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ah you beat me to it.


they look fuckin' brillaint though don't they? especially rorschach and the comedian


i only hope that niteowl is chubbier with the suit off


more news about watchmen

Gerard Butler Gets Marooned

300 actor confirms that he’ll be starring in the Watchmen movie’s Black Freighter story


The rumors have been flying around for months about whether or not the Marooned pirate story, which appears as a comic story within the original Watchmen comic, would make it into Zack Snyder's film adaptation.


Well Gerard Butler, who starred in Snyder’s epic 300, has told Empire magazine that he will definitely be involved in an animated version that is being produced for the film.


I’m going to do the voice of the captain. They’re going to do it in the style of a Japanese anime and I’m totally stoked.


For the uninitiated, Tales Of The Black Freighter is a pirate genre comic book read by a young boy that hangs out by a Manhattan newsstand. It tells the tale of a castaway’s mental and physical deterioration and damnation as he tries to intercept a ghost freighter headed for his hometown. The comic panels from this pirate story are intertwined with panels from the main comic’s storyline, and is often accompanied by the “off center” street wisdom of an older news vendor.


Further into the interview, Butler talked a little about the Marooned storyline and how excited he was upon reading the script for the first time.


The little bits that have been added define it so much more. It’s very dark and there’s just something so descriptive and scary. It’s this descent into madness but explained in such a sane way that you totally feel it yourself. By the end, my heart was pumping!


The Empire article stated that the animated pirate story would appear on the DVD release of the film and not in the theatrical release, but an answer given to one of this site’s recent fan questions to director Zack Snyder suggests that the story may actually have a chance to set sail into theaters in 2009.


It is my intent right now, and of course all this could change, to create a version of the “Black Freighter” that thread throughout the movie. As I write this, I have already shot the ins and outs of the News Vendor and Bernard… So we’ll try them in the film and then certainly we’ll at least see them on the DVD, but if it works awesome, then it works awesome, and it could end up in the film. I just want to make the best movie I can.


Whether or not it makes it into the theatrical release, it will be interesting to see Snyder’s version of the story, and to hear everybody’s favorite Spartan voice its dramatic lead.



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i only hope that niteowl is chubbier with the suit off


I think these are probably their younger versions, and that they'll be playing much of the film aged up with makeup. At least, I assume that's why they got all these young actors to play past-their-prime superheroes.

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Kill Bill had an anime chapter as a flashback/backstory for Orin Ishii. If it somehow advances the story or is relevant, I don't see why a kid reading a comic at a newsstand couldn't transition into a short anime subplot.


yes but she was asian, anime suited that story.


anime does not suit a story about an olde english guy trying to save his family from pirates

i've no problem with animation, it just baffles me that traditional western animation is'nt gonna be used.

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yes but she was asian, anime suited that story.


anime does not suit a story about an olde english guy trying to save his family from pirates

i've no problem with animation, it just baffles me that traditional western animation is'nt gonna be used.

I don't know. It kind of depends on when the movie is supposed to be. If its in the 80's like the comic, it makes less sense (eventhough anime was still present in the west...). Now? It's much more well known, and it wouldn't be terribly wrong to uise the style.

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I don't know. It kind of depends on when the movie is supposed to be. If its in the 80's like the comic, it makes less sense (eventhough anime was still present in the west...). Now? It's much more well known, and it wouldn't be terribly wrong to uise the style.

the movie is set in the 80's




brief snippet of the hulk trailer

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From here:


The Incredible Hulk trailer is on its way. It debuts Wednesday night at 9:56 pm on all the MTV channels and Spike TV and VH1. It gets shown Thursday at ShoWest. And it plays this weekend in front of Universal pics in the theaters. (But it's also being teased on YouTube now.) I'm told the pic's producer-screenwriter-star Edward Norton helped get the trailer ready last week and loves it.


But does he also love the movie? Not yet.


I'm told that's because Norton and Marvel are clashing over how to cut the pic. Insiders say Norton was "promised tremendous involvement and access" after Marvel invited him into the core team to rewrite Zak Penn's script. Says one insider, "There's a lot of posturing going on between Edward's camp and Marvel over how you edit the final version." Sources also tell me that, starting last night and continuing at least throughout today, the actor will be holed up with Marvel Studios chairman David Maisel, Marvel Studios president of production Kevin Feige, and director Louis Leterrier to try to "reach an amicable resolution" to this $150+ million film feud.


Some insiders blame Marvel for not accepting Norton's POV about the movie. "There's a problem. Marvel won't listen to Norton about the cut," one source claims. Some blame Norton, known to be prickly. (Remember his problems with Paramount over The Italian Job and with director Tony Kaye over American History X?) "Never let an actor write a script," one insider commented. "Marvel made a mistake letting the wolf into the hen house."


But I say that, after Ang Lee's troubled The Hulk left audiences cold, The Incredible Hulk needs Edward Norton's warm support if the pic's gonna have any street cred. Some fear things blowing up to the point where Norton might not publicize the movie. And Marvel is petrified that the new Hulk may be judged "prematurely and unfairly." (Or that bloggers will start claiming the Hulk franchise is cursed.)


Right now, Marvel is said to be about 4 to 5 weeks away from locking the movie for its June 13th release by Universal whose top execs haven't yet seen it ("though some marketing guys have been working off a rough cut that's in pretty good shape," I'm told). "At this stage you always have discussions about what's in the film and what's not going to be in the film. Everyone's very passionate, and Edward is very opinionated." Said another source, "There is a very healthy exchange of ideas going on. Discussions now are even more heated. But some of Ed's best movies have had this exact dynamic to them. Everyone's in the process of figuring it out and working it out. But I expect it'll all get resolved pretty quickly."

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Since I'm one of like maybe 8 hardcore Jonah Hex fans in the fucking universe this may be only exciting to me, but this made me nearly pee down my leg in excitement. I hope this finally pans out Jonah Hex is one of DCs most underrated characters and what I would think would be a no-brainer for Garth Ennis though he's never written him.



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