also generalize films for easy translation. Ask yourself, could films like the rated R 80s action flics get made today? Also, ticket prices have ballooned for reasons that escape me, theaters are no where near as profitable as they should be given that it costs 10 bucks for a discounted ticket. Has it also been pointed out that what studios and film makers are really just complaining about is that these aggregator sites aren't letting them trick the public into giving their shit-movies a once-over before the audiences revolt and the film cycles out?
  3. There is a fan theory that Mysterio was already in the first three Sam Raimi films. From Wikipedia
  4. For me, Picard of the TV series is > Kirk. However, Picard of the TNG movies is < Kirk. Kirk is always Kirk in both the series and films but they tried to shoe-horn Picard into a generic action hero for the films and that just totally breaks with the character.
  5. Well, two pilots in some, one pilot in others, and I saw a scene with 3 pilots... okay, and are those alien Jaegars or Jaegar type Kaiju? It looks wild... needs more Ron Pearlman.
  6. It's official, he passed late last night, several hours after life support was pulled. Found not breathing, in full cardiac arrest that morning and was later pronounced brain dead... well... don't that just fuck all...
  7. So far the news is just that his life support was pulled, he's not expected to last more than a few hours.
  8. I'm seeing a pattern to the comments about the Orville. People who have only seen the trailers are all saying it's just 'Family Guy in Space' while people who've watched the first four episodes are saying it's more Star Trek than the new Discovery series that just came out.
  9. the trailers are shit and don't reflect the genuine affection for the genre that the series actually has. See the Third and Fourth Episodes, seriously, see them.
  10. Yeah, this show has a lot of heart in it and isn't shy about bringing up the big philosophical questions... with gelatinous tentacle sex jokes.
  11. Finn finally got better clothes than his Stormtrooper undies. Glad he kept the cool jacket.
  12. they apparently did Slayers
  13. that just sounds like a children's educational show
  14. It is all about having some genuine optimism in sci-fi, not this constant barrage of gritty dystopias or apocalyptic scenarios with exaggerated Social Darwinism we get nowadays. The whole point of Trek was that the future had it's shit together and there was hope and belief in a better tomorrow; about how it's not all some relentless and futile struggle to temporarily delay the inevitable destruction of everything we've come to hold dear with characters that are practically salivating as they wait for the near-certain opportunity to betray their fellows for their own petty selfishness.
  15. The Orville's humor IS lame but the stories and adventures are right out of classic Trek. So much so that I find it almost unsettling because while the situations and plots are classic Star Trek tales of social commentary, the characters are contemporary people with massive personal issues of their own and not exactly the noble paragons of virtue that easily swaggered through any moral crisis that came along.
  16. It's disturbing how well this goes together
  17. Most obvious example is Star Trek- It takes a couple of scenes of rushed shipboard hijinks to get from Earth to Vulcan but it takes an epic journey on an ice planet, several hours of heart to heart mind melding and a long trek to find Scotty to even get halfway back to Earth; beating a genocidal maniac there by at least as long as it takes to put a complex plan into motion by hiding in Saturn... it's ridiculously inconsistent and affects the suspension of disbelief... and this is a pattern for Abrams.
  18. Abrams still sucks at pacing and conveying the relative passage of time and distances... it's just jarring at times.
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