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District 9

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*sighs* I guess the fun's over.

From IMDB:


An extraterrestrial race forced to live in slum-like conditions on Earth suddenly find a kindred spirit in a government agent that is exposed to their biotechnology.



Thirty years ago, aliens made first contact with Earth. Humans waited

for the hostile attack, or the giant advances in technology. Neither

came. Instead, the aliens were refugees, the last survivors of their

home world. The creatures were set up in a makeshift home in South

Africa's District 9 as the world's nations argued over what to do with

them. Now, patience over the alien situation has run out. Control over

the aliens has been contracted out to Multi-National United (MNU), a

private company uninterested in the aliens' welfare - they will receive

tremendous profits if they can make the aliens' awesome weaponry work.

So far, they have failed; activation of the weaponry requires alien

DNA. The tension between the aliens and the humans comes to a head when

an MNU field operative, Wikus van der Merwe (Sharlto Copley), contracts

a mysterious virus that begins changing his DNA. Wikus quickly becomes

the most hunted man in the world, as well as the most valuable - he is

the key to unlocking the secrets of alien technology. Ostracized and

friendless, there is only one place left for him to hide: District 9.


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I would say you should come with me and Pedro but you have to work monday, so that would not work.


Sweet, I was gonna text you in the morning.


Last show is at 11pm so I am going to see if i can leave work early Sunday night. I can still make it though, I make it home by 10:30 usually.

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A bunch of us were supposed to see it last night, but our friend Michael called last minute and pushed the time back from 8:15pm to 9:45pm. We went to the pub across the way to kill time until the movie and ended up leaving around 1am. I'm sure it was a good movie though. I May try a matinee today or tomorrow...



Saw the 5:30pm matinee today. It was a good movie. Not as earth shatteringly awesome as all the Net buzz would have you believe, but a solid film definitely worthy of a trip to the theater. The CGI is rock solid and the aliens ("Prawns") are some of the most unique to come out on film in a while.


As for plot, it's Alien Nation meets The Fugitive w/ fun amount of gore-n-violence covered in a dollop of social commentary. It blends a lot of familiar elements from other films and ends up coming out w/ something pretty original. The story has a great ending, but it begs for a sequel.

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It was a high action film without over-hyping the action as is usually done.

Realistic physical strength in the human characters (no perfect bullet dodging invincible mighty men).

Just the perfect amount of Gore.

A spaced out story that was executed fast and clean.

Real character development as the movie went along rather than trying to explain everything at once.

Doesn't focus on the overall story of the aliens but rather then individual one at hand, leaving you to guess the whys and hows of these aliens and their existence on Earth.

Believable alien movements, not perfect but definitely not human-like.

A story where the mission of the characters was the main focus and the deeper ingrained message (and there was definitely a deeper message in there for all of us) was subtle and in the background.

Nicely choreographed fight scenes.

Nice concept and critique of our society overall.

Realistic reactions from humans and aliens alike.

Best demise for a villain I've seen in a while.



If they keep movies like these going, I may start going to the theatres again.

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You know, this movie could (and should) easily be the Star Wars of our generation, and I don't mean that the way the movie critics mean it. I don't mean epic and I'm not talking about all six movies or even the first 3. It's a charming little low-budget science fiction film that surpassed everyone's expectations and not only shows all those big budget fuckers how it's done with a tenth of the money but it's wholly entertaining and might just have the right cultural impact to be ingrained into movie history. Plus aside from the flagrant use of f-words and the gore (which honestly is pretty tame despite what it is) it really can be enjoyed by all.

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Tonight I am sitting down and hammering out, in this order: Public Enemies, Bruno, Transformers 2, Orphan, Funny People, and District 9. I doubt I'll get all of them but I'll try my damndest.


Y'know I've never read a single review of yours? Just hearing you pick shit apart in your day to day confuses & infuriates me enough, I gotta figure any block of text where you're sitting down with the express purpose of offering critique would be my own personal Anti-Life equation and my head would just asplode.

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A horribly overyhped film for children?


No, no, the original one that came out in the 70s was neither over-hyped or for children, you're thinking of the last 3. They weren't even sure if Star Wars was going to justify it's terribly low budget when it came out.

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You know, this movie could (and should) easily be the Star Wars of our generation, and I don't mean that the way the movie critics mean it. I don't mean epic and I'm not talking about all six movies or even the first 3. It's a charming little low-budget science fiction film that surpassed everyone's expectations and not only shows all those big budget fuckers how it's done with a tenth of the money but it's wholly entertaining and might just have the right cultural impact to be ingrained into movie history. Plus aside from the flagrant use of f-words and the gore (which honestly is pretty tame despite what it is) it really can be enjoyed by all.




....Realistic reactions from humans and aliens alike...

Yes, so true! I've been waiting ever so long for someone to finally portray aliens realistically on screen.


Just bustin' chops. I know what ya meant. I think...


Y'know I've never read a single review of yours? Just hearing you pick shit apart in your day to day confuses & infuriates me enough, I gotta figure any block of text where you're sitting down with the express purpose of offering critique would be my own personal Anti-Life equation and my head would just asplode.

Sounds like someone is fishing for a Hondo's Con bunk-buddy! You two crazy kids...


And damn Grant Morrison's eyes for putting this useless crap in my head:

loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding x guilt x shame x failure x judgment n=y where y=hope and n=folly, love=lies, life=death, self=dark side, dark side= darth vader ÷ creepy old guy as your mentor x anal beads= your dad is a perv = kill yourself


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