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Everything posted by The NZA

  1. So youre too slow for it...? Fair enough, ill try to find dubs. Try again before i come back tho, rewinding sucks but at least itll improve your reading speed. The series is worth it anyway.
  2. No, youre right...he's actually cool.
  3. I should be in Miami just around the time of Free Comics Day this year, and usually get a few extras...ill hold onto a copy of Dork Storm for ya, get it sent out sometime. (you know they have a web page, right? Come to think of it, since they run a stirp there, why doenst Yahven have it goin on our Comix page?) If anyone else is interestd in the books listed there & cant get on down by a comics shop (remember, there's usually leftovers for a week or so), lemme know and ill grab what i can for ya.
  4. Christ, three pages of defending Hook and "watch this movie, bitch!" Finally did. Was really good, a strong comic movie that didnt feel like a comic movie to me at all. Visuals were stunning (you heard) as Junker said, it was a really purdy movie. Didnt realize Thomas Newman did the soundtrack, fuck he's good. There are scenes where they let his music create the ambience, and it really shines (*minor spoiler like the tommy gun scene in the streets with Newman...that was kinda lyrical, really pretty for an execution). Hanks, Law, and Newman all did rather well. Dont know who the kid is, but he wanst bad either. Even here the Lone Wolf & Cub influences can be felt, and Junker was right about the book: its a lot more action-oriented than the flick, which again does far more with its visuals. Other changes from the book also really worked out...*Minor spoiler if you inted to tread the aw fuck it Basically, Newman's character sets out the hit on Hanks along with Connor if i recall, could be wrong. Point is, there's a scene in the film where Hanks confronts Newman one last time before the alleyway one i mentioned earlier, and Hanks goes on about how he's sorry, but none of them are going to heaven, and he cant just offer up his son of course...was a powerful one i thought, well-done and i was really glad it was there. Of the cutscenes on the DVD, there's one (the washing hands one) i wouldve left in there as well but otherwise, this thing was well edited too. Characterization was good for its pace, you actually cared about these 2. Overall, very good movie, if i sees it cheap ill pick it up. Things i said to Junker & Jax about "go fuck yourself with a baseball bat, fat end first" etc i take back; you were right, it was really good, i rather enjoyed it. Junker's farily good at recognizing wht kinda flicks i go for & making good calls.
  5. Hideo Kojima himself (director of the Metal Gear Solid series) gave this one props, said its a great game with feaures he wishes he wouldve been able to implement. Naturally, being that Metal Gear 2 is still one of my favorite games of all time, i was wary of this X-box one that was being treated like a "solid snake" killer. Its not. Like Spiffy said, from what i saw, its a very detailed stealth game, tho it does have more in common with Metal Gear than say Tenchu. Attention to detail (as he mentioned) is not only strong, but using Spiffy's Dolby example, it causes you to be more enveloped by the game. What lil i was albe to see while Spiffy was here looked fun, tho intricate and at times confusing (not knowing where to go, etc), but if you dont mind the difficulty, this one looks like it'd be really cool. Ill have to play more of it when im back in miami.
  6. Hah! you totally bit that idea off Michael Caine & Alec Guinness, its all been done before.
  7. It's about that time again...free comics! May 3rd will be the official second annual Free Comic Book Day, so if youre anywhere near a comic shop, stop off for some free books - usually good ones too, as many top names are takin advantage of the advertising. This year's books signed on to give out free copies (usually special editions of # 1 issues, to help readers jump on): Ultimate X-Men Batman Adventures Way of the Rat (cool martial arts book i read) Frank Miller's Robocop Rocket Comics: Ignite (Dark Horse, should be interestin) Leave it to Chance (a popular indie book; im glad to see this market gettin attention here too) Alternative Comics - Anthology of indie stories, should be cool Peanut butter & Jeremy - inde book of cat & bird, looks funny Avatar Graphic Novel sampler - cover looks cool Superheroes, Inc The best of Dork Storm - Yahven & others will like this, Dork Tower is funny shit Slave Labor Stories - Milk & Cheese! These guys are violent, but cool Christina's 100% Garunteed how-to manual for getting anyone to read comic books! (#37 of 1?) - hah, this one should be cool. There's a lot of other cool lookin ones, listed listed at this site right here. Weird too - Keenspace.com, the people who host Silent Bob's website, are including a comic ad to their corner of the net as well...plus, lighter books like Archie, Donald Duck etc. Cant go wrong with free people...ill update as the list grows.
