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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. Im really not interested in Willard...eh. 2T puttin his Matrix politics onna table! Ballsy...anythin in particular rub you wrong? Just please dont say "mainstream appeal"... I agree on Bill Murray; he made Kingpin for me, for instance. No interest in Charlie's Angels, even less so in Spy Kids stuff. Once upon a time in Mexico might be ok but i really didnt dig Desparado as much as everyone else i guess... Yeah, T3 and American Pie 3...doesnt matter how you feel, if you go to movies with friends, youre gonna see it somehow, prolly twice... Anger Management, House of 1,000 corpses...ill check back here for reviews first, ya know? Curious tho.
  2. SNES was more like... and see with my hybrid, you could play all those...especially Super Star Wars. Once you got past the controls, it was a cool game, great graphics & alla that. Let's throw a hypothetical out there tho: if this system came out, able to play NES, SNES & N64, with a controller, maybe demo cart with a few games on it etc for @ $50, who'd pick one up?
  3. Speakin of the Maxx...hey 2Track, of those spinoff series, which ones are worth getting? Oh, and how do you think the animated held up in comparison, did you get to see much of it? From what i saw, it looked/sounded dead on...
  4. Its a few issues shy of finishing, shows up sporadically but i think it ends this year...first few acrs are in trade. Like Watchmen, i think the pace/idea of the book shifts pretty heavily once you get into it, so id recommend givin the first trade a go if ya like, but the series has become somethin else, im really fond of it anyway - superheroes in real society, how would they act, how much good could they really accomplish? Congrats on the Maxx books...i think i have a thead on that, i should bring it back...
  5. "Three O' Clock on the dot, time to cruise for Eighth graders Rather tape the Weather Channel so that I can watch it later So I like to dance naked ...in front of my pets But my cat was inattentive so I sent him U. P. S. Playin' spin the bottle...with my mom I watch "Cops"...with no pants on" - Bloodhound Gang, "Pac-Man on crack"
  6. See..that shit brings back memories for everyone else too, so help me with my prototype idea, cmon!
  7. Hah..nice cover! I was happy to see a recent "Marvel Comics Presents Wolverine" Keith trade lately...you know on this board's a huge fan of his work too, i should make a tribute thread. Im still trying to complete my Maxx run, hard to find these days for soem reason, and seemingly no trades.. ??? Havnet caught it in a bit, sorry to hear Punisher's slumping, but admittedly i recall slow issues...i was loving the new Captain America but didnt like where it was going last i read it, ill keep at it tho. If you dig Amazing Spider-Man, you might like Strazynski's (sp) other book, Rising Stars, very Watchmen-like at times...you seen any of it?
  8. Hah..dont remember much about Shadowhawk but i recall him bein a violent mothafucka. Savage Dragon's still going, Larsen says its in a whole new direction - i have one issue, the "god vs the devil" one. Wasnt really a fan of early image, but I love the Maxx, still tryin to get the last of that series, hard to find.... But i think youd dig Batman if you get a chance to read it.
  9. Yeah...and no. Soilder X started out pretty cool, like the writer watched too much CNN and wanted to make it political, so i enjoyed it, despite what wasnt exceptional art. Im dropping it soon if it doesnt pick up tho - its one of those ones where you can feel the plot could turn really cool but youre kind of just waiting on it through filler arcs. The Hulk - I sadly havent read the big issue # 50 yet, but i read almost up to it...here's the thing: its no longer a dumb beat-em-up book. Oh, there's action, but...did you read any Ultimate Spider-Man? I thought one strength was how its writing was so strong, it had about 5 issues before an actual costume, fight etc and hardly anyone noticed, i call that good writing/characterization. Hulk is along them lines..itll be just Banner for a stretch and itll be cool. Theyve made it somethin of a fudgitive book: government & co-op agencies are hunting Banner to use him as a weapon or simply get his DNA, but he must alude them, and not lose his cool - even in hostage situations & the like. Its a lot more clever i think; can get fuckin confusing outta nowhere but you can tell the writer (Bruce Jones) wants it to feel more cinematic. There's angst galore now that Banner's wife is dead, but its surpirsingly good - i think its at Marvel.com as well, you should check out the link i have pinned up in this forum. Didnt dig X-Statix eh? Shame, it has its ups & downs but it really feels Vertigo-esque at times...this team's willing to kill off its members for PR, not the kinda shit you read much in Marvel ya know? But then i might just be a fan of their mascot, Doop. Glad to hear Alias holds water, i feel bad for not readin more Daredevil after the 25 cent issue was kinda fun...i dropped that book after Kevin Smith left, and it seems Bendis has done some interestin shit with it..ah well. What else do you read on a regular basis? Ill try to out shit i think youd dig based on em.
  10. Hey, that's a really cool list there, good work man. Obviously the comic ones - X2, Hulk, etc but Bulletproof Monk makes the list now too i think. We'll see about LXG. Ill go see Cowboy Bebop again to support it...Bad Boys 2 should be fun...for some reason, the Excorcist one caught my eye momentarily. Quite a few cool soundin ones, i hope im surprised by a few others. But overall? X-Men 2, Kill Bill, and The Matrix Sequels, hands down. And yeah, why is your boy releasing his one the same day, is he riding coatails or wha? Might be a tough call for some, but im sorry, Jersey Girl might havta wait till after the 3rd viewing of Revolutions. This year's got some really fun ones ahead. It sounds like one where ill watch a ton of shit the oscars wont mention, then havta cacth up on the nominees later.
  11. Its like Ed Wood meets Shakespear....i guess im curious tho. There's like this whole clientel (mostly chicks i suspect) who are down for watching anythin with vampires in it, so it might do well either way, but yeah, throw out more details as they come....
