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Didn't dPREACHERig it.


Spent a good amount of time prior managing expectations and recent Marvel Cinematic effPREACHERorts have helped lower the bar significantly.


I'm so glad that they cleaPREACHERred up the confusion. Y'see he's a preaPREACHERcher by vocation AND his self-applied nickname!.


Clumsy shit like hearing the title of the fucking show every two minutes is on the nose. The voice is worse than Bale's Batman, and John Custer looks like a fuckin' nerd.


Joe Gilgun is charismatic as fuck even if Cassidy is suddenly Jason Bourne with an aversion to sunlight. His ability to fight is something that may become relevant guys.


Tu works,Saint was good to see. Turning Hugo Root or his son into anything more than a punchline is a mistake but the Sylvester the cat voice is oddly charming.


Just assessing this as a 'Supernatural drama', it still brings nothing that new to the fore, and kinda punched a counter-culture icon in the shit in the process. Now excuse me while I read why the guy who created the Sex Detectives is okay with the adaption.

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I don't know how it is in Texas, but here in Ireland you would always address a priest as "Father" almost without exception, so that didn't stand out to me at all.


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Cassidy is being chased by anti vampire crazies, possibly a combination of The Grail and Les Enfants du Sang. Don't see how that makes him a secret agent type. You acknowledge he's good otherwise, Tu is good, Saint of Killers is being set up perfectly, and personally, as long as Jesse's newfound faith is royally shat upon and thus sends him on a chases after God, I'm not seeing the issues here.



In unrelated news.



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Im pretty damn happy you're liking it ASC. I think were all pretty damn surprised (aside from maybe Baytor, who I gathered as the most optimistic among us, and JZA who just cant even rn)


I'm liking Jesse's personality so far. I saw someone who said they were glad he wasnt all super macho like in the book. I gotta agree there, it could make him look extremely douchey in the adaptation.

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I don't know how it is in Texas, but here in Ireland you would always address a priest as "Father" almost without exception, so that didn't stand out to me at all.


Depends on the branch. Methodists tend to favor "Brother" or "Sister", I think Baptists do as well, but the most popular nomenclature I've head is either "Reverend" or "Pastor." "Preacher" is used kind of informally or sarcastically, which I think is telling of how the people of Annville feel about Jesse. Maybe it's more of a Southern thing, I'm not sure. Jesse appears to be Episcopal if his collar and the general Catholic trappings of his church are any indication so maybe that's a thing with them.

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man, if those are the worst knocks to be said of the show, it's shooting far over expectations. i'm honestly thinking we're spoiled here, just like i did with civil war, ironically. the meat of this book (no pun) is shining here, while a lotta the fluff - and as was said, some of the macho/etc stuff that'd not transfer quite as well - were cut.


baytor's theory about Salvation has me even more hyped, and actually makes all the shit we heard earlier - his ma, odin showing up early/ etc - make sense and takes an entire arc i thought for sure would be cut entirely - potentially work better than i thought the book handled it. only 2 eps in, and i was just telling panch how the changes alone show how much the showrunners "get" it.

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the meat of this book (no pun) is shining here





only 2 eps in, and i was just telling panch how the changes alone show how much the showrunners "get" it.


That includes fucking Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg of all people. I'm kinda looking forward to seeing The Boys happen now.

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If they can handle Preacher they can handle The Boys. The Boys is just Preacher with superheroes replaced in place of Christian mythology and a much different thought process on machismo (also a lot less company-mandated restraint on the part of the publisher to rein in Ennis' worst tendencies.)

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fuck The Boys, i want Hitman even if there's 0 chance it'd happen/work on any level that's not animated


also loving that AMC redone cover, and i likewise dig how much he's doing with fans at cons already too. hope they come out this way sometime!

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BvS was faithful to fuckall, but that's neither here or there


i think this is going to great lengths to be faithful to something that'd not work nearly as well if it was panel for panel...but let's take your complaints individually, aside from the sex detectives shot (which a faithful adaptation would have, mind)


Clumsy shit like hearing the title of the fucking show every two minutes is on the nose. The voice is worse than Bale's Batman, and John Custer looks like a fuckin' nerd.


he's a preacher here for longer than issue 1, i get that's throwing you off but in the south, you'd call a pracher a preacher, so im not seeing it

the voice is fine by me, though i wish his eyes would redden, personally


we've seen his pa for like 3 seconds


Joe Gilgun is charismatic as fuck even if Cassidy is suddenly Jason Bourne with an aversion to sunlight.


that was one scene, and last ep he barely handled the angels...yeah, he was a strangely competent fighter on the plane (throwing stuff seems to be a thing), but still feels like nitpicking for what you just called good casting


Turning Hugo Root or his son into anything more than a punchline is a mistake but the Sylvester the cat voice is oddly charming.


im with baytor - they're setting up angleville for a later season, so we're getting more supporting cast. also, arseface as a soapbox potshot on generation X grunge fans is as fine an example as any of why something as literal as you might fancy wouldn't work, i think

i'd not say they're overly-developing root, personally...and i hope you've made peace with us likely not getting his beloved tagline

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I don't know how it is in Texas, but here in Ireland you would always address a priest as "Father" almost without exception, so that didn't stand out to me at all.


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Cassidy is being chased by anti vampire crazies, possibly a combination of The Grail and Les Enfants du Sang. Don't see how that makes him a secret agent type. You acknowledge he's good otherwise, Tu is good, Saint of Killers is being set up perfectly, and personally, as long as Jesse's newfound faith is royally shat upon and thus sends him on a chases after God, I'm not seeing the issues here.




Nick touches on it above, I'm addressing his prowess which you might recall plays significantly into characterisation and later events.


Having read that Ennis interview and further comments I'm just not satisfied that the showrunners get it the way everybody claims.

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Nick touches on it above, I'm addressing his prowess which you might recall plays significantly into characterisation and later events.


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Him being a competent fighter doesn't mean Jesse still can't kick his ass when the time comes. I do get where you're coming from though. But I just feel (and I know I was guilty of failing to do this in the series buildup) let's hold off and wait to see if changes made now do detrimentally affect later moments in the story, and if so then call it, but not before.


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ep 3!


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damn, we got an Herr Starr cameo, more Quincannon, Jesse manifesting/trying out the word, Cass meeting the seraphim...busy ep.


don't know who Carlos is, thinking that's a new subplot...gotta admit, when they first showed the shorter half of that flashback and it was just Tu yelling, i thought TC & Jody snatched up Jesse or something...no idea what we're looking at here


again though, Baytor's idea of Angleville as a later season Salvation makes more & more sense every ep...we're dealing too much with building the people of that town & Jesse's desire to save them. we all know this is gonna have them all over creation, but they're clearly making that a more central point, i think


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ep 3!




don't know who Carlos is, thinking that's a new subplot...gotta admit, when they first showed the shorter half of that flashback and it was just Tu yelling, i thought TC & Jody snatched up Jesse or something...no idea what we're looking at here




Thought the same exact thing.

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