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Everything posted by Drifter

  1. Anime kicks ass and old-school OAVs are the best ass kickers!
  2. Don't know, try asking in Plato's Symposium (that question reminds me of the first thread I ever posted on, is fucking your clone Homosexual or mastubation) Anyway, all I know is that it did happen in the comics, that's it.
  3. By their powers combined they for captain mudball, sadly this did happen in the comics.
  4. Tell me this, does it hook up to a printer?
  5. the fourth villian could be that water guy that combines with Sandman to form that mudman monster. I could see how the movie could have both super villians coming from the same secret lab/sinister project gone awry.
  6. EVERYBODY says it, though between Al and Jane that's like 50+ and episode just for them, then there's EVERYBODY else. The drinking game WILL fuck you up; just imagine the possibilities...
  7. Great show (the drinking game will lay you out; take a shot ever time someone says "cocksucker.")
  8. Holy Shit, this thread is old. You can smell the methane it's so dead. On that note, as if nothing has changed in the past four years and it was only yesterday: "KEEP FIRING, ASSHOLES!" I'd have to go with the late great John Candy. Great actor, one of the comedic classics. Did you know he was also one of the major voice actors in the origianl Heavy Metal animated movie? Chris Farley had a lot more energy on camera, but I think you can chalk that up to his relative youth. Given time, I think Farley could have become as great an actor/comedian as Candy but he went too young. I think even John Belushi was older when he OD. I wonder what a more subdued and witty Chris Farley would have been like in a movie, in a kinda Blues Brothers role instead of Farley's standard Black Sheep role and it's clone which name escapes me at the moment. So, it's John Candy for me.
  9. I agree. Dalton was one of my favouite Bonds; the angry, pissed off, out for blood, kill you with but a look Bond.
  10. Did anyone else notice at the time that The Pest had the same movie poster as the Disney movie Thad Darn Cat. Each had the main characters standing on a bullseye, looking up into the camera while wearing shades...... And of course at the core of the plot of the Pest was a rip off of "The Most Dangerous Game"
  11. I remember Bishop telling me about it. It's not the torture but the beat-down Snake went through when he was captured by the Colonel.
  12. for Herr Star I could also picture a bald Kevin Spacey (wonder how he'll do as Lex Luthor in the new Superman movie) and I'm always a big Patrick Stuart fan (but could the englishman pull off everyones favourite german bastard, but he did do a french captain)
  13. Grappler Baki (Grappler being the closest translation they can come up with when talking about a generic fighting style involving holds, throws, strikes and breaks, I'm not sure I don't speak japanese) is one of the more interesting stories when it comes to anime released here in the US. I saw it about eight years ago when it was released as a single OVA (short straight to video movie). I found out some years later that what was released were just two episodes of an animated TV series that was later released here by yet another company, now I have learned that there is live action versions of the series. All of this was adapted from its original manga (comic) form. This kind of title run-around is rare but not unheard of in the anime world. Keeping up so far? Anyway, with partial releases, re-releases, company bankrupcies, licensing deals expireing or being traded to another company, and things like one company buying the license to release specific titles here in the US and only translating one part and holding off doing the rest of the series for years, it's kind of hard to keep track when a title gets bounced around. Frustrating isn't it? I'm still trying to find the rest of the original Orguss series, Streamline Pictures by Orion home video only released the first eight before going under in the early 90s.
  14. I have anime Shitloads upon shitloads of anime I am such a japanese whore
  15. The elavator? Of course! How could I have been so blind! I'm off!... aww fuck it, it's late, I'm drunk, I'm done with it.
  16. Tracked down almost every possibility, I'm a tenacious bastard... I couldn't find a way for Brad to get laid, poor guy.
  17. I thought Gen had a more upbeat ending? Could be wrong, haven't watched it in about ten years and can't remember much about how it ended... but I've seen Grave of the Fireflies enough times recently and can't imagine and ending much worse than the hopelessness, despair and death of the narrator. Grave of the Fireflies is a flashback and the movie starts with him dying. Sunset Boulevard-ish kinda now that I think about it.
  18. We use to show this at the anime club at FIU every now and then. The only advice I would give people before we started showing it was that they should go get something to eat and finish it before it started. Along with the sadness and depretion, watching the movie will also make you hungry... and then you will feel ashamed for being hungry. Now if you really want to drive an audience to suicide show Barefoot Gen first then Grave of the Fireflies.
  19. In my collection I've got Manga, a lot of it, and the anime that they inspired I'm kinda a completionist, once I start I have to get all of it so I'm careful what I start. As for Comics and Graphic novels, lets see... 0-10 of Transmetropolitan (that's all of it) Batman vs. Predator I, 1-3 as well as graphic novel form Batman vs. Predator II, 1-4 as well as graphic novel form Batman vs. Predator III, 1-4 Battletech: Fallout 0-4 (that's all they ever made) I have a fairly extensive Deadpool collection containing both four-part miniseries (I'm short series two #3), I'm missing only 13 of the full run of 70 (0-69) from the main series, and I got all but the last of the Agent X series that came after that... I could use some feedback, what do you think? Any Comments? Advice? Admiration? Jealousy? Disgust? Pity? Abject Hate?
  20. Well, all three were made by Terry Gilliam who said they were to be his theatrical vision (or some such blah blah, sorry, can't think it's three in the morning) of the three stages of man; Time Bandits was the journey of a child, Brazil was the dissatisfaction with the absurdity of the adult world, and The Adventures of Baron Munchausen was the final tale of an old man. Other than this theme that threads through them, they were all quite distinct and separate movies, so as to if they were a trilogy, it's always been up in the air and I just wanted other opinions.
  21. I also consider the first Terminator better than the second movie, it just felt more real in my opinion, mostly the character were more believable and the effects were old school models, there was something physically there and you could feel it. The second movie was mostly show and flash over substance with unbelievable characters and good-for-it's-time second-gen CGI effects. Not that it was bad, and it most certainly qualifies as a successful sequel, but I like the first one better. It was also the first rated R movie I saw on my own... does that make me feel young or old... eh. By the way, does anyone else consider Time Bandits, Brazil, and Baron Munchausen to be a trillogy or is that just me?
  22. Oh, while at MegaCon I found a flyer for a website that posted pictures from the events they attend and I promised IrishCowboy that I would send the link. Here for all to gawk at: http://www.risingsun.net
  23. Um... hi, name's Sam, just joined. I was at Megacon tagging along with CruzBishop (George), we met up with IC (Nick), panch, 2track, and company. I said I'd sign up for the message board and here I am. Just saying hi, first time here, first post.
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