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Movie theater "butter" on the popcorn is topnotch snacking, my friends. Add an Icee and prepare to have your tastebuds go on a magical journey in which the universe will fold in on itself and do a twirl.



Panch, avoid pg. 1 of this thread. I didn't and it gave me flashbacks like I was in 'Nam.

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Now you have me craving a slurpie and popcorn. Sigh.


Fried pickles are everywhere down here. Fried green beans is becoming more common too. Fried squash, fried okra, fried corn on the cob, onion rings, what veggies dont we fry? State fair is awesome, they have fried candy bars, fried coca cola, and I had a wonderful fried pecan praline. Now I just want to try deep fried bacon.

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  • 1 month later...

Lorelei, isn't Britain the home of the deep fried Mars Bar? :2T: That being said, I love movie theater "butter." Its ridiculously, terrible and delicious. Also since I average about one theater movie every 2 months, I can justify eating it :) Paired with a cherry coke and I can even put up with the bullshit movies they've been putting out lately.


I also like fake bacon bits. I can't explain it.

Edited by TulipO
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  • 1 year later...

I didn't notice a difference. We ate eggs fresh from under the hen when I was little at my mammy and papa's house. I spent more time out there than I did at my house. But I was a kid. And I was happy to have something other than oatmeal to be honest. I couldn't do it now, the thought grosses me out. Doesn't seem sanitary.

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OUR eggs need to be refrigerated, because the FDA requires them to be refrigerated ASAP.


Once they have been refrigerated, it's dangerous to leave them out for more than a few hours. They'll sweat and grow bacteria.


Keep in mind that refrigerators, or "ice boxes", have only been commonplace in Ireland since 1997. They are still distrustful of anything of unnatural "witchy" temperature.

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