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Video Game Parodies


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Hey guys, yeah I know it's been a year since I been on here. I kinda lost my way a while back :D


Anyways get a load of these 2 websites. They got some funny as f*** flash movies of video game parodies!!!






I definitely recommend checking out "Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom". It's a 4-part flash movie (parts 1-3 can be found on the first link, part 4 on the second). The guy who created it is VERY talented! He took all sorts of sprites and screen shots mostly from Super Mario Allstarts, and some from other SMB games, and added some wicked music and compiled them into a kickass flash movie! You can't take my word for it, go check it out for yourselves! :D

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Man, these sites are great....the sonic vs mario was...intrestin.


acalis, is the "Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom" the big epic one? I cant find my old links, but there was one that was only mario 1 graphics with Lord of the Rings music, and took itself pretty seriously, then there was another with SNES graphics, i think that's this one...wish i could remember the name of the Mario 1 stuff tho.


ps ok, the "Thwart Wart" one was really cool, good link!

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I think I know which one you might be talking about Nick. I saw another 4-part flash movie that was exactly what you described -- SMB1 graphics laced into a cool flash movie. I think it might be in the links below:







Check them out and let me know. :D

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I remember that big epic one. It had the Two Towers remix of the Requiem for a Dream theme, and huge armies of koopas and mushrooms fighting each other.


There was another good one where Mario got killed in battle and Luigi went out to avenge his death.


But by far, the best videogame parody has to be the one with Megaman 7 characters singing Bohemian Rhapsody.

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I was trying to go into the Pixeled Parodies site, and for some reason it is down. I was able to find the Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom movies on another site. Here are the links in case PP is not working:








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That was a pretty amazing parody! I loved the attention to detail! I wish during the battles they had an attack which they summoned the esper CATS and after the attack you get a message on top that says "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US..." now that would've been sweet :D

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So... I finally got RE4 to work on my playstation, YES! On that note, here are some parodies my bro found on RE4, my favorite one is the clip when Leon first meets up with Ashley.




the first one is somewhat funny and the fourth one ONLY at the beginning. it's only worth watching up until the first couple of lines. anyway. If you know any cooler RE parodies, SHARE! =)

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