  12. Seriously...the remaining Marvel titles have largely gotten a creative overhaul (Cable became Soldier X, X-Force is now X-Statix and readable; The Hulk isnt the mindless book it was for so long, etc) so personally if they ultimized everything - meaning top notch writers & artists on the other books that arent already getting that, and simply reset the continuity - i wouldnt be bothered at all. It doesnt change the stories i have in the old boxes when i feel like readin em, and it might even attract new readers. Tho, like Warren Ellis, i dont think relaunches and commercial characters are gonna bring the old crowd back in. But in any event, i dont think itd be a bad thing either way. Hey if youve a chance, check out Come in Alone - the Ellis-inspired thread on revolutionizing the comics industry
  13. Hah..yeah, I loved Fury, but Ennis did mcuh of it for me. Im taking to Robertson, mind you, but again i think in some of the climatic moments of Transmetropolitan he really shined, im waitin to see that again, you know? The relaunches...you know how it is, keep startin over, hopin new people will read it even tho they wont...i sometimes wonder if new creative teams jump on and say "what the fuck is..no no, start over." The Ultimates...i need to make thread here on that one if i havent, anyone i know readin comics - even those against the Ultimate line - is reading this book. I havent picked up the last month or so's issue, sadly, but as of the Hulk/Cap fight...damn. Its not easy, making me care about a Justice League type team, but Millar's doing it alright! I know what youre sayin with issue # 1 tho...Hitch's art was incredible, Private Ryan-esque, made me wish he'd do an issue of War Story or somethin. Goddammit, i need to go pick up my comics soon. ???
  14. Haha!...wait up...it's gameboy... ??? Dont know if that helps. Hey this Wolvy game looks sharp tho! Got his mutant abilities in there, even made it stealthy...this thing could be cool! I wish theyd get the guy who did his voice on the WB cartoon for voiceovers tho, that'd be ideal. Sasquatch, Juggernaut...i wanna see more villians! Gimme the Hulk, Sabertooth and them! I bet Lady Deathstrike makes it in cause of the movie.
  15. Hadnt seen that much on it before...and yeah, remember that activision (are they the ones doin this one?) usually makes shit games of the X license...I enjoyed Wolverine: Adamantium Rage i think it was for the SNES but it wasnt that good, and many recent PS2 X games have blown...just waitin on a review before i get hyped. Character design is tight tho, man i hope this thing doesnt suck. My boy deserves a comic game on par with Spider-Man for Playstation. PS did you see the Iron Man game theyre workin on?
  16. PS this thread makes me think of LL Cool J..dont think your references go unnoticed.
  17. These threads struggle sometimes, you gotta keep in em...i really thought my Dear Nintendo thread would work out, but ya gotta keep at em. Pimp this one out to TD & the war/stategery crowd, itll get attention. ps :deadthread:
  18. Ok...you want me to just toss all 30 megs of NES ROMs into your folder? N64...no i never did, but Yahven did as i recall...he said Zelda 64 lagged, but that was when he owned this computer so im sure its better now. Ask him bout that one...as for Neo-Geo, nah, i never even tried, got Magic Engine for Turbografx hacked tho, that was cool. Been meanin to check out MAME (arcade one).
  19. Wow...ok i tried out the Jax upload one but i hate the new windows media tiny window shit, so likin what i say i just grabbed it off Kazaa. That thing was really cool. Ive been waitin to see more "Sleep now in the fire" type videos, i hope this isnt the last...its short so naturally wont provoke as much thought as, say, Bowling for Columbine but really gets the point across, worth seein no matter what side of the fence youre on.
  20. For the love of money People will steal from their mother For the love of money People will rob their own brother Listen to me y'all, do things, do things, do things, bad things with it I hate it when shit like "Who wants to be a millionaire" take the O'Jays out of context on what's still a really good, really true song.
  21. Hmm..pics arent comin out over this way, ill try reloading... is this the western-ish one Junker & others were talkin bout? Ive heard good things, if it is, but not much...
  22. Hah. yay someome's talkin comics here again... Yeah, Bendis is on Ultimate tho so look for it. Yeah, ive heard those 2 are gonna handle my boy...ok, i admittedly have the entire run of Wolverine, im a huge fan, but to be honest, outside of Origin last year...Wolverine's regular series fluctuates. Lately its been readable. It goes through spurts with really good artists and cool writers - Ellis did a good run, even Larsen's was cool i thought - to being shitty again, full of his typecasting or some guy's perception of wolvy as his respective action movie hero. I understand he's a commerical whore of a character but so much more's been done with him... so yeah im hopeful for the new series; Im not convinced Robertson's ideal for the job after his brief work in Punisher, but he's not bad. I just havent seem him do the spreads & in depth shit he did for Transmet yet, you know? But then, i really didnt dig Frank Quitely's bare-chested old punk Wolverine either. Im not sayin it has to be Adam Kubert, i loved Lenil Francis Yu's work too, but man, i thought Quitely's sucked and im apparently the only guy that did. Here's to hopin. So you really think Uncanny's an alright bet? Tell ya what, when im back on my feet ill give that trade a go, is that the one with the tabloid-like cover?
  23. Hah! The Nigerian scam thing circulates far & wide. :spam:
  24. PS Dan - found a classic arcade-type movelist on the homepage...sure, the readme file has it too, but this one looks cool. Take your pic, people! Remember, three buttons: D=Defend (ctrl), J=Jump (shift), A=Attack (enter), and use the arrow keys.
  25. Jesus...i damn near made it to stage 3 solo with Rudolph, he's my boy now that im figurin him out....whenver they try to gang rape me, boo-yah! Mad clones! ps these are the 2 guys that fuck me up when Junker dont have my back and this asshole who seems immune to arrows!
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