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alive she cried

The Doors Of Perception
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Everything posted by alive she cried

  1. I still haven't found the will to finish season 2, after the sheer brilliance of season 1 I was really disappointed by the drop in quality. I'll get there eventually, just hope season 3 is a return to form.
  2. The Fade Out is excellent, proper Noir. I devoured it in a couple of days about a month ago. Criminal, Fatale and Kill or Be Killed are currently sitting on Comixology waiting for me, looking forward to starting them. Is this just for Brubaker, or Crime comics in general? Because two other books I've been reading are: Richard Stark's Parker And Stray Bullets They're both on my list of all time greats, for writing and art, couldn't recommend them enough.
  3. Finished season 5. First episode is great, like I said before. Not all time great great, but really good. Second was strong, some great acting but the "twist" if you can call it that was telegraphed really early in the episode. Overall though still good. Third was shit. I can't believe I actually rolled my eyes watching an episode of Black Mirror. Just awful.
  4. Never played vii (or any other number) do you think I would enjoy this never having played the original?
  5. I've always wanted to play but also know nobody who's into it. Could a multi Skype session work? How cool would an international Hondo's DnD session be? What say ye, doable?
  6. I remember having an Iceman figure as a kid that you could put into the freezer and then he would turn blue in places, growing "icicles", shit blew my mind. Just googled it
  7. I watched the first episode and rather enjoyed it. It was a kind of story I've never seen told before, and for the gaming aspects alone a lot of ye (especially Street Fighter fans) will have fun with it. It's not top shelf Black Mirror but, a solid start I thought.
  8. False alarm, there was an issue with the roboto font on my laptop. Reinstalled it, and all is good.
  9. Have I gone insane or has the whole forum just become italicised? How do we do snark now?
  10. I've never seen him act, but I trust Reeves, so I'll judge it when I've seen it.
  11. I felt nothing watching that, neither disappointment nor excitement. I remain reluctantly intrigued, but would have no problem passing on it altogether.
  12. I don't know the game, and have really been into online games. But I find the story fascinating, keep us updated.
  13. p.s. we all (myself included) have let some big spoilers fly the last page or so, so let's please go back to the tight ship I'd been running here. Any spoiler, big or small is to be tagged.
  14. The jokes really on me though, I won't be able to see it til Monday. It's going to take serious internet navigation to remain spoiler free.
  15. First reactions are in, and are ridiculously, overwhelmingly positive.
  16. Haven't watched it yet, but Update: Okay yeah, pretty much. Can't wait.
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