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alive she cried

The Doors Of Perception
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Everything posted by alive she cried

  1. 'Tis the season. We all watch more horrors in October, but Liam and I tend to listen to horror/atmospheric music as well. Here's a great band I discovered recently, the best way to describe them is if Johnny Cash was a goth. And here's the Spotify playlist we've compiled so far for yeer listening pleasure. Anybody got any good, dark suggestions to add?
  2. Legion is run by Marvel television (I believe), but yeah, while I'm certainly excited to see what Feige does with the X-Men, I really doubt Marvel will ever create a movie as good as Logan or The Dark Knight. Daredevil, Jessica Jones season 1 and Punisher are definitely up there, but the MCU so far hasn't reached those heights for me.
  3. I feel like Dark Phoenix will annoy me the least. Plus, Fassbender and Mcavoy.
  4. Yeah, apparently they're going for a man desperate to prove himself/Taxi Driver vibe. The fact that Scorsese is producing further indicates this, I just hope it's not too derivative. If not, it could really be what I've been calling out for DC to do for a while now. Forget about the Extended Universe stuff, leave that to Marvel and concentrate on smaller, lower budget, but more intellectually challenging films in the mould of Logan.
  5. God damn it Stilly! I've had it up to here with your shit.
  6. I'm still trying to find the strength to finish season 2 of Jessica Jones, (what a drop in quality that was from season 1) Luke Cage was soured by the latter half of its first season and Iron Fist was extremely average, so it's with trepidation I'm eyeing their respective second seasons, but Christ, it's good to feel excited about a Netflix show again (obviously goes without saying Punisher was amazing).
  7. That's really bizarre, it's not as if they're generally against skimpy clothes. One look at the short skirts most women wear illustrates that.
  8. Am I missing something? How is that Serena Williams one even controversial?
  9. Ross...please. Sorry about him guys FIFA 19
  10. @Choose Life and I (and our other brothers) played the absolute shit out of Streets of Rage back in the day. Without exaggeration we must have completed it over 500 times. That said, while I'm really excited about this, this feels very SoR 2 (and I assume 3) in that it's less grounded the original. I loved the grittiness of the first game, which this seems to be lacking. I'm still looking forward to it, but I'd have loved something more in line with the original. P.s. Fantastic cosplay (as always).
  11. I like the art style, but that's about it unfortunately. I was very underwhelmed, it's basically a very poorly mishandled cross between Adventure Time and Futurama.
  12. I'm on the bus into Limerick at the moment, so I can't write any essays. Just wanted to say Stilly has quashed my fears. I'm on board with this now. Also, now that I feel assured I can, I'll start a separate thread on Jordan Peterson so we can debate this proper.
  13. By and large, I agree, but Jumbie raised a lot of my issues. Essentially how these terms are defined, and whether you can have an unpopular/controversial opinion without being told to stop posting/thinking that. For example, the fact that I think you have Jordan Peterson completely wrong, or that there are only two genders? I really don't see how that's transphobic. There is male to female trans and female to male trans, and I completely support them in their struggle for acceptance. That's still just two genders though, right?
  14. Never heard of terrarium, what is it? I have Netflix, WWE Network and Amazon, but Prime is the main reason for that. I'd consider Disney if they have like every classic movie they own, not just kids movies.
  15. I'm salivating. I'll have to take a months holiday when this drops.
  16. I'm three episodes in and loving it. I've described it as a cross between Lynch and Wes Anderson, it has be the most beautiful looking series I've ever seen.
  17. Popular movies, oh my fucking God. What condescending bullshit. Now I'm not saying that there have been a lot of blockbusters that would have been in the running, but there has certainly been a few, and now they'll never get that chance.
  18. Yeah, it was the first three. I'll be honest, I've only seen a bit of one episode ever of Andromeda, but it's easily the worst of the TNG ripoffs. Ye both say it gets better, okay, I'll give it one more shot. If I'm to watch one episode that represents it at its best, what should I watch?
  19. I struggled through three episodes, but couldn't take anymore. I am stunned at the acclaim it has attained here, especially from you Haku. You think this is similar to TNG? It feels more like a cross between Andromeda and American Dad. And I went in fully expecting to love it, but it disappointed on every level. It was exactly what it looked in the trailers, average comedy and worse drama. Well, back to rewatching DS9 I go.
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