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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. Did Dragon Age II over the holiday season. Getting ready to start Inquisition. All Hail:
  2. We're entering the new gilded age with all these neo-trust mega corps. Wildest rumor on NPR's Nightly Business Report was Apple might try to buy Tesla in the next couple of years.
  3. I so got to go over my Steam Library, shit there I've never downloaded to look at... though I've promised myself that I will eventually get back to Fallout: New Vegas some day... not sure if I'll start over or if I'll just edit my saves to fix the glitch that stopped me dead in my tracks all those years ago. Fucking Khans, they'd better be worth it. PS- Nick, check your steam. I still haven't gotten a confirmation e-mail for what I sent you for Christmas; tell Angel too if you can. I did see George accepted his. Thanks.
  4. it IS a stupid fucking concept but they've made a huge series of books about it so, what the fuck do we know
  5. Every time I read or hear the phrase 'Certified Fresh' I can't help but imagining a steaming log of shit my cat just left in the litter box... she looks at me as if to say "I guarantee you, it's Fresh!"
  6. So I'm guessing the "other reasons" cited in the poll would include a lot of "I just realized how exploitative the game is of it's players and fans."
  7. The million dollar questions remains: are they getting the original band back together?
  8. I've heard this one before, earlier this year. Not sure who said it, though.
  9. Yeah, turning the force into an STD was monumentally stupid and ultimately insulting to the audience, but it didn't contradict or change the overall effect of how the force was portrayed in any of the films or other media, it just made it laughably easy to identify a force user with a fucking blood test. At the end of the day it added nothing but also didn't really detracting from anything; it was just a childish insult that ultimately changed nothing. Exposition where none was needed. (The impetus for it was Lucas wanting to rationalize the force in 'reality', to him the force is everywhere in the universe, even right here and right now, but the fucking force bacteria only exist in that one galaxy far, far away, saturating the place like mist of mold spores; and it is through that medium that living creatures can interact with the force and do their magic mumbo jumbo... ooooh, big whoop, you too are descended from cylons. Don't you just feel an extra-special connection to the show now.) I can just picture it now- I'm sorry but you've tested positive for jedi and there's not enough antibiotics in the galaxy to clear that up, you should have been using a prophylactic on your lighsaber; but at least you didn't catch sith, that one's just nasty with all that pasty skin and funky eyes, shudder to think about it. As for Vader... well, there is that trope of 'taking a level of badass' to fall back on... all it took to turn a whiney bitch into a black knight shit-kicker was an afternoon picnic next to a volcano, go figure. But again, because it was a prequel it didn't really change anything about the character or his motivations in any of the other films, it was just a ham-fisted clusterfuck to shovel more melodrama onto the audience but what did it change about the character once he put on the black suit? It may have diminished his dark persona for some of the audience (the difference between a tortured soul and a brooding hipster can be subtle) but it can be ignored or explained away with out detracting from any of the other franchise works. But the new sequels are showing the direct aftermath and effects of all the history of the canon, and we're seeing that character arcs and personal growth have amounted to jack shit 30 years later. The message isn't that people can change and that perseverance in the face of adversity pays off, but that life is just one long crushing desperate struggle of the same shit generation after generation with no hope for improvement and that just one slip will destroy everything that you've fought to maintain and even that is ultimately pointless in the grand scheme of things for even the most powerful among us who want to do good... it's taking fun space fantasy and turning it into dark-grim nihilism... which says a lot about this day and age when even our escapist entertainment is depressing by design... what the fuck ever happened to having a fun adventure in a hopeful world of tomorrow; defending your utopia from the forces of evil; or standing up for your ideals in the face of adversity? How about taking the high road and winning? I'm sick of this shit of some depressing band of PTSD suffering fashion models with crippling emotional issues and untreated mental illness tearing down a corrupt dystopian system that has a stranglehold on the desolate remains of a failed society that in the end still leaves our heroes wallowing in a cesspool human filth and proudly looking forward to an uncertain future that only offers more desperate struggle in a desolate wasteland and little else? As for Luke; don't I know it! I'm trying to find the right time to give her that spoiler so she doesn't kill me and everyone around us in the theater when she finally sees it happen. I expect to get an ear full after the fact, regardless.
  10. that second ewoks movie was f-ed the hell up... at least it had wilford brimley.
  11. My wife explained her outrage to me... the prequels were bad and didn't add much, but they didn't take anything away from the original series either; seems these sequels are detracting from what people enjoyed about the original films. I've noticed that they are literally re-writing the meaning behind the actions of the original trilogy and are destroying the character development of the primary cast. She specifically ranted that "They went through too much shit for THAT to be their happily ever after." And keep in mind we haven't seen the latest one, this is just about The Force Awakens. I'm almost scared to take her to The Last Jedi.
  12. You know, for some reason I'm suddenly very concerned about playing this upcoming Werewolf game... I'm not exactly sure why... ah well.
  13. Sorry, I won't be seeing it till after Christmas... I'm a little bitter.
  14. The Joker with a massive mustache... I just can't picture it, no matter how hard I try.
  15. The Knight and chicken thing from Joust. The Iron Giant was a given... yeah, I think it's that Overwatch is too new for us to consider it classic... but some day...
  16. I adored the 'Some News' video series... damn
  17. How can they include characters that die in their one-shot films? It's not like they're going to get a lot of play... maybe if they crossed films... but then again, Boba Fett... but he's only slightly rated higher... yeah, it's weird.
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