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As further proof that crossover games are surging back, two new titles have been announced - one using the street fighter four engine, and one using the tekken six engine, each developed by their respective owner.


I like the idea of it, but I think I'm in the minority on that. Either way, this is something I'm watching.



Official Trailer:

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="

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type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>



Gameplay Vid:

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My Reaction:


  • Upvote 1

That is A complicated and multifaceted reaction. Regardless, thanks for bringing some respectable pictures and video to this stupid bareboned hondo's mobile post.


Company - SALUTE!


holy shit. capcom was not exxagerating this year about the big announcement!


1st trailer was awesome (loved the pac-man/MM at the end), 2nd one...goddamn, that finisher (+ crowd reaction..."ARIGATO!!")...this shit's crazy.



kinda wish they didnt go with the beefy SF IV art style, oh well. still hyped!





kinda wish they didnt go with the beefy SF IV art style, oh well. still hyped!



I feel you may have missed the part about the second game on the tekken engine being developed by namco.


lone Virtua Fighter fan doesn't acknowledge Tekken's superiority news at 11


yeah, i saw that, cant wait to see footage of Namco's side. really not trying to nitpick here since its an awesome announcement, just a conversation i had going with Los about how i really dug the Capcom vs SNK 2 type art style, which (might be remembering this wrong) i think he said that artist is now at Capcom and was working on MvC3? anyway, yeah, 2 games is...i dont even know what that is.


Soul Calibur's a bit've a loss (moreso, for being a fan of stupid-boobs), but Darkstalkers is all on Capcom's end. honestly, Morrigan & Felicia are coming to MvC3, and they had cameos that i forgot about in Tatunoko vs Capcom. I'm not expecting more than this out of that franchise for now though, i could be wrong but i dont think it was ever a hit the way these other properties were.


also kinda weird to not have an arcade release, i thought Tekken 6 did good there.


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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I started to play this this week. So far it has been a fun and there are many characters that I have no idea who they are (I have been away of the Street Fighter universe for far too long). Im still practicing but I can see myself playing a lot of this untill I master 4 or 5 characters...

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