  8. hi my name is Jont and frankly fuck your profile section
  9. A Night in Tunesia..i like the Art Blakey cover but good call.
  10. Hey, there albums gots boobies on em. And fire too. Like..porno for pyros, right? Yeah ill let it go. Ive admittedly only heard the 2 radio hits off these guys, should listen to more. Of them, tho "Been caught stealing" is fun, im goin with "Jane Says", great song. If you like this guy's vocals, definitly check out "Tahitian Moon" and other Pyro stuff.
  11. Hey Jax - review his book & that show over in Culture when ya can.
  12. Rommel-dog...between you and me, you know i only go to TopDawg's to see you, buddy. Sure, sure Chrpnbrd can cook up a storm, Sponge & them arent bad company, blah blah blah but i love petting your furry belly.
  13. Good thread, Jax. Dizzy's the goods. Favorites that come to mind are "Anthropology", "Overtime", "Take the A train", his cover of "Salt Peanuts" and uh...im bad with song names, recommend some tracks people. Ill say more on the man & his music later, but he's one of the greats for a reason. I lean towards Miles m'self, i dig that cool jazz, but i wont take from Dizzy or bebop. Jax - if you want, recommend a Yoko Kanno track or two as well, ive been pimping "Dijurido" and "Call me" wherever i can. "Elm" too.
  14. ??? Im indifferent...she sucks, but i dont care...and the 60's pop was ok cause we were still ripping right offa black people. Why is it when we take it, make it our own white music etc it downwardly spirals to shit? Light R&B/hip-hop stuff might one day (thankfully) replace what passes for pop lately. Mind you, John Mayer might be pop to some, and i think he's fuckin great. I even admit to havin a Justin Timberlake mp3 on my shit these days ( ) but i dont like supportin that shit, and Jax has a point as far as ho-pop kids got right now from Spears & Aguillera. That's why we got gods like Nas pushin positivity these days. Yeah, ill him out on other threads, anyway...serioulsy, i feel indiffernce, i think she's way overrated but i just flip the station, not cursin her name or whatever, just pass it on by, all 4 stations that play her simultaenously.
  15. Didnt see Pianist, dont give a shit bout Chicago, so highlights of what i caught: -Woo hoo! Spirited Away gets the credit it deserves! Dont get me wrong, still aint seen it but im sure Lilo & Stich was fun, but cmon, its about time Miyazaki got more credit, and this was the one to do it with...Princess Mononoke was really good but this one was better. Im very happy it got what it deserved. -Eminem thing was cool, didnt even know that was a catergory. -Moore...man whether you agree with what he had to say or not, he's not your usual uneducated entertainer, the man's got a right to his opinion (granted, folks have a right to boo). But im glad he got up & said what he wanted to say, even if that shit wasnt popular. Do yo thang, man. PS you know, fat or not queen latifah gots big hooters PPS maaaan...if i was a pro actor and you made me give an award with fucking mickey mouse, id be pissed.
  16. Told you us irish are well-hung. Wait, is that a camel toe?
  17. Welcome on down Deac! Good list...okay Bucket, looks like we got some common ones goin for your master list.
  18. PS and please let Silent Bob & the 4 other people out there that still have the Super Scope and all 2 (3?) games for it work on our new hybird system. Thank you. :heart: PS what should we name our hybrid, outside of SNES64? The Dolphin? What else would you want this magical system to do (within reason)?
  19. South Park Racing was one of those games that you nevr beat the poor kid whose stuck with that awful game at cause he plays it alla time...now mario kart, there's a racin game. Spiffy swears by Top Gear and Rock & Roll Racing for SNES as well. You got whooped like all the rest at Bond...only one guy could beat me, and Chief knows him - woody's brother, that freak. Anyway, i reigned at that one. my favorites: NES - Contra, Mario 1-3, Zelda, Metroid, Golgo 13 (part 2 was cool too), Mega Man II, Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!!, Manaic Mansion, Castelevania II, Metal Gear runners up: Final Fantasy (hard), Track & Field II, Blades of Steel, Wizards & Warriors, too many too name. SNES - Yahven says is best.."a system of classics". Mario World, Zelda: Link to the Past, Super Metroid, Contra III, Super Castlevania IV, more classic RPGs (i love you square) than anyone, Sim City, Mario Kart, Earthbound, Street Fighter II, Mario All-Stars, Super Punch-out, Zombies ate my Neighbors...too damn many. runners up: Actraiser, Super R Type, i guess Smash TV tho i sucked at it, F-Zero but same deal, Donkey Kong Country, Battle Toads...christ id be here all night. N64 - the Zeldas ruled, as did Mario 64. Still wanna play Paper Mario, but multi was its strength - Bond, Smash Bros, etc..im told Perfect Dark was amazing. Now back over to my letter to nintendo thread.
