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The last live-action was okay, more of a sitcom than anything. Warburton was fine but paled in comparison to the guy who did the voice in the cartoon. Serafinowicz has nailed it, his outfit is a bit more scaled-down looking and he's not as huge as any other iteration but I can live with it. He has the jaunty, bombastic, overly cheerful personality down pat so I'm holding out hope that that one action scene isn't the biggest one in the show and we can at least go like first-season of Daredevil quality on fights here.


Also: Axels, take yourself to school, man. The Tick is everything you need.

Edited by Iambaytor
  • Upvote 1

Eh, so far I prefer the Warburton one, it felt more in line with the crazy jokey comics, and Batmanuel is amazing. Still, I did laugh and some of the jokes were great. It feels more like a parody of the serious superhero stuff like the Nolan flicks and Daredevil. Not completely sold, but I'd be willing to watch more.


I just watched it and have to say I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. I didn't really laugh at it as much as the cartoon or old series, but I really dug the Arthur origin story in the pilot. I hope Amazon picks this up for a full season.

  • 10 months later...

Glad Amazon picked this up for a full season. The costume looks better than the pilot, but it's still off. The armor look is kind ameh. I dig Arthur's look though. Didn't get a good look at many supporting characters in the trailer, but I hope that doesn't mean we won't see any versions of the cartoon characters pop up.

  • 1 month later...

So, I'm 3 episodes into this (there's only 6 in the season, I believe) and I'm really liking it. It isn't the best thing ever, but it has a certain charm that you can't help but smile throughout. It's going for some deeper shit, too, kinda like the American Wilfred did on FX (it's building up to something, but it hasn't been revealed yet). Lastly, Serafinowicz is great and likeable as hell as The Tick. He's pretty much nailing the character.


I still prefer the animated show, but this is fun.

The Tick Season 1 Is Split Into Two Parts On Amazon


Picture this: you've been waiting for months to see if The Tick was well worth the Amazon Prime subscription required to watch it. After all of the free two day shipping you've engaged in, those months finally gave way to today's premiere, and after reading about a 12 episode season, you're wondering why there's only six episodes uploaded to Amazon. Don't be alarmed, it's all part of the plan, as The Tick was deliberately broken into two halves. The reason for such a decision being that the executive producers all agreed on one thing: to bring back episodic anticipation.


This is a first for Amazon, as The Tick is the first series of theirs' to launch with a split season, and series creator Ben Edlund couldn't be happier to have suggested it along with his team of executive producers, David Fury and Barry Josephson.


Of course, on top of the full season arc that we'll experience by time the second half lands, presumably in the earlier section of 2018, the series fits into two different mini-arcs that encompass the two halves.


Didn't know this going in and now I'm bummed. This show is good. I've enjoyed it WAAAY more than I thought I was going to. It's corn in all the fun ways. Hopin' to get someone else's take to see how far off or on I am about it.


Didn't know this going in and now I'm bummed. This show is good. I've enjoyed it WAAAY more than I thought I was going to. It's corn in all the fun ways. Hopin' to get someone else's take to see how far off or on I am about it.

I meant to try it last week but got into Peaky Blinders S3 and OITNB S5 instead. I'm hoping to get around to this sometime this week. I'll chime when I finish it up.
  • 6 months later...

So, the entire season is up and I just finished it. And I say GODDAMN that was more fun than it had any business being. Please, everyone on Hondos, if you've ever read a comic book and have love for the medium YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS SHOW! If you love any version of the Tick, whether it was the comic, the cartoon, or the first live-action YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS SHOW! Do yourself that favor. Thank you.

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