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Draw a Band


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There is this community on Livejournal where people post their art of Musicians, bands, or anything band inspired.

Draw_a_Band originally started as a LJ meme in 2006. It is a place where drawings and music can come together and get it on. Anything music related is acceptable. From pencil sketches of Michael Jackson to Playdoh sculpture of an interpretation of lyrics to "Rock and Roll High School" by The Ramones, artistic photography too.


**When I know who drew it, I will give credit :ohface: If there is no credit, I have no idea who drew it.**


The Aquabats by mechani_kong:



Bjork by abrassea



Beck by supakhai



Cash by practice-cactus



Nico by petroldarling




If you draw, or want to share friend's drawings, or random ones you find from the net, do so! I'm going to try and actually doodle up something of some of my favorite music artists.

So get to sharing!


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