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Hondo's statistics


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]always wanting shit i cant do, like i know coding :wolvy:


what i did was made a link on the forum main page next to calendar or so that says "statistics" thatll link right there.

im debating wether or not to leave the other top 5 shit up top now, tho. im not even totally sure how to take it down....anyway, thanks panch, more thoughts!


I'm learning new shit today. Like Spongebob ws the tenth member to join? Guess he laid dormant for like 2 years.


Also, the top 8 Downloaded attachements are my own creations. Also, how did Nick's picture of himself taking a picture of himself in the mirror crack that list. Did someone make their desktop a link to that attachment?


Also, Nick would have Highest Posts Per Day in the bag for not his drunken katana swing escapades and post eradicating redemption.


Also, the Pubs is the second most posted-in forum, but doesn't even crack into the top ten highest threads.


Know what I'd liek to see, the highest view to post ratio, so we could see the threads that everyone read and no one replied in.


Also, Nick has started about 2 1/2 times as many topics as he has posts.


You just used :) again in your example, mate. If you're gonna stop using :), then stop using :). But don't tell us you're gonna stop using :), as it's counterproductive. Just don't use :) anymore




Fuckin' things...


If this where my board, they'd be the first thing to go! The second... The FAQ!


you can go straight to hell. and ill put that quote somewhere onna FAQ. too.

i still gotta put jax's revisionist history in there somewhere anyway.

  • 7 months later...

just like the top 5 thing, its only if a mod is made, and if i can get it working. We'll see...good to know someone else used this feature though.


get off my nuts, Mr T..


yet another mod/hack that's not curently available for our bold new board, but agani, ill keep an eye for it as well now that i know there's interest. I too used the "5 latest posts" thing a lot.


On a related side note: a few of you have noticed the old spoiler tags dont work. I know its inconvenient, but you gotta bear in mind: this too was a hack i put onto most forums, and now it utitlizes some of the same code as the legit ones we have bulit-in...granted, i know no one likes them as much, but they do work, and again, theyre built-in.

To put back the old ones, would very possibly leave us with 2 spoiler tag functions that dont work. Until i see/hear otherwise from anothe forum, its just not something im going to do...best we can do meantime is to quote whoever you wanna read their spoilers i guess, that trick should still work. Sorry i cant think of a better way, didnt know at the time that invision was gonna give us the hong kong knockoffs soon enough.


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