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Room 1408

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Just found out this one comes out next friday...im so down for this; the trailer makes it look like a good supernatural/Silent Hill: The Room kind of horror. Its apparently a short story by Stephen King, which seems to be the kind that transfers best to film, for him - Cusack and Jackson, cant be too bad.


Site's here, with the trailer, if you havent yet caught it - anyone else interested in this one?

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I've read the story before. It's in his compilation book, "Everything's Eventual"


I read it so long ago...back in '02 and it doesn't even ring a bell...


I'm not a scary movie fan, but being as the man of my dreams is starring in it, I just might take one for the team and catch it.


I wonder if we're going to have premiere tickets for this one...I wouldn't go out of my way to pay to see it...

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Plus ghost movies really don't need gore and no horror movie actually NEEDS nudity, it just comes standard.

Bullshit! One, on an artistic level, the nudity works because it makes the viewer feel vulnerable. The idea of being attacked by a monster/ghost/zombie/vampire/psycho killer when nude, when one is less guarded, strips the fear down to the raw emotional core. Two, on a more pragmatic level, a woman who sees nudity in a date movie is 65% more likely to put out that very night. It that statistic bullshit? Yes, but goddamnit, it FEELS right.

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hello, my name is jax, but not really.

i dont likes me some horror. ill pay to go see comedies mostly, but nothing that'd frighten me. in that, im like a woman.

but, at least im an honest woman, cause before id go with the NZA to horror films and even horror events and dear me, id just bitch bitch bitch because its soooo important to remind people my constant cynicism only allows suspension of belief when things are animated. and funny! *tee hee*


that's the gist of it. as a genre, horror's not for everyone.

Missed this one last night, gonna try again next week.

75% on rottentomatoes.com isnt bad for a horror, given the lesser ones weve seen these days, so im still pretty excited. Jax, on the other hand, wants to go see Evan Almighty or some shit.

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Bullshit! One, on an artistic level, the nudity works because it makes the viewer feel vulnerable. The idea of being attacked by a monster/ghost/zombie/vampire/psycho killer when nude, when one is less guarded, strips the fear down to the raw emotional core. Two, on a more pragmatic level, a woman who sees nudity in a date movie is 65% more likely to put out that very night. It that statistic bullshit? Yes, but goddamnit, it FEELS right.


Statistics aside, I've heard that arguement. That's a very scientific way of saying "I wanna see me some titties!" and it's rarely presented in that manner, in fact when they do use that scenerio it never shows anything but a bare shoulder or an asscheek.

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So, anyone else actually go see this?


I thought it was great, a really good movie amongst a see of horror let-downs. You go in already liking Cusack, and he doesnt change that one bit. Seeing him fall apart was well done (even with some of the cliche "room's spinning while i yell" scenes) but the simple, gamer review? This was everything Silent Hill 4: The Room shouldve been, seriously.


Its freaky on a lot of levels, its well thought out for the simple premise, its executed in a way that really pulls the suspense without going over the top too much, and the ending couldve gone like a dozen ways and really let you down, and it didnt do any of those. This was one of King's shorts that has some similiarites to, say, The Shining without feeling like youve seen/read it before. Oh, and Sam Jackson was just as fun as usual.


Id actually be down to see it again with Panch or others, with less giggling teens sitting nearby. In other news, Jax is right, i dont know how i missed Dolphin Mall being the new fucking Hot Wheels or something....anyway, i went in hoping for a better horror piece than Hostel 2 or something supernature like White Noise or something, so mebbe it was my expectations, but this was really great.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
hello, my name is jax, but not really.

i dont likes me some horror. ill pay to go see comedies mostly, but nothing that'd frighten me. in that, im like a woman.

but, at least im an honest woman, cause before id go with the NZA to horror films and even horror events and dear me, id just bitch bitch bitch because its soooo important to remind people my constant cynicism only allows suspension of belief when things are animated. and funny! *tee hee*


that's the gist of it. as a genre, horror's not for everyone.

Missed this one last night, gonna try again next week.

75% on rottentomatoes.com isnt bad for a horror, given the lesser ones weve seen these days, so im still pretty excited. Jax, on the other hand, wants to go see Evan Almighty or some shit.


so yeah, i was spot-on here. i dont recommend any horror films of any kind to you, because you're too boring to enjoy them.


to everyone else: this was great. Between this, REC, The Mist & a few others, there's some good horror going on amongst the abundance of shit lately. check with baytor.

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This movie disappointed the shit out of me. Thank christ I didn't swing by hear & see your heartfelt endorsement prior to or it would've firther. I went in with minimal expectation & still managed to be let down by the hokey-as-fuck story & 4th grade special effects. All actors involved did the best they could with what they had, Jackson was slightly cheesy at moments, but for the most part I felt as bad for them as I did for me. I feel like JC & I have a bond now, having come out of this weathered, but mostly intact.

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