  20. - I would like to open this letter by reaffirming my loyalty to you. Should our countries go to war again, rest assured i will stand as Shingeru Miyamoto's personal gaurd. But enough treason. I've been thinking: you've been tossing in 8-bit classics in your Gamecube games lately as bonuses: Animal Crossing had a few, Metroid, etc. Sega has recently developed a Soinc Collection game for your system (sans Sonic CD, sadly) and is making a pretty penny off of that. Even struggling industries like comic books are making a killing off of milking my generation for retro value with rehashed He-Man, GI Joe, Transformers etc. Let's not beat around the bush here...i know hardware's not cheap to produce, but i really think there's a market in a Nintendo cartridge hybrid, like a Super Nintendo Entertainment System 64 or something. A small, classic looking NES type box with ports for NES, SNES and N64 games, with a classic gray, black, and red buttons special Gamecube controller for the lot of em. 4-player ports, and the original enginges/sound cards etc for all the systems under the hood - that kinda hardware is dirt cheap nowadays and you know it. There are actual websites of us fans working on such things, but this could make you $, help push the old carts that Toys R Us and the other big retail markets cant even give away for $5-10. Retro value aside, this thing would become a big party system i bet, and you dont even have to update graphics or sound like you did with Super Mario All-Stars. Seriously, we all thought the newer generation of gamers would be spoiled by the amazingly beautfiul CG's and such they get in their games, but they know fun, and they still play our 16-bit and otherwise systems. Im not talkin Atari here (unless youve bought them, and can use that license too, that'd be cool but i wont push it). Im talkin a classic NES like box with the old logos, a chance to play old Mario, Metroid, Punch-Out!!, Zelda, etc along with thier SNES remakes - not to mention Contra III, Super Castlevania, etc...you guys stayed on top so long for a reason. Imagine all of us runnin around to garage sales, tryin to buy back power gloves & power pads, see if ROB still works, locating cartridge cleaners etc - and not having to blow on the system, hoping to not get a blue screen! Sure weve got emulators, but its not the same...while were at it, you could put a small hard drive in there, let us save the game whenver we want, like emulators do, making old games actually beatable without a game genie. It could be cheap. It'd be an amazing holiday gift, since many of us still have a few games to load up on it. It'd be hot right now; hell us old school gamers have this whole dork culture thing goin. And you could start the party right with a 3 or more in one cart packed in. I know you wanna focus on the Gamecube & Gambe Boy Advance SP (and a fine job on both), but this wouldnt take much, and as soon as its out the door, youre done, it's got access to a library of hundreds upon hundreds of games, you dont need to make more there. Just make it happen. PS even when i bought Super Mario All-Stars on opening day for over $50 and then you mailed my neighbor DJ Ario X a copy the next day for free (by accident, we assume) i forgave you, cause the game was great. Do the right thing.
  21. Hah...you know the AIM level goes back down right? You wont get banned, yet... and hey theyre youre choices, just wanted to remind you even if it looks kiddy it might be fun...i know the Spongey rule is "no blood, no death = zzz" ... I mean, would you play Medal of Honor if it was about bringing flowers, but somehow really fun? Assuming you couldnt be the nazis...
  22. Spongebob - You want all games to be like Grand Theft Auto? Maybe you dont remeber State of Emergency..anyway, i think its weird you can appreciate 16-bit games that dont look so good (usually you gotta be older to dig it) but if a game looks halfway fantas/kiddy you jump it & say its corny/comedic...cmon now, if they make a telletubies game and its fun as hell im playin that shit. I mean, you & i play Mario party and monkey games, we cant say nothin....
  23. yesterday i didnt wear my aluminum helmet and the rays told me jumbie is part of the government and he's using his current events forum to propogate fear and conformity. they tell me his next phase is to invade the music corner and start hyping federally-regulated boybands. it goes downhill from there if youre a fan of freedom or procreation.
  24. Sponge - you always judge shit without playin it...its a fantasy game. Zelda's cel shading looks like a cartoon, and its a game where an elf in a tunic plays flutes, talks to fairies and rides leaves....but its prolly gonna be one of the most fun games out there this year. Serioulsy, give somethin a chance before callin it cheezy, Ico was cool
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