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alive she cried

The Doors Of Perception
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Everything posted by alive she cried

  1. I've been reading this through the trades (thank you Comixology sales), but I've enough of a backlog of other great books to keep me busy until they get back. I agree with ye, let them do what they gotta do, and I'll be waiting when they return.
  2. Yeah, that isn't good. Once confronted, and given a new thread, you would expect it to stop.
  3. Yeah, the man is in his mid to late thirties though, doesn't he have a wife and kid/kids? I just...who would do that?
  4. Am I the only one that believes that he could be genuine? I can see why ye think he's not, but I just can't see the motive. What could he possibly get out of pissing everybody off?
  5. That's the guy from Chuck? I really did not like that show. No wonder I'm struggling with this.
  6. I'm not asking for dark and gritty. I've no problem with this being a comedy, but this seems less Thor Ragnarok and more Henry Danger
  7. Felt overly "kiddy" to me. From the vibe I'm getting I don't think we're the target demographic.
  8. I randomly came across this gameplay footage recently and just fell in love. I've been on a Kurosawa kick lately and have been rereading Samurai Executioner and all I keep thinking is, I want a Samurai Red Dead Redemption, and there it is.
  9. I can understand why Disney felt they had to get rid of him, but do people actually think that he's a bad person now? Comparing him to the piece of shit that outed him? Come on, he made some extremely poor taste jokes. If that's all you have to do to be labelled a terrible person we're all fucked.
  10. Oh yeah, the same definitely applies to Dr. Who, that is the Emperor's New Clothesingist thing I've ever watched.
  11. Whenever I hear people recommending CW shows, there's always a lot of: "Just get through the first seventeen episodes and then it gets really good. It's still a little cheesy, but great. Now it does dip again for the next two seasons but the first three episodes of the current season is pretty close to its best" In the golden age of television, that's a long winded way of saying "Don't watch it".
  12. I've only seen season 1 and the first two episodes of season 2, but how on earth can you prefer tv Jesse? He's an absolute monster on the show, just a terrible, terrible person.
  13. Who do we think it is? He seemed to be glowing. Oh and that looks amazing, very Arkhamy like you said Nick, but that's exactly what I've been looking for since Arkham Asylum, a Spidey game in the same mould.
  14. Came here to post this, looks great and pretty much (probably literally) written for Carrey. He epitomises the sad clown trope.
  15. It looks so fresh and different, the animation is beautiful, and it seems to have real charm. I can't wait to see this.
  16. Can't fucking wait, a shame that we (Ireland nor the U.S.) are there, but should still be amazing. My picks from each group: Group A - Russia and Uruguay. Group B - Portugal and Spain. Group C - France and Denmark. Group D - Argentina and Croatia. Group E - Brazil and Serbia. Group F - Germany and Mexico. Group G - Belgium and England. Group H - Poland and Colombia. Spain and Brazil are my outright picks, but if you're looking for a punt, Belgium are the dark horses of this tournament.
  17. Spoilered as slightly in poor taste for this thread No, I legitimately spewed written diarrhoea back in the day. I can only plead temporary insanity.
  18. Wow, ye absolutely nailed it. I'm only familiar with baby showers through movies and such, but based on the above evidence, I concur that that was the best baby shower ever. P.s. Cap/Winter Soldier (which I'm just seeing for the first time) was also amazing. Do ye have those professional photos ye took?
  19. If someone offered me €100 to play whatever this is for two hours I'd turn them down. Do ye not find first generation 3d graphics nauseatingly terrible